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Who Voted?

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Old 02-04-2009, 07:26 PM
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The biggest problem I have with Obama is his choice of VP and cabinet members. I mean, look at Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi,if those aren'ttwo crazy antihunting, gun grabbingliberals thenI don't know what is. Then his whole stimulus bill. Actually theres a thread on it in the politics forum right now, go take a look at that and you tell me if any of the organizations he is giving money to is going to stimulate the economy. Theres even talk of giving several million to ACORN, a known anti hunting organization.Heres another one that really burns me- we're gonna have to foot the bill for the several millions to be spent building abortion clinics overseas. To be honest, I'm disgusted with the idea of abortion, and the thought that my tax dollars will have to fund something like that makes me want to puke. Last but not least, wealth redistribution. Now I have absolutely no problem with helping people. But handing out my hard earned money to people too lazy to get off the damn couch and get a job doesn't set right with me. Then these same people try to tell us we owe them because we're more successful. Don't even get me started on that one. I guess I can sum this up in one sentence= I'll keep my guns, money, and freedom, and y'all can keep the "change".
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Old 02-04-2009, 08:02 PM
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ORIGINAL: StruttinGobbler3

The biggest problem I have with Obama is his choice of VP and cabinet members. I mean, look at Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi,if those aren'ttwo crazy assantihunting, gun grabbingliberals thenI don't know what is. Then his whole stimulus bill. Actually theres a thread on it in the politics forum right now, go take a look at that and you tell me if any of the organizations he is giving money to is going to stimulate the economy. Theres even talk of giving several million to ACORN, a known anti hunting organization.Heres another one that really burns me- we're gonna have to foot the bill for the several millions to be spent building abortion clinics overseas. To be honest, I'm disgusted with the idea of abortion, and the thought that my tax dollars will have to fund something like that makes me want to puke. Last but not least, wealth redistribution. Now I have absolutely no problem with helping people. But handing out my hard earned money to people too lazy to get off the damn couch and get a job doesn't set right with me. Then these same people try to tell us we owe them because we're more successful. Don't even get me started on that one. I guess I can sum this up in one sentence= I'll keep my guns, money, and freedom, and y'all can keep the "change".

Jesus.... Where do I begin with this one? I guess the whole thing is quite "worthless", is that right word?

One: Nancy Pelosi wasn't a cabinet choice... she is the speaker of the House of Representatives.... she serves terms like everyone else... if you don't know anything about government stucture, i'd suggest you do some research. Now Obama's VP choice is quite excellent actually, and has done numerous projects to support rights in this country... gun laws being a small portion.

Two: I won't argue that there is some worthless stuff in Obama's stimulus plan.... but that was a draft, and that's what happens when things are rushed. To answer your question.... YES, these companies that are recieving millions will stimulate the economy; it's called JOB CREATION.... Why shouldn't ACORN recieve money? just because they support ideals that are different of yours? Abortion Clinics are an excelt choice as well. Though you and others may not support the idea of abortion, this bill will see to it that the whole process is done right and effectively, limiting the number of deaths when undergoing operation.

Three: Wealth redistrabution has been happening for years buddy ( under GWB too ) you just didn't care to noticed. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the Bush tax cuts were redistrabution at it's finest... Giving millions of tax breaks to the wealthiest people in America and giving almost nothing to the middle and lower class. ( thanks GOD, President Obama passed an order today capping all executive pay )

Four: Your last line is very arrogant, and suggest you put a little more thought into "summing up" your statements...... The Dems will not take your guns, never have and never will... They aren't taking your money, because I highly doubt that someone here in the youth forum is make $250,000+.. if you knew much of anything about the Obama tax cuts you would realize that YOU, making less than $250,000+ a year will actually be recieving a tax BREAK... as well as 98% of America and 95% of small buisnesses. And what is up the freedom comment? what freedom's are they taking away?
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Old 02-05-2009, 08:32 AM
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Default RE: Who Voted?

How could anyone think abortion is right? Its ending a childs lifeIts not anybodys job to decide if that livinglittle human in ur body should live or die...And to do it cause some women got pregnant and she doesnt want to have to give birthor does not want the baby she aborts it?Put it for human has a purpose and we are killing millions of them cause of our selfishnature...I am open to many other thingwhen it comes to politics but when it comes to abortion....I hate it it makes me wanna puke
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Old 02-05-2009, 08:56 AM
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Oh sorry about that I meant to type in Pelosi was part of the House, I was in a rush when I typed this last night, but anyway back to the point. First lets get the unpleasantness out of the way. Youmade a statement of my last sentence being arrogant. Yet you call my entire post worthless? I'm afraidI see a tad of arrogance there myself. The laststatement in my previous postis a saying, meant to be takenas a joke. Now back to the present.I'm not an expert in politcs, butI dolove a good debate, so thankyou for obliging me[8D]. Anyway, I haven't researched muchon Joe Biden, he probably has done some worthwhile things for this country. But, take a look at his past voting record and its quite obvious that he is a very strong advocate for gun control. I do not believe that guns can be taken away, but I do believe they can chip away at our gun rights piece by piece, and make the cost of gun ownership very expensive(ammo taxes). Anybody remember the AWB (Assault Weapons Ban) under the Clinton administration? At one point that was on Obamas website, saying he planned to reinstate it. Basically making it illegal to purchase an AR-15 or similar firearm. Therefore yet another strike at the Second Amendment.

Now for your second point. Yes some of the companies recieving money will create jobs. But there are several that as you said, seem quite worthless. As for ACORN, I don't see how they will aid in job creation or stimulation of our economy. I see that money funding further anti-gun and anti-hunting projects, so I would think anyone that enjoys hunting and gun ownership would be concerned. As for abortion, you and I are on opposite sides of the fence, my friend. I personally do not agree with abortion in any shape or form, and to me there is no way to kill a child the "right" way.

Your third point. I did not agree with everything Bush did during his administration, especially his tax cuts. So yes, I'll agree with you there. But it seems President Obama is talking about wealth redistribution on a much larger scale, almost to the degree of socialism. And I do applaud President Obama for capping executive pay.

Now to your fourth and final point. As for the arrogance statement, I addressed that earlier in this post. As for Obama's tax cuts, I know all about those. Yes I understand he was talking about taxing those that made 250,000 and more. But if you have noticed, it seems he has backed off that stance lately. Haven't heard much about that in the last several weeks, have we? And even if he does put these taxes into place, I'm still not sure I agree with them. Those people making that kind of money had ambition and worked hard to get to that point (not saying that people making less don't work hard, trust me, I farm, and I don't see near that kind of money), but placing exorbitant taxes on them is almost like putting a penalty on success. I'll check back in tonight after work, I look forward to continuing this debate. Have a good day.
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Old 02-05-2009, 01:49 PM
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All Democrats are fairly strict when I comes to gun control regulations…. But what I feel the bigger problem here is, is that you ( when you see the words “gun control” ) miss interpret the meaning…. Gun Control doesn’t mean that someone is going to take your guns nor right to bare arms away, it means simply mean “control”.

Example: President Obama and his Administration are going to pass a piece of legislation that requires that all people in the process of buying a fire arm will have to undergo a background check prior to purchasing a gun….. I feel that’s the right thing to do……… Another Example: President Obama and his Administration will pass legislation that says “no previous convicted felon will be allowed to purchase a fire arm in the United States of America. That too, I feel is right.

Also, if you’d like some info on Vice President Binden…… most can be found here.

Now you said in your second paragraph that I mentioned several companies that will be receiving bailout money in this stimulus bill….. No, I mentioned one….. ACORN…….. The reason they will aid in job creation is simple…. ACORN is an organization that often performs agricultural aid… If they want to perform this task, they need workers…. If they want workers, they need money to pay them. So job creation is one factor, and the second factor is money spawn…. The money that ACORN then spends on any kind of project will then be given to another company.

As far as your abortion comment…… I’m going to leave that one untouched, if you’d like to PM me about that’s fine, or even make another thread….. Human rights isn’t the subject here.

You say that Obama has backed off his plans to fulfill his campaign promises….. Not true…. The tax cut’s to 98% of America are included in the stimulus package. People who make $250,000+ will be seeing a tax raise and the rest who make less than that will be getting a tax break. BTW… these people who make $250,000+ will not be paying taxes any high than they did under President Regan.
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Old 02-05-2009, 01:58 PM
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Voted for McClain
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Old 02-05-2009, 03:26 PM
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Ok, time to throw my hat into the ring.

How does funding abortion in other nations help decrease our national debt? We are spending millions of dollars to force a issue on nations that requested we not give it to them in the first place, this does not decrease the deficeit but increses it by a large sum.

Kaibab i guess you havent ever looked at what it takes to buy a firearm CURRANTLY you currantly can not own a firearm if you are a convicted felon, you currantly have to pass background checks to own a firearm depending on your state. But what President Obama has said he wants to do is reinstate the Clinton Weapons Ban, which puts a magazine capacity on all weapons, outlaws the purchasing of weapons that were created for a military or police use from being purchased by a private citizen. The bill that is currantly in congress would instate a fee to apply to be licensed to own a gun, but you can be denied for no reason at the descretion of the Attorny General.

Also you claim that they gave their money to ACCORN for the sole reaseon of creating jobs, and we do not have a right to be worried or offended by this action, woulld you say the same to anti-hunting groups if they gave money to organizations that openly support hunting? The could have been given to DU NWTF RMEF, ect. for the same reason it was given to ACCORN but it wasnt, in fact those are larger companies and organizations that are employing more people, and woulld hire more if they had the means.

You also are blindly following Obama thinking that he is different from every other member of his party when it comes to taxes, wrong, i see him increasing taxes in his upcoming years, or else he will bankcrupt our nation spending on things that our nation cant offord, nor even attempting on getting the money to pay them, refer back to my first paragraph for the example of unnecesary spending
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Old 02-05-2009, 06:20 PM
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obama is lying to america and not a good president already
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Old 02-05-2009, 10:54 PM
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Default RE: Who Voted?

Ok, time to throw my hat into the ring.

How does funding abortion in other nations help decrease our national debt? We are spending millions of dollars to force a issue on nations that requested we not give it to them in the first place, this does not decrease the deficeit but increses it by a large sum.

Holy hell….. How many times does someone need to answer the same question to get people to understand?

What are you talking about? You obviously took this way out of context….. Once again, it’s all about job creation, it gets the unemployed up on their feet andinto the system where they will continuethe flow of national income. The United States isn’t forcing any country to build these clinics, these contriesobviously want them ( that‘s why they‘ve allowed us to proceed )….. America doesn’t force, remember that. It does decrease the yearly deficit!, once again it creates jobs, America will then charge and tax each country who wishes to use these clinics, as well as each women undergoing the procedure ( except taxing ). The gross income will then be taken to the U.S……. and that’s how we make money

Kaibab i guess you havent ever looked at what it takes to buy a firearm CURRANTLY you currantly can not own a firearm if you are a convicted felon, you currantly have to pass background checks to own a firearm depending on your state. But what President Obama has said he wants to do is reinstate the Clinton Weapons Ban, which puts a magazine capacity on all weapons, outlaws the purchasing of weapons that were created for a military or police use from being purchased by a private citizen. The bill that is currantly in congress would instate a fee to apply to be licensed to own a gun, but you can be denied for no reason at the descretion of the Attorny General.

The Clinton Weapons Ban was great actually….. My family bought numerous fire arms during the Clinton presidency and never encountered a problem…….. So what’s wrong with having an ammo capacity for clips? Why do you need a hundred round clip for a weapon?….give me one reasonable answer…… “cause it’s fun” ? lol….. That won’t fly.

Your last sentence in this paragraph has numerous grammatical errors and has poor sentence structure…. It’s fairly tough to follow….. But I’m going to try to answer itfor you……….. I believe the reason the gov. wants to pose a feeon all citizens in the process of applying to purchase a fire arm is simply to make money.

Now you CAN’T be denied for just any old reason…… they have their reasons ( which I don’t have the details on )…. If you think otherwise, please give me some evidence to refer too, instead of just throwing that in there.

Also you claim that they gave their money to ACCORN for the sole reaseon of creating jobs, and we do not have a right to be worried or offended by this action, woulld you say the same to anti-hunting groups if they gave money to organizations that openly support hunting? The could have been given to DU NWTF RMEF, ect. for the same reason it was given to ACCORN but it wasnt, in fact those are larger companies and organizations that are employing more people, and woulld hire more if they had the means.

Funding ACORN or any other similarbusiness, will benefit the economy because they will create JOBS…. (JOB CREATION)….. How many times do I need to state that…… come on now, once more with me: JOB CREATION. Got it now? Do I need to explain to you how job creation helps with national debt too? Those companies: DU NWTF RMEF didn't ask for bailout money, nor did they claim for any fincial help.... that's why ACORN is GOING to recieve money ( they haven't yet ).... pretty simple to figure out actually..... You're acting like the bailout package is bias or something.

You also are blindly following Obama thinking that he is different from every other member of his party when it comes to taxes, wrong, i see him increasing taxes in his upcoming years, or else he will bankcrupt our nation spending on things that our nation cant offord, nor even attempting on getting the money to pay them, refer back to my first paragraph for the example of unnecesary spending

This statement truly makes your arrogance shine.

Where have I said and or shown that I am blinded by following Obama ( I never once claimed he was any different than the rest of the Democrats ) when it comes to taxes??????

Of course he will increase taxes… I’ve said that numerous times before in this thread. Did you actually read any of it? You must not have……

Just incase you haven’t noticed…. The country is bankrupt…. We’ve been in this situation for about 5 years now……. We do spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need nor that we can afford. For example, GWB’s favorite: the Iraq War ( which has cost billions and has been a complete failure ) and the once again the Bush Tax Cuts……

Now finally but not the least; how is the Obama Admin. ot attempting to get any of this money back? He’s ending the Iraq war, and launching a massive stimulus package that will: hence the word STIMULATE the economy. I would call that, ATTEMPTING to gain all losses back.

BTW: Let’s not forget who it was that produced this country’s last BUDGET SURPLUS…. Bill Clinton ( Democrat )

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Old 02-06-2009, 04:00 AM
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Default RE: Who Voted?

ORIGINAL: bayou_buckslayer

How could anyone think abortion is right? Its ending a childs lifeIts not anybodys job to decide if that livinglittle human in ur body should live or die...And to do it cause some women got pregnant and she doesnt want to have to give birthor does not want the baby she aborts it?Put it for human has a purpose and we are killing millions of them cause of our selfishnature...I am open to many other thingwhen it comes to politics but when it comes to abortion....I hate it it makes me wanna puke

dead on!!
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