tips on short reed
tips on short reed
i have a canada hammer 2 that i just baught i had been callin'on a primosflute; i can call slow with the feeding, clucks, and growling, when i try to speed up thereedlocks updo i need to tune the call or is it me?
RE: tips on short reed
I had a canada hammer and it was a decent short reed in my opinion. It is a hard transition to go from a flute to a short reed but just keep practicing. If you feel that your call isn't tuned right, make sure you mark where the reeds touch the other parts of the guts with a pen or fine point sharpie or something. Once you start messing with the inserts and everything it's hard to get it back to the original position.
RE: tips on short reed
Your guts might not be broken in yet. Or you could be blowing too hard, short reeds take very little air. Make sure you aren't pushing out your cheeks, blow from your diapghram. I don't have any experience with that particular call, but these tips should get ya up an running!
RE: tips on short reed
i have the same call all buck gardners are pre-tuned and tested either its you just blowing to hard or it got mesed up in transportation. also check to make sure you holding it right and putting it in your moulth right! hope this helps!
RE: tips on short reed
everyone here makes great points. Something I have notived is that most people "including myself" blow a short reed call way to hard. I used to blow a Big River flute. Now I exclusively use Bill Saunders calls. There WAY easier to blow then a flute in my opinion. You will figure it out. just takes a little practice!