Compact tripod for video
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 57
Compact tripod for video
I'm looking for a good tripod to video turkey hunts. I was hoping to find something small enough to stuff in my vest that I could also attach my Bogen 3130 fluid head to (3/8" female). Will I have to custom fit/drill one, or does someone make a small one that I can still attach my video head to? Mostof the ones I've seen are pretty large. Any ideas? Thanks!
RE: Compact tripod for video
I've never seen one small enough to attach that style of head. I've always heard that larger the tripod the more sturdy it is. For self filming, you might have to sacrifice the use of a fluid head if you're wanting a compact tripod.
RE: Compact tripod for video
You can buy adapter studs that will down size from 3/8" to 5/16" that will allow you to put your 3130 on any crappy tripod, notice I said crappy because most if not all compact tripods are not worth the tin they are made of.............if you want good video you will want a good tripod that will hold your camera securely and allow you to pan fluidly.
RE: Compact tripod for video
Lungbuster said it best just go with a good tripod because by time you have to buy 3 or 4 cheep ones because they keep breaking,you are just going to end up buying a good one in the end!!