post some stories to get us siked!!i got a few already and i only hunted 3 years...on and my dad had this bird patterned to come up to us at exactly a certain time...every morning same time within a minitue or day he came up in range...but in a ton of saplings...and got scared and ran...thats when i saw him..and i was told not to shot a running bird...and my dad tagged out...and neither of us kne he was dads like hmmm...get up on that big rock and make sure you can see the trail above you...there was a game commision trail goin down a hill...and we were below it...i get all set up and wisper telling my dad that i cant see the trail...hes like...well dont worry about it ...that birds not dumb enough to walk up a trail!...sure enough we call him in...with hens....i can hear him spitting and drummin..and his feathers crack as he goes in and comes outa strut...hes within 5 yds...i cant move or hed be gone...and i cant se him coz he did wut we didnt think he would.....well these are jsut a few bad experiences....
RE: storys...
I know every one of us has stories to tell, but I would like to recommend to you a book called "The Flaming Turkey" by Robert Hitt Neal. Its full of stories just like you are talking about and you can take it with you are away from the computer. Bob's a great story teller, too.