New Bowpress?
New Bowpress?
I am currently in the market for a new bowpress and like with everything else, it must be the best. Price does not matter. So, I need some help finding the best bowpress on the market. Remember, my bows are all heavy poundage (70#+) and the press needs to be able to support that kind of pressure. I only mention this because I say that Last Chance Archery bow presses are only able to handle 70#. Right now, I am leaning towards the Sure-Loc X-press because I have used it at Gander Mountain and it works great. I do not like the Apple bow presses because I thought that it was harder to press certain bows in them than in the Sure-Loc. So, what I need to know is if there are any better bow presses on the market than the Sure-Loc X-press.
RE: New Bowpress?
I was going to say X_Press till I saw you already have used one. Is it the best? Who knows. I haven't used every one on the market. I have used enough to know it'll do whatever you want to use it for. What else could you ask?
RE: New Bowpress?
About the Apple pro series presses. Why is the Super Pro more expensive than the Dual Super Pro Extreme? It looks like I'd get more with the Dual Super Pro Extreme, but it cost's $75 less. That makes me think that I am missing something. If not, I will buy that Dual Super Pro Extreme and be glad to have saved some money.
RE: New Bowpress?
The X-press is very nice and can press every single bow that comes into Gander. I have no complaints about it. The point of this thread is to determine if there is something better out there. Maybe there is not and in that case, I will buy an X-press.