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QAD ultrarest problem

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Old 02-07-2006, 09:40 PM
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Default RE: QAD ultrarest problem

ORIGINAL: Len in Maryland

You asked if I would recommend a rest. I don't do that for anyone.

I can't believe you just said that.

I asked you what rest you recommend because I see how you make all kinds of comments about everyone's gear having issues, but you never have an opinion on a products that will meet or exceed a customers expectations for that category of drop away rest. I don't know what your trying to prove, but it's not working. It's easy to find problems with any equipment if you dig deep enough and aren't willing to learn how to tune it, it's another thing to offer a solution. I wasn't asking because I need a new rest, I was asking to see if you believe in anything asstrongly as I do about the QAD.

I have employees here at work who "sit in the back of the class" so to speak, and complain about everything under the sun, they are never happy with anything. Get them in front of a group of real men and ask them for a solution to a minor issue in their work day, they usually never have an answer. They just like to complain, it's their mentality.[&o] I don't think you have this kind of mentality, but I do think you are out to prove a point. All I have to say is this...who else would sit here out in the open on this forumand keep taking "hits and digs" about a good rest if they didn't truly believe in it. It would be refreshing to see some others have a belief in something vs. just trying to find faults.


Everytime I call QAD, a lady answers the phone, I ask for Tech Services or Charles and I get him on the phone within1 minute. Never had a problem, try again. They are great people.
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:58 PM
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Default RE: QAD ultrarest problem

ORIGINAL: MilDotMaster

I guess I get all amped up about my gear because I spent weeks researching evey piece that went on my bow. I don't think I could have put any more thought into everything that I decided on. I'm a researching fool. I didn't just pick one and call it the best in my opinion. I gathered numerous information and made a decision based off of all the info I had. When it came down to a rest; I read in several places about the accuracy gains with using a drop away, so that's why I picked this category or rest. I have a high attention to detail, so tinkering with stuff doesn't bother me, I actually like it.I can see where other hunters would be lost trying to tune this thing or be worried about it staying in tune in the field under harsh conditions. Your rest is a great rest and is still the top seller, but I was concerned with how it would effect longer range accuracy. That's why it's good we have so many choices to match our personalities.
What I'm trying to tell you is.....get out there and HUNT first. Yes put research into your equipment to get you started but try not to go "overboard" with all this research and "tweeking" you are doing.The information you seek will come in time and most of it will make more sense once you have actually put it to use in field conditions. All the research in the world will not make you a good bow hunter. That only comes with time spent in the field with a bow in your hands. It's then you will be able to determine what works for you.....not at a range but for real.

I think you are putting too much thought into it and that leads to second guessing yourself. Now I understand you like to tinker, but that is the last think I would recommend to a beginner archer & bow hunter. Trying to absorb it all at once may not be what is best. There is an old saying about having "just enough information to be dangerous" I know you want to "get into the loop" as fast as you can, but no matter how hard you try you are still going to need BOW HUNTING experience before you get there.

I think you have a pretty good idea of the basics, now put it to use. Don't worry about trying to squeeze another 3fps or 5lbs of KE or the balance of both from your bow or it's equipment. Get the rest to work and leave it alone, then go hunt with it. Your worried about 60yd shots when you should be thinking about just getting a shot!

I know the terrain you are talking about and I have hunted terrain just like it and even worse.I know you think you will be forced to shoot long distances but that is just not true. I have been in the high country of California and I know what you are talking about. While it has it'sown challenges they are no different than what people on this board faceacross this country every day. California does not hold exclusive rights to difficult bow hunting. You will find different challenges in other states but they are all challenges none the less.

Your time would be better spent trying to figure out how to get closer to your quary than it would be trying to set up for long "low percentage" shots. Before you say it, I know people take and make kill shots at those distances every year...but they are still low percentage shots. That means that far sooner than later bad hits and lost game will be unavoidable.
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Old 02-08-2006, 01:04 AM
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Default RE: QAD ultrarest problem


WOW! We went from talking about how to rig the QAD rest to Hunting Counseling 101.

Please don't take what I say as me being mean to you, I just want you to see things through my eyes. All your advice is great advice for the average person. Thanks for your time, but I do find it necessary to clarify a few things and justify my actions for all the reasons I strive for perfection in everything I do.

I have been hunting since I was 7 or 8 years old, I am now 31. I hate to burst anybody’s bubble, but hunting isn’t the hardest hobby in the world and neither is shooting a bow when you have the right gear. Hunting is hunting no matter what your tool of choice is. Same basic fundamentals apply to be successful. The entire reason I hunt where I do is the challenge I find in getting 8 miles into some of the steepest country with a 60 pound pack on my back and back out in one weekend. That challenge is what keeps me going back, it tests every bit of mental strength you have. Physical strength has very little to do with it in my opinion, it’s all mental strength. My friend Joshua was in the military and during his time went through some harsh training, I warned him ahead of time before going into the Alps and he said no big deal. Well, he went on one hunting trip with me and said it was the hardest thing he has done in his life. He was cursing me all the way to the top and I was hauling all my gear, plus his water and tent. To this day he won’t go back. Almost every other person I take doesn’t return due to the mental challenge in the terrain and distance I hunt in, it's funny to hear there well thought out excuses. I hunt in this area because I crave it. So I have to politely disagree with your comments about hunting in the Trinity Alps in California. My challenge will always begetting into and out ofthe Trinity Alps Wilderness Area, not learning how to tune and shoot a bow, I’m getting these details work out as we speak. As far as your concerns with me gaining real experience, I have no concerns about watching an animal from a distance two days before season opens, intersecting his path and placing an arrow in a large 6 inch diameter vital kill zone. Let me worry about that part. I’m having fun here on this web sight and as soon as I get bored I will be moving on. If I can help somebody who has gone through some of the same issues I have, then I will be glad to help them. You don’t need to be a 10 yearexpert bow hunter to give advice or help others. Right now I’m a sponge for archery topics, just like I was a sponge with my other hobbies. I go through hobbies like some peoplego throughunderwear. Why? Because when the challenge is gone, I move on. All these questions I ask will bring good results and since your so into my personal business here is why I believe so.

Throughout the years I have had numerous hobbies, I had my pilot’s license when I was just over 17 years old because my dad didn’t know what else to do to challenge me, all other normal sports were not enough. By the age of 22, I was bored withflying airplanesand dropped it like a hot rock. While interacting with my hobbies I always run into somebody such as yourself who tells me to slow down and I need to just get experience first. Let’s take racing for an example…my rookie year I had sponsored team driver and crew chiefs from other teams telling me it will take 5 years for me to be in the top 5 if I can drive and get help from an experienced team. Well I was in the top 3 my first year and did it all with very limited resources. These very same people who laughed at me when I rolled up my first year, where the same people who now had to figure out how to pass me out on the track. See I had no sponsorship to lose, they did, so it made them sick that a new driver was all in their business. After all, these seasoned team drivers have been doing this for years at these same tracks and already have there notes. Do you think this 1 year success came from getting driving experience the “slow way” like everybody else does…NO, not in my case. When the hand and eye coordination is there, the rest came from research, taking notes and testing before race day; the same thing I’m doing now with archery. In racing I was obsessed with every detail and loved it. Every single detail was calculated ahead of time and for a changing outside air temperature. I’m a big believer in having the right equipment and knowledge before I do anything. Don’t worry about me gaining experience with this silly little bow; that will fall into place. Like I said before, hunting in my opinion isn’t that challenging, but the country I hunt in is.

As another example: my other hobby of long range shooting out to 1000 yards and reloading; you need the right equipment and it needs to be tuned precisely. You can have all the shooting skill or experience in the world, but you won’t be accurate unless you have the right equipment for 1000 yard shooting. Yes many said I don't need to shoot at that range, kinda like you telling me not to practice at 60 yards.Do you see the pattern here, having the right equipment is the most important part for me to be successful in everything I do, that’s why I like the Tech forum best. Nothing wrong with my approach in getting the details worked out, it has given me excellent results all my life as long as I don't let others put limits on my learning curve. 3 inch groups at 60 yards with 443 grain hunting arrows…come on people this has very little to do with me. I spent weeks researching products and when you put them all together this is what you get when you have the right equipment. My local dealer is disgusted with my questions about testing arrow spine, he thinks I need 5 or more years before I need to worry about that stuff. I say, ya right. I heard the same thing from a shop owner in my racing hobby when he found out I had carburetor jet sizes matched with the outside air temperatures and tools to take track temperatures to match tire pressure. He changed his mind on race day. The sooner my local archery dealer changes his mind, the less internet orders I will have to do to get what I want.

Please don’t get irritated with my research on this website, I like asking questions that many new bow hunters don’t even know needed to be asked or what their purpose is. This is how I learn at a fast rate. Why don’t you please try talking somebody who has no attention to detail into changing their ways vs. trying to talk me into not paying attention to the details? Your time would be better spent. I hope you have enjoyed my version of Hunting Counseling 101.

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Old 02-08-2006, 02:28 AM
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kinda like you telling me not to practice at 60 yards.
Please show me where I said you shouldn't practice at 60yds? I was talking about hunting at 60 yds. Please take the time to read my posts. Remember, you're supposed to be paying attention to details.

I'm not supprised you reacted the way you did, I kinda figured you would. You seem to have the whole world figured out. I was just trying to help with some sound advise. You are too worried about things that you don't need to be norfully understand yet.

As far as hunting the Trinity Alps...big dealYour not impressing me nor many others on this board. Your not the only one who has hunted tough country. I have hunted all over the Rockies so I think I understand.

I'm glad youdid wellin the other things you tried as well, but I am curious about one of your statements....
I had my pilot’s license when I was just over 17 years old because my dad didn’t know what else to do to challenge me, all other normal sports were not enough.
So youhad to take up flying because allthe "other normal sports"were not achallenge? You must have excelled in all sports for them to bore you so soon right? This is plain and simple BS!I take great exception to this statement. Why? Because I PLAYED in the NFL and I KNOW the amount of mental and physical strength it takes to get to the pinnacle of a sport. The sacrifices and dedication thatneeds to beapplied to make it to the top and play at that level you could and willNEVER understand. If you were so "gifted" where everythingwas easy for you, tell me whatNFLteam YOU played for? I would LOVE to know or did you just happen to get "bored" after highschool sports? How convenient.

You want to try and come across as the golden boy that's fine but don't you dare preach to me about dedication, perseverance, mental & physical strength, commitment and a sheer will to succeed. These attributes are obtained by yearsof hard work not days, and all ofyour "pat yourself on the back" typing on this board won't change that no matter how bad you want it to.

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Old 02-08-2006, 05:27 AM
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Default RE: QAD ultrarest problem

lordy lordy lordy.

mildot, i used to do the same thing as you. everytime i got something new it was the best. then a month or two later i was telling people the problems i had with that equipment. its why most of us say 'its working well for me', or 'so far so good' or some other qualifying statement - because we've learned things can show up later, or even in the field with equipment that we didn't anticipate. that's what we're trying to get thru to you, that's all.
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Old 02-08-2006, 05:37 AM
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oh yeah, you know you're going afterthe guy they get to teach the seminars at the ata show - to teach the professionals of our industry, after a couple months with a bow,and so you knowwe members here don't like it.

whether or noti agree with len about everything,he's got infinitely more experience than i do, or most anybody here - that's why he teaches the industry people, and he's gotten fed up with fools like you before and disappeared for a while - AND WE DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN ON THIS BOARD! Archery Talk may provide more of what you seem to be looking for out of a community than our community here does. am i asking you to leave, pretty much, if you can't change your tune a bit, but i don't have that kind of authority here - now if it were my house, then yeah.
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Old 02-08-2006, 06:50 AM
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Default RE: QAD ultrarest problem


I'm more than twice your age; or, as some people say, I'm a COF. Look that one up! I've about had it with you much as I'm surehasthe PRO Shop owner you visit. Myself and many others on this forum, and eventually other forums you might visit, can cut you out like cancer when you start acting/posting like you just did.

Itry not to"recommend" any products over others because there are a lot of good ones in the market. "Different strokes for different folks" - "Chevy, Dodge, or Ford" - "Democratic, Independent, or Republican" - BowTech, Hoyt, or Mathews". I put everything in alphabetical order and only listed 3 of eachso that you wouldn't think that I was 'recommending' any one of them.

As most who have been around this forum understand, my intention is not to "recommend" anything but to give constructive information so that people can make an educated choice. Part of that education is learning what may be pitfalls.

Now listen carefully. I won't tellpeople what to buy, but I mightgivepeople enough information about a product thatthey might not want to buy it fortheir application. You, however, will now have to listen to me talk to others; because, I'm through talking to you until you show a little more respect to members of this forum.

Have a nice day and good shooting.
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