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Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

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Old 01-22-2008, 10:21 PM
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 217
Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: rick64

ORIGINAL: Hokieman



I know you briefly touched on it but can you give an explanation of how Sunday hunting would not be beneficial to VA Sportsmen (not just dog hunters). If a dog hunter wants his dogs to rest noone is forcing him to hunt them, the deer can restpretty much restM-F. Religious belief is a personal choice and again noone could force you to hunt instead of going to church. I just can't see a reasonthat holds water here. Why not support something that benefits your fellow hunters ordo you guys only support dog hunters? Is it because the proposed Sunday hunting billdoes not include dog hunting that you guys are opposed to it? If yes, is it hurting dog hunting in some way?If no, please explain the opposition.

It just begs the question, How can you come on ahunting site and ask for support thatyou are not willing to give in return unless it fits your agenda?
Was that with firearms? I think it was, they go boom and make alot of nosie, people would hear and complain of them shooting while they was pinicing with family near the creek or river. farmers has voiced concerns about not allowing hunting at all if bill passed. antis wants the animals to have a day of rest. christians wants to serve the lord and have family over and kids playing outside without fear of being shot. too many to list to support the right to have it. these are a few we recieved.

OK what the argument to HB 1456 (Archery Only) and your other arguments are weak at best. I have never had one land owner say that they wouldn't allow hunting if the Sunday ban was lifted. It's their land if they don't want it hunted on Sunday that's their choice. How many people do you see havinga picnic in Nov/Dec? and there's plenty of public land in VA that's not open to hunting for them to use.The "antis" don't want hunting period and the really don't want you hunting with your dogs.Lifting the ban doesn't infringe on anyone's religious beliefs, even though the same people that use this excuse go out of their way to shove their beliefs on me.

If you want to see what problems lifting the ban on Sunday hunting will cause, look in Ohio and MD.NO PROBLEMS

Grow up Rick. next subject.
Hokieman is offline  
Old 01-22-2008, 10:26 PM
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 217
Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance


ORIGINAL: Hokieman



I know you briefly touched on it but can you give an explanation of how Sunday hunting would not be beneficial to VA Sportsmen (not just dog hunters). If a dog hunter wants his dogs to rest noone is forcing him to hunt them, the deer can restpretty much restM-F. Religious belief is a personal choice and again noone could force you to hunt instead of going to church. I just can't see a reasonthat holds water here. Why not support something that benefits your fellow hunters ordo you guys only support dog hunters? Is it because the proposed Sunday hunting billdoes not include dog hunting that you guys are opposed to it? If yes, is it hurting dog hunting in some way?If no, please explain the opposition.

It just begs the question, How can you come on ahunting site and ask for support thatyou are not willing to give in return unless it fits your agenda?
Was that with firearms? I think it was, they go boom and make alot of nosie, people would hear and complain of them shooting while they was pinicing with family near the creek or river. farmers has voiced concerns about not allowing hunting at all if bill passed. antis wants the animals to have a day of rest. christians wants to serve the lord and have family over and kids playing outside without fear of being shot. too many to list to support the right to have it. these are a few we recieved.
After learning more details of the bill (private land, archery only, during archery season) your explanations are less than weak. I'm not trying to rag on you but look at it like this: I was ignorant to the details of the bill so I asked some questions and got clarification, you are a member of an organizationthat opposes it and you have less of a clue about it than me.Nowwe are supposed to support your group but your group doesn't support trying to help other hunters get more time afiield, and what is worseare the reasons thatyou give are so weak they cause me to be suspicious of your group as a whole. Not to mention the "The reasons are too many to list" comment you made. I don't want you to list a ton of reasons. Just give me one reason why a hunting organization would oppose a bill that could get hunters approximately 5 more days in the woods and the bill doesn't even effect dogs or dog hunting.

Anyone that knows me from these forums knows I enjoy and strongly support dog hunting so don't take this personally, you have to see how some may frown on the whole concept. If the "Virginia Bow Hunting Alliance" was a group and they said:

"We support all bow hunters and we want to get organized and be a force in our state and have a say in the game laws, seasons, etc........but oh by the way we won't support blackpowder hunters trying to get a week long late black powder a matter of fact we will fight against it." I would want some clarification on whatexactly theystood for and if that were their stance they would get exactlty 0% support from me. Just trying to be honest here.
[align=right]history | hilite | pdf[/align]088389340

Offered January 9, 2008
Prefiled January 9, 2008
A BILL to amend and reenact § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia, relating to hunting on Sundays.
Patrons-- Wagner and Petersen
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 29.1-521. Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty.
A. The following shall be unlawful:
1. To hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday, which is hereby declared a rest day for all species of wild bird and wild animal life, except raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. However, a person lawfully carrying a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday in an area that could be used for hunting shall not be presumed to be hunting on Sunday, absent evidence to the contrary.
2. To destroy or molest the nest, eggs, dens or young of any wild bird or wild animal, except nuisance species, at any time without a permit as required by law.
32. To hunt or attempt to kill or trap any species of wild bird or wild animal after having obtained the daily bag or season limit during such day or season. However, any properly licensed person, or a person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such daily bag or season limit while hunting may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives if the weapon in his possession is an unloaded firearm, a bow without a nocked arrow or an unloaded crossbow. Any properly licensed person, or person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such season limit prior to commencement of the hunt may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives, provided he does not have a firearm, bow or crossbow in his possession.
43. To knowingly occupy any baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal or to put out bait or salt for any wild bird or wild animal for the purpose of taking or killing them. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a person charged with violating this subdivision knows that he is occupying a baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal. However, this shall not apply to baiting nuisance species of animals and birds, or to baiting traps for the purpose of taking fur-bearing animals that may be lawfully trapped.
54. To kill or capture any wild bird or wild animal adjacent to any area while a field or forest fire is in progress.
65. To shoot or attempt to take any wild bird or wild animal from an automobile or other vehicle, except as provided in § 29.1-521.3.
76. To set a trap of any kind on the lands or waters of another without attaching to the trap the name and address of the trapper.
87. To set a trap where it would be likely to injure persons, dogs, stock or fowl.
98. To fail to visit all traps once each day and remove all animals caught, and immediately report to the landowner as to stock, dogs or fowl that are caught and the date. However, the Director or his designee may authorize employees of federal, state, and local government agencies, and persons holding a valid Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit issued by the Department, to visit conibear-style body-gripping traps that are completely submerged at least once every 72 hours.
109. To hunt, trap, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, by any means whatever, receive for transportation or export, or import, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law and only by the manner or means and within the numbers stated. However, the provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the (i) use or transportation of legally taken turkey carcasses, or portions thereof, for the purposes of making or selling turkey callers or (ii) the manufacture or sale of implements, including, but not limited to, tools or utensils, made from legally harvested deer skeletal parts, including antlers.
1110 . To offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, or purchase, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law, including, but not limited to, subsection D of § 29.1-553. However, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is (i) organized to provide wild game as food to the hungry and (ii) authorized by the Department to possess, transport and distribute donated or unclaimed meat to the hungry, may pay a processing fee in order to obtain such meat. Such fees shall not exceed the actual cost for processing the meat. In addition, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that is (a) organized to support wildlife habitat conservation and (b) approved by the Department, shall be allowed to offer wildlife mounts that have undergone the taxidermy process for sale in conjunction with fundraising activities. A violation of this subdivision shall be punishable as provided in § 29.1-553.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any American Indian, who produces verification that he is an enrolled member of a tribe recognized by the Commonwealth, another state or the U.S. government, may possess, offer for sale or sell to another American Indian, or offer to purchase or purchase from another American Indian, parts of legally obtained fur-bearing animals, nonmigratory game birds, and game animals, except bear. Such legally obtained parts shall include antlers, hooves, feathers, claws and bones.
"Verification" as used in this section shall include, but is not limited to, (i) showing a valid tribal identification card, (ii) confirmation through a central tribal registry, (iii) a letter from a tribal chief or council, or (iv) certification from a tribal office that the person is an enrolled member of the tribe.
C. A violation of subdivisions 1 through 10 9 of subsection A of this section shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor.
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Old 01-23-2008, 05:17 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

Other than a lot anger, what does your group offer? Surely you are not the selfish group that you are accused of being? I just would like to know what proactive things your group has done to eliminate the problems between landowners, still hunters, picnicers, etc., and hound hunters? If we sit back and refuse to negotiate or offer solutions we will get nowhere, and we will surely loose hound hunting altogether. Just pleaaassseee let me now of something positive, something a little less angry, (like threatening the VDGIF and state government) that your group now offers. I don't see how any hunting club, dog, still, etc. could become a member of your group when you act so irresponsibly. I am as passionate as you about my dogs and my sport, I just believe some of these complaints are real and we need to do more than blame others. What concessions are you and your club willing to accept, and what newconditions are you asking for? Maybe if we are given Sunday Hunting, there may be more time to hunt and less time to argue. (LOL) I'm not banging on your group, I support it in theory, just a little concerned you are coming off as too militant, not willing to bargain at all? Well let us now what positive things you are doing. Pleeeaaasssee.
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Old 01-23-2008, 05:24 AM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Hokieman

ORIGINAL: rick64

ORIGINAL: Hokieman



I know you briefly touched on it but can you give an explanation of how Sunday hunting would not be beneficial to VA Sportsmen (not just dog hunters). If a dog hunter wants his dogs to rest noone is forcing him to hunt them, the deer can restpretty much restM-F. Religious belief is a personal choice and again noone could force you to hunt instead of going to church. I just can't see a reasonthat holds water here. Why not support something that benefits your fellow hunters ordo you guys only support dog hunters? Is it because the proposed Sunday hunting billdoes not include dog hunting that you guys are opposed to it? If yes, is it hurting dog hunting in some way?If no, please explain the opposition.

It just begs the question, How can you come on ahunting site and ask for support thatyou are not willing to give in return unless it fits your agenda?
Was that with firearms? I think it was, they go boom and make alot of nosie, people would hear and complain of them shooting while they was pinicing with family near the creek or river. farmers has voiced concerns about not allowing hunting at all if bill passed. antis wants the animals to have a day of rest. christians wants to serve the lord and have family over and kids playing outside without fear of being shot. too many to list to support the right to have it. these are a few we recieved.

OK what the argument to HB 1456 (Archery Only) and your other arguments are weak at best. I have never had one land owner say that they wouldn't allow hunting if the Sunday ban was lifted. It's their land if they don't want it hunted on Sunday that's their choice. How many people do you see havinga picnic in Nov/Dec? and there's plenty of public land in VA that's not open to hunting for them to use.The "antis" don't want hunting period and the really don't want you hunting with your dogs.Lifting the ban doesn't infringe on anyone's religious beliefs, even though the same people that use this excuse go out of their way to shove their beliefs on me.

If you want to see what problems lifting the ban on Sunday hunting will cause, look in Ohio and MD.NO PROBLEMS

Grow up Rick. next subject.

That's best you can do? I think this subject will be active fora while longer. If the VHDA is getting some heat for their stand on lifting the ban on Sunday hunting, they brought it on them self's.I don't see the need to tie the debate on dog hunting to lifting the ban on Sunday hunting. The VHDA is forcing hunters to choose and they will lose some support that they may need in the future.

In 1997 Ohio began topermit Sunday hunting on private land where the landowner agree to allow it. It was so successful it was extended to public land statewide in 2002.

The MD Director of the DNR was quoted "There haven't been any problems, no issues, nothing that many opponents feared would happen"
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Old 01-23-2008, 06:20 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

Yeah, next subject... Hokie must be tired of answering the same questions over and over...

Oh wait... He never answered any!

I hope you're not the speaker for your group hokieman, good luck.
Killer_Primate is offline  
Old 01-23-2008, 06:22 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Hokieman


ORIGINAL: Hokieman



I know you briefly touched on it but can you give an explanation of how Sunday hunting would not be beneficial to VA Sportsmen (not just dog hunters). If a dog hunter wants his dogs to rest noone is forcing him to hunt them, the deer can restpretty much restM-F. Religious belief is a personal choice and again noone could force you to hunt instead of going to church. I just can't see a reasonthat holds water here. Why not support something that benefits your fellow hunters ordo you guys only support dog hunters? Is it because the proposed Sunday hunting billdoes not include dog hunting that you guys are opposed to it? If yes, is it hurting dog hunting in some way?If no, please explain the opposition.

It just begs the question, How can you come on ahunting site and ask for support thatyou are not willing to give in return unless it fits your agenda?
Was that with firearms? I think it was, they go boom and make alot of nosie, people would hear and complain of them shooting while they was pinicing with family near the creek or river. farmers has voiced concerns about not allowing hunting at all if bill passed. antis wants the animals to have a day of rest. christians wants to serve the lord and have family over and kids playing outside without fear of being shot. too many to list to support the right to have it. these are a few we recieved.
After learning more details of the bill (private land, archery only, during archery season) your explanations are less than weak. I'm not trying to rag on you but look at it like this: I was ignorant to the details of the bill so I asked some questions and got clarification, you are a member of an organizationthat opposes it and you have less of a clue about it than me.Nowwe are supposed to support your group but your group doesn't support trying to help other hunters get more time afiield, and what is worseare the reasons thatyou give are so weak they cause me to be suspicious of your group as a whole. Not to mention the "The reasons are too many to list" comment you made. I don't want you to list a ton of reasons. Just give me one reason why a hunting organization would oppose a bill that could get hunters approximately 5 more days in the woods and the bill doesn't even effect dogs or dog hunting.

Anyone that knows me from these forums knows I enjoy and strongly support dog hunting so don't take this personally, you have to see how some may frown on the whole concept. If the "Virginia Bow Hunting Alliance" was a group and they said:

"We support all bow hunters and we want to get organized and be a force in our state and have a say in the game laws, seasons, etc........but oh by the way we won't support blackpowder hunters trying to get a week long late black powder a matter of fact we will fight against it." I would want some clarification on whatexactly theystood for and if that were their stance they would get exactlty 0% support from me. Just trying to be honest here.
[align=right]history | hilite | pdf[/align]088389340

Offered January 9, 2008
Prefiled January 9, 2008
A BILL to amend and reenact § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia, relating to hunting on Sundays.
Patrons-- Wagner and Petersen
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 29.1-521. Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty.
A. The following shall be unlawful:
1. To hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday, which is hereby declared a rest day for all species of wild bird and wild animal life, except raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. However, a person lawfully carrying a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday in an area that could be used for hunting shall not be presumed to be hunting on Sunday, absent evidence to the contrary.
2. To destroy or molest the nest, eggs, dens or young of any wild bird or wild animal, except nuisance species, at any time without a permit as required by law.
32. To hunt or attempt to kill or trap any species of wild bird or wild animal after having obtained the daily bag or season limit during such day or season. However, any properly licensed person, or a person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such daily bag or season limit while hunting may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives if the weapon in his possession is an unloaded firearm, a bow without a nocked arrow or an unloaded crossbow. Any properly licensed person, or person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such season limit prior to commencement of the hunt may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives, provided he does not have a firearm, bow or crossbow in his possession.
43. To knowingly occupy any baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal or to put out bait or salt for any wild bird or wild animal for the purpose of taking or killing them. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a person charged with violating this subdivision knows that he is occupying a baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal. However, this shall not apply to baiting nuisance species of animals and birds, or to baiting traps for the purpose of taking fur-bearing animals that may be lawfully trapped.
54. To kill or capture any wild bird or wild animal adjacent to any area while a field or forest fire is in progress.
65. To shoot or attempt to take any wild bird or wild animal from an automobile or other vehicle, except as provided in § 29.1-521.3.
76. To set a trap of any kind on the lands or waters of another without attaching to the trap the name and address of the trapper.
87. To set a trap where it would be likely to injure persons, dogs, stock or fowl.
98. To fail to visit all traps once each day and remove all animals caught, and immediately report to the landowner as to stock, dogs or fowl that are caught and the date. However, the Director or his designee may authorize employees of federal, state, and local government agencies, and persons holding a valid Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit issued by the Department, to visit conibear-style body-gripping traps that are completely submerged at least once every 72 hours.
109. To hunt, trap, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, by any means whatever, receive for transportation or export, or import, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law and only by the manner or means and within the numbers stated. However, the provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the (i) use or transportation of legally taken turkey carcasses, or portions thereof, for the purposes of making or selling turkey callers or (ii) the manufacture or sale of implements, including, but not limited to, tools or utensils, made from legally harvested deer skeletal parts, including antlers.
1110 . To offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, or purchase, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law, including, but not limited to, subsection D of § 29.1-553. However, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is (i) organized to provide wild game as food to the hungry and (ii) authorized by the Department to possess, transport and distribute donated or unclaimed meat to the hungry, may pay a processing fee in order to obtain such meat. Such fees shall not exceed the actual cost for processing the meat. In addition, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that is (a) organized to support wildlife habitat conservation and (b) approved by the Department, shall be allowed to offer wildlife mounts that have undergone the taxidermy process for sale in conjunction with fundraising activities. A violation of this subdivision shall be punishable as provided in § 29.1-553.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any American Indian, who produces verification that he is an enrolled member of a tribe recognized by the Commonwealth, another state or the U.S. government, may possess, offer for sale or sell to another American Indian, or offer to purchase or purchase from another American Indian, parts of legally obtained fur-bearing animals, nonmigratory game birds, and game animals, except bear. Such legally obtained parts shall include antlers, hooves, feathers, claws and bones.
"Verification" as used in this section shall include, but is not limited to, (i) showing a valid tribal identification card, (ii) confirmation through a central tribal registry, (iii) a letter from a tribal chief or council, or (iv) certification from a tribal office that the person is an enrolled member of the tribe.
C. A violation of subdivisions 1 through 10 9 of subsection A of this section shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor.
What you posted above seems to be missing some of the most important parts (See #1 below in red). Here is the other version most of us have seen. Thanks for more mis-information though, now where do I send my money to sign up for the VHDA???

Offered January 15, 2008
A BILL to amend and reenact § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia, relating to hunting with a bow and arrow or crossbow on private lands on Sunday.
Patron-- Nichols
Committee Referral Pending
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 29.1-521. Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty.
A. The following shall be unlawful:
1. To hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday, which is hereby declared a rest day for all species of wild bird and wild animal life, except raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. However, a person lawfully carrying a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday in an area that could be used for hunting shall not be presumed to be hunting on Sunday, absent evidence to the contrary. The provision of this subdivision that prohibits the hunting or killing of any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, on Sunday shall not apply to any person who hunts or kills any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a bow and arrow or a crossbow on private lands.

2. To destroy or molest the nest, eggs, dens or young of any wild bird or wild animal, except nuisance species, at any time without a permit as required by law.
3. To hunt or attempt to kill or trap any species of wild bird or wild animal after having obtained the daily bag or season limit during such day or season. However, any properly licensed person, or a person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such daily bag or season limit while hunting may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives if the weapon in his possession is an unloaded firearm, a bow without a nocked arrow or an unloaded crossbow. Any properly licensed person, or person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such season limit prior to commencement of the hunt may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives, provided he does not have a firearm, bow or crossbow in his possession.
4. To knowingly occupy any baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal or to put out bait or salt for any wild bird or wild animal for the purpose of taking or killing them. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a person charged with violating this subdivision knows that he is occupying a baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal. However, this shall not apply to baiting nuisance species of animals and birds, or to baiting traps for the purpose of taking fur-bearing animals that may be lawfully trapped.
5. To kill or capture any wild bird or wild animal adjacent to any area while a field or forest fire is in progress.
6. To shoot or attempt to take any wild bird or wild animal from an automobile or other vehicle, except as provided in § 29.1-521.3.
7. To set a trap of any kind on the lands or waters of another without attaching to the trap the name and address of the trapper.
8. To set a trap where it would be likely to injure persons, dogs, stock or fowl.
9. To fail to visit all traps once each day and remove all animals caught, and immediately report to the landowner as to stock, dogs or fowl that are caught and the date. However, the Director or his designee may authorize employees of federal, state, and local government agencies, and persons holding a valid Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit issued by the Department, to visit conibear-style body-gripping traps that are completely submerged at least once every 72 hours.
10. To hunt, trap, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, by any means whatever, receive for transportation or export, or import, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law and only by the manner or means and within the numbers stated. However, the provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the (i) use or transportation of legally taken turkey carcasses, or portions thereof, for the purposes of making or selling turkey callers or (ii) the manufacture or sale of implements, including, but not limited to, tools or utensils, made from legally harvested deer skeletal parts, including antlers.
11. To offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, or purchase, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law, including, but not limited to, subsection D of § 29.1-553. However, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is (i) organized to provide wild game as food to the hungry and (ii) authorized by the Department to possess, transport and distribute donated or unclaimed meat to the hungry, may pay a processing fee in order to obtain such meat. Such fees shall not exceed the actual cost for processing the meat. In addition, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that is (a) organized to support wildlife habitat conservation and (b) approved by the Department, shall be allowed to offer wildlife mounts that have undergone the taxidermy process for sale in conjunction with fundraising activities. A violation of this subdivision shall be punishable as provided in § 29.1-553.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any American Indian, who produces verification that he is an enrolled member of a tribe recognized by the Commonwealth, another state or the U.S. government, may possess, offer for sale or sell to another American Indian, or offer to purchase or purchase from another American Indian, parts of legally obtained fur-bearing animals, nonmigratory game birds, and game animals, except bear. Such legally obtained parts shall include antlers, hooves, feathers, claws and bones.
"Verification" as used in this section shall include, but is not limited to, (i) showing a valid tribal identification card, (ii) confirmation through a central tribal registry, (iii) a letter from a tribal chief or council, or (iv) certification from a tribal office that the person is an enrolled member of the tribe.
C. A violation of subdivisions 1 through 10 of subsection A of this section shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor.
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Old 01-23-2008, 06:28 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

On a side note, I would love to take you seriously but the fact that you cannot provide any kind of reasonable answers to some relatively straight forward questions has me stumped. Maybe you could post a 1-800 # to the VHDA so we might be able to get some detailed answers or link us to another representative.
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Old 01-23-2008, 12:12 PM
Fork Horn
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Posts: 217
Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance


ORIGINAL: Hokieman


ORIGINAL: Hokieman



I know you briefly touched on it but can you give an explanation of how Sunday hunting would not be beneficial to VA Sportsmen (not just dog hunters). If a dog hunter wants his dogs to rest noone is forcing him to hunt them, the deer can restpretty much restM-F. Religious belief is a personal choice and again noone could force you to hunt instead of going to church. I just can't see a reasonthat holds water here. Why not support something that benefits your fellow hunters ordo you guys only support dog hunters? Is it because the proposed Sunday hunting billdoes not include dog hunting that you guys are opposed to it? If yes, is it hurting dog hunting in some way?If no, please explain the opposition.

It just begs the question, How can you come on ahunting site and ask for support thatyou are not willing to give in return unless it fits your agenda?
Was that with firearms? I think it was, they go boom and make alot of nosie, people would hear and complain of them shooting while they was pinicing with family near the creek or river. farmers has voiced concerns about not allowing hunting at all if bill passed. antis wants the animals to have a day of rest. christians wants to serve the lord and have family over and kids playing outside without fear of being shot. too many to list to support the right to have it. these are a few we recieved.
After learning more details of the bill (private land, archery only, during archery season) your explanations are less than weak. I'm not trying to rag on you but look at it like this: I was ignorant to the details of the bill so I asked some questions and got clarification, you are a member of an organizationthat opposes it and you have less of a clue about it than me.Nowwe are supposed to support your group but your group doesn't support trying to help other hunters get more time afiield, and what is worseare the reasons thatyou give are so weak they cause me to be suspicious of your group as a whole. Not to mention the "The reasons are too many to list" comment you made. I don't want you to list a ton of reasons. Just give me one reason why a hunting organization would oppose a bill that could get hunters approximately 5 more days in the woods and the bill doesn't even effect dogs or dog hunting.

Anyone that knows me from these forums knows I enjoy and strongly support dog hunting so don't take this personally, you have to see how some may frown on the whole concept. If the "Virginia Bow Hunting Alliance" was a group and they said:

"We support all bow hunters and we want to get organized and be a force in our state and have a say in the game laws, seasons, etc........but oh by the way we won't support blackpowder hunters trying to get a week long late black powder a matter of fact we will fight against it." I would want some clarification on whatexactly theystood for and if that were their stance they would get exactlty 0% support from me. Just trying to be honest here.
[align=right]history | hilite | pdf[/align]088389340

Offered January 9, 2008
Prefiled January 9, 2008
A BILL to amend and reenact § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia, relating to hunting on Sundays.
Patrons-- Wagner and Petersen
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 29.1-521. Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty.
A. The following shall be unlawful:
1. To hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday, which is hereby declared a rest day for all species of wild bird and wild animal life, except raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. However, a person lawfully carrying a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday in an area that could be used for hunting shall not be presumed to be hunting on Sunday, absent evidence to the contrary.
2. To destroy or molest the nest, eggs, dens or young of any wild bird or wild animal, except nuisance species, at any time without a permit as required by law.
32. To hunt or attempt to kill or trap any species of wild bird or wild animal after having obtained the daily bag or season limit during such day or season. However, any properly licensed person, or a person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such daily bag or season limit while hunting may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives if the weapon in his possession is an unloaded firearm, a bow without a nocked arrow or an unloaded crossbow. Any properly licensed person, or person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such season limit prior to commencement of the hunt may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives, provided he does not have a firearm, bow or crossbow in his possession.
43. To knowingly occupy any baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal or to put out bait or salt for any wild bird or wild animal for the purpose of taking or killing them. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a person charged with violating this subdivision knows that he is occupying a baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal. However, this shall not apply to baiting nuisance species of animals and birds, or to baiting traps for the purpose of taking fur-bearing animals that may be lawfully trapped.
54. To kill or capture any wild bird or wild animal adjacent to any area while a field or forest fire is in progress.
65. To shoot or attempt to take any wild bird or wild animal from an automobile or other vehicle, except as provided in § 29.1-521.3.
76. To set a trap of any kind on the lands or waters of another without attaching to the trap the name and address of the trapper.
87. To set a trap where it would be likely to injure persons, dogs, stock or fowl.
98. To fail to visit all traps once each day and remove all animals caught, and immediately report to the landowner as to stock, dogs or fowl that are caught and the date. However, the Director or his designee may authorize employees of federal, state, and local government agencies, and persons holding a valid Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit issued by the Department, to visit conibear-style body-gripping traps that are completely submerged at least once every 72 hours.
109. To hunt, trap, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, by any means whatever, receive for transportation or export, or import, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law and only by the manner or means and within the numbers stated. However, the provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the (i) use or transportation of legally taken turkey carcasses, or portions thereof, for the purposes of making or selling turkey callers or (ii) the manufacture or sale of implements, including, but not limited to, tools or utensils, made from legally harvested deer skeletal parts, including antlers.
1110 . To offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, or purchase, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law, including, but not limited to, subsection D of § 29.1-553. However, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is (i) organized to provide wild game as food to the hungry and (ii) authorized by the Department to possess, transport and distribute donated or unclaimed meat to the hungry, may pay a processing fee in order to obtain such meat. Such fees shall not exceed the actual cost for processing the meat. In addition, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that is (a) organized to support wildlife habitat conservation and (b) approved by the Department, shall be allowed to offer wildlife mounts that have undergone the taxidermy process for sale in conjunction with fundraising activities. A violation of this subdivision shall be punishable as provided in § 29.1-553.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any American Indian, who produces verification that he is an enrolled member of a tribe recognized by the Commonwealth, another state or the U.S. government, may possess, offer for sale or sell to another American Indian, or offer to purchase or purchase from another American Indian, parts of legally obtained fur-bearing animals, nonmigratory game birds, and game animals, except bear. Such legally obtained parts shall include antlers, hooves, feathers, claws and bones.
"Verification" as used in this section shall include, but is not limited to, (i) showing a valid tribal identification card, (ii) confirmation through a central tribal registry, (iii) a letter from a tribal chief or council, or (iv) certification from a tribal office that the person is an enrolled member of the tribe.
C. A violation of subdivisions 1 through 10 9 of subsection A of this section shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor.
What you posted above seems to be missing some of the most important parts (See #1 below in red). Here is the other version most of us have seen. Thanks for more mis-information though, now where do I send my money to sign up for the VHDA???

Offered January 15, 2008
A BILL to amend and reenact § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia, relating to hunting with a bow and arrow or crossbow on private lands on Sunday.
Patron-- Nichols
Committee Referral Pending
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 29.1-521. Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty.
A. The following shall be unlawful:
1. To hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday, which is hereby declared a rest day for all species of wild bird and wild animal life, except raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. However, a person lawfully carrying a gun, firearm or other weapon on Sunday in an area that could be used for hunting shall not be presumed to be hunting on Sunday, absent evidence to the contrary. The provision of this subdivision that prohibits the hunting or killing of any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, on Sunday shall not apply to any person who hunts or kills any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, with a bow and arrow or a crossbow on private lands.

2. To destroy or molest the nest, eggs, dens or young of any wild bird or wild animal, except nuisance species, at any time without a permit as required by law.
3. To hunt or attempt to kill or trap any species of wild bird or wild animal after having obtained the daily bag or season limit during such day or season. However, any properly licensed person, or a person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such daily bag or season limit while hunting may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives if the weapon in his possession is an unloaded firearm, a bow without a nocked arrow or an unloaded crossbow. Any properly licensed person, or person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such season limit prior to commencement of the hunt may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives, provided he does not have a firearm, bow or crossbow in his possession.
4. To knowingly occupy any baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal or to put out bait or salt for any wild bird or wild animal for the purpose of taking or killing them. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a person charged with violating this subdivision knows that he is occupying a baited blind or other baited place for the purpose of taking or attempting to take any wild bird or wild animal. However, this shall not apply to baiting nuisance species of animals and birds, or to baiting traps for the purpose of taking fur-bearing animals that may be lawfully trapped.
5. To kill or capture any wild bird or wild animal adjacent to any area while a field or forest fire is in progress.
6. To shoot or attempt to take any wild bird or wild animal from an automobile or other vehicle, except as provided in § 29.1-521.3.
7. To set a trap of any kind on the lands or waters of another without attaching to the trap the name and address of the trapper.
8. To set a trap where it would be likely to injure persons, dogs, stock or fowl.
9. To fail to visit all traps once each day and remove all animals caught, and immediately report to the landowner as to stock, dogs or fowl that are caught and the date. However, the Director or his designee may authorize employees of federal, state, and local government agencies, and persons holding a valid Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit issued by the Department, to visit conibear-style body-gripping traps that are completely submerged at least once every 72 hours.
10. To hunt, trap, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, by any means whatever, receive for transportation or export, or import, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law and only by the manner or means and within the numbers stated. However, the provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the (i) use or transportation of legally taken turkey carcasses, or portions thereof, for the purposes of making or selling turkey callers or (ii) the manufacture or sale of implements, including, but not limited to, tools or utensils, made from legally harvested deer skeletal parts, including antlers.
11. To offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, or purchase, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law, including, but not limited to, subsection D of § 29.1-553. However, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is (i) organized to provide wild game as food to the hungry and (ii) authorized by the Department to possess, transport and distribute donated or unclaimed meat to the hungry, may pay a processing fee in order to obtain such meat. Such fees shall not exceed the actual cost for processing the meat. In addition, any nonprofit organization exempt from taxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that is (a) organized to support wildlife habitat conservation and (b) approved by the Department, shall be allowed to offer wildlife mounts that have undergone the taxidermy process for sale in conjunction with fundraising activities. A violation of this subdivision shall be punishable as provided in § 29.1-553.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any American Indian, who produces verification that he is an enrolled member of a tribe recognized by the Commonwealth, another state or the U.S. government, may possess, offer for sale or sell to another American Indian, or offer to purchase or purchase from another American Indian, parts of legally obtained fur-bearing animals, nonmigratory game birds, and game animals, except bear. Such legally obtained parts shall include antlers, hooves, feathers, claws and bones.
"Verification" as used in this section shall include, but is not limited to, (i) showing a valid tribal identification card, (ii) confirmation through a central tribal registry, (iii) a letter from a tribal chief or council, or (iv) certification from a tribal office that the person is an enrolled member of the tribe.
C. A violation of subdivisions 1 through 10 of subsection A of this section shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor.
I got it off the legislative website, If it's not all there direct inquirys to them.
Hokieman is offline  
Old 01-23-2008, 12:15 PM
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 217
Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: dogger69

Other than a lot anger, what does your group offer? Surely you are not the selfish group that you are accused of being? I just would like to know what proactive things your group has done to eliminate the problems between landowners, still hunters, picnicers, etc., and hound hunters? If we sit back and refuse to negotiate or offer solutions we will get nowhere, and we will surely loose hound hunting altogether. Just pleaaassseee let me now of something positive, something a little less angry, (like threatening the VDGIF and state government) that your group now offers. I don't see how any hunting club, dog, still, etc. could become a member of your group when you act so irresponsibly. I am as passionate as you about my dogs and my sport, I just believe some of these complaints are real and we need to do more than blame others. What concessions are you and your club willing to accept, and what newconditions are you asking for? Maybe if we are given Sunday Hunting, there may be more time to hunt and less time to argue. (LOL) I'm not banging on your group, I support it in theory, just a little concerned you are coming off as too militant, not willing to bargain at all? Well let us now what positive things you are doing. Pleeeaaasssee.
LOL, I am not here to bargin on a public forum. We are working on a solution to the problem with people who are involved. anything I say here it appears debateable but it is not. You can't please everyone.
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Old 01-23-2008, 12:17 PM
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 217
Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance


ORIGINAL: Hokieman



I know you briefly touched on it but can you give an explanation of how Sunday hunting would not be beneficial to VA Sportsmen (not just dog hunters). If a dog hunter wants his dogs to rest noone is forcing him to hunt them, the deer can restpretty much restM-F. Religious belief is a personal choice and again noone could force you to hunt instead of going to church. I just can't see a reasonthat holds water here. Why not support something that benefits your fellow hunters ordo you guys only support dog hunters? Is it because the proposed Sunday hunting billdoes not include dog hunting that you guys are opposed to it? If yes, is it hurting dog hunting in some way?If no, please explain the opposition.

It just begs the question, How can you come on ahunting site and ask for support thatyou are not willing to give in return unless it fits your agenda?
Was that with firearms? I think it was, they go boom and make alot of nosie, people would hear and complain of them shooting while they was pinicing with family near the creek or river. farmers has voiced concerns about not allowing hunting at all if bill passed. antis wants the animals to have a day of rest. christians wants to serve the lord and have family over and kids playing outside without fear of being shot. too many to list to support the right to have it. these are a few we recieved.
After learning more details of the bill (private land, archery only, during archery season) your explanations are less than weak. I'm not trying to rag on you but look at it like this: I was ignorant to the details of the bill so I asked some questions and got clarification, you are a member of an organizationthat opposes it and you have less of a clue about it than me.Nowwe are supposed to support your group but your group doesn't support trying to help other hunters get more time afiield, and what is worseare the reasons thatyou give are so weak they cause me to be suspicious of your group as a whole. Not to mention the "The reasons are too many to list" comment you made. I don't want you to list a ton of reasons. Just give me one reason why a hunting organization would oppose a bill that could get hunters approximately 5 more days in the woods and the bill doesn't even effect dogs or dog hunting.

Anyone that knows me from these forums knows I enjoy and strongly support dog hunting so don't take this personally, you have to see how some may frown on the whole concept. If the "Virginia Bow Hunting Alliance" was a group and they said:

"We support all bow hunters and we want to get organized and be a force in our state and have a say in the game laws, seasons, etc........but oh by the way we won't support blackpowder hunters trying to get a week long late black powder a matter of fact we will fight against it." I would want some clarification on whatexactly theystood for and if that were their stance they would get exactlty 0% support from me. Just trying to be honest here.
ok thanks for your honesty.
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Quick Reply: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

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