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Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

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Old 01-22-2008, 10:27 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

I’m not trying to be combative, so please don’t take it that way from my text because it isn’t how I’m intending my tone.

I find it hard to believe that hunters would want the animals to have a day of rest. Further, I’m fairly certain that if I were going to pick a day for the animals to rest, it wouldn’t be on one of my only two days off. I have one day a week, to take my four children hunting.

I’m also finding it a little hard to believe that you guys (VHDA) are concerned about giving the private landowners a “break.” Further, to state that you’re going to give a private landowner a break from your hunting style would mean that it weighs on the landowner and is an inconvenience to them. I would agree with that, but don’t think that you or the VHDA would.

I think the reason that the VHDA didn’t support Sunday hunting is, religion and spite.

Religious people and their “day of rest” seems to invoke into everything they do. But… Church and state is supposed to be separate. What they want, shouldn’t impact what I can do. Hunting is the right of very American, not a privilege the other six days a week.

I also believe that the spite is in there, and thick. Dog hunters have numbers; and with numbers comes power. But when power is abused, it usually doesn’t last for long, and the chips are working against you. More people and less land shrink your hunting areas/opportunities with every passing year. Go look at Fairfax county; bow only, well or firearms with a special permit, but who really does that? And… No Dogs.

Let me ask you this; how do you think other hunters would view the VHDA had they supported Sunday hunting the way it was written?

My opinion is; We (other hunters) would have said “wow, the VHDA just helped get Sunday hunting approved, even though they can’t participate. Maybe we should all stick together, and back each other. Why can’t dogs run deer on Sunday? What can I do to help them?”

But instead, the VHDA, along with the anti’s were there to oppose, and now, we have an even further divide.
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Old 01-22-2008, 10:52 AM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

I feel sorry on weekends those who have to go to church on Saturdays. They miss out on every thing.[:-]
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Old 01-22-2008, 10:52 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: SouthernDoghunter

Have you stopped to think about why your preferred type of hunting is under attack? I have; and it isn’t because you kill a deer that was pushed from its bed with a dog. It is because people are sick of having hunting dogs on private property. You keep saying “the dog can’t read.” You need to stop saying that because it makes you sound ignorant. That is not a conversation ending statement. If I can’t have my dog outside not on a leash, why can you? Hunting dogs end up on private or public property time and time again. That is a fact, and it keeps happening. Then the hunter says something that doesn’t sit well with the people who are bothered by it; “the dogs can’t read.” Yeah, no crap, and neither can the hunter, is probably what they’re thinking.

My dog is my responsibility, not the landowners on either side of me. My youngest child can’t read either, and he too is my responsibility. You can’t set a dog free on a small piece of property and expect him to stay on it. It is your job to figure out a way to fix the problem, not the people or hunters who don’t participate. If you elect not to, your privilege will most certainly go away. Like it or not, if you don’t get creative and respectful you won’t be doing this much longer. I hope you’re able to see that, and I hope that your privilege doesn’t go away, but that is on you.
Man get real!!!! Im not ignorant!! I know that i am responsable for my dog and i try my best to keep them out of the still hunt clubs and private land,but you people are ignorant and should go to jail for a long time for shooting dogs period!!!!!!
First of all,
You need to learn how to quote someone. I don't want anyone to mix up your words as being mine. Ignorant isn't a bad word, and it doesn't mean stupid. I am ignorant on a lot of subjects, even this one, dog hunting. But your attitude isn’t helping your cause. Because like it or not, people like me (who are also ignorant to dog hunting) will be deciding the fate of dog hunting. So, if you want people to listen, you have to sound like you're willing to have a conversation. Do multiple exclamation points represent yelling?
You're so ready to accuse everyone of generalizing all dog hunters, but you just did the same thing. I've never shot a dog, and don't know anyone who has.

Please answer me this; when two hunting dogs came into my back yard and started fighting with my dog right next to my children, how was the owner being responsible for his dogs?
Killer_Primate is offline  
Old 01-22-2008, 11:32 AM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Killer_Primate

I’m not trying to be combative, so please don’t take it that way from my text because it isn’t how I’m intending my tone.

I find it hard to believe that hunters would want the animals to have a day of rest. Further, I’m fairly certain that if I were going to pick a day for the animals to rest, it wouldn’t be on one of my only two days off. I have one day a week, to take my four children hunting.

I’m also finding it a little hard to believe that you guys (VHDA) are concerned about giving the private landowners a “break.” Further, to state that you’re going to give a private landowner a break from your hunting style would mean that it weighs on the landowner and is an inconvenience to them. I would agree with that, but don’t think that you or the VHDA would.

I think the reason that the VHDA didn’t support Sunday hunting is, religion and spite.

Religious people and their “day of rest” seems to invoke into everything they do. But… Church and state is supposed to be separate. What they want, shouldn’t impact what I can do. Hunting is the right of very American, not a privilege the other six days a week.

I also believe that the spite is in there, and thick. Dog hunters have numbers; and with numbers comes power. But when power is abused, it usually doesn’t last for long, and the chips are working against you. More people and less land shrink your hunting areas/opportunities with every passing year. Go look at Fairfax county; bow only, well or firearms with a special permit, but who really does that? And… No Dogs.

Let me ask you this; how do you think other hunters would view the VHDA had they supported Sunday hunting the way it was written?

My opinion is; We (other hunters) would have said “wow, the VHDA just helped get Sunday hunting approved, even though they can’t participate. Maybe we should all stick together, and back each other. Why can’t dogs run deer on Sunday? What can I do to help them?”

But instead, the VHDA, along with the anti’s were there to oppose, and now, we have an even further divide.
No seriously there was no spite at work. However we have undertaken some name calling and been attack daily. We are here to support the hunting dog community members and give them a voice in the general assembly. I believe there was already a divide between hunters, landowners and anti dog groups when the hound study came into effect. They all jump on board and helped each other in acusing the hunting dog community of breaking laws and being sorry and not hunters. Who stood up for us. where were you.
Hokieman is offline  
Old 01-22-2008, 11:37 AM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Killer_Primate

ORIGINAL: SouthernDoghunter

Have you stopped to think about why your preferred type of hunting is under attack? I have; and it isn’t because you kill a deer that was pushed from its bed with a dog. It is because people are sick of having hunting dogs on private property. You keep saying “the dog can’t read.” You need to stop saying that because it makes you sound ignorant. That is not a conversation ending statement. If I can’t have my dog outside not on a leash, why can you? Hunting dogs end up on private or public property time and time again. That is a fact, and it keeps happening. Then the hunter says something that doesn’t sit well with the people who are bothered by it; “the dogs can’t read.” Yeah, no crap, and neither can the hunter, is probably what they’re thinking.

My dog is my responsibility, not the landowners on either side of me. My youngest child can’t read either, and he too is my responsibility. You can’t set a dog free on a small piece of property and expect him to stay on it. It is your job to figure out a way to fix the problem, not the people or hunters who don’t participate. If you elect not to, your privilege will most certainly go away. Like it or not, if you don’t get creative and respectful you won’t be doing this much longer. I hope you’re able to see that, and I hope that your privilege doesn’t go away, but that is on you.
Man get real!!!! Im not ignorant!! I know that i am responsable for my dog and i try my best to keep them out of the still hunt clubs and private land,but you people are ignorant and should go to jail for a long time for shooting dogs period!!!!!!
First of all,
You need to learn how to quote someone. I don't want anyone to mix up your words as being mine. Ignorant isn't a bad word, and it doesn't mean stupid. I am ignorant on a lot of subjects, even this one, dog hunting. But your attitude isn’t helping your cause. Because like it or not, people like me (who are also ignorant to dog hunting) will be deciding the fate of dog hunting. So, if you want people to listen, you have to sound like you're willing to have a conversation. Do multiple exclamation points represent yelling?
You're so ready to accuse everyone of generalizing all dog hunters, but you just did the same thing. I've never shot a dog, and don't know anyone who has.

Please answer me this; when two hunting dogs came into my back yard and started fighting with my dog right next to my children, how was the owner being responsible for his dogs?
This post just told us who you were. I doubt the hunting dogs attacked your dog, If truth be known your dog started the rukus. Hunting dogs by nature are gentle animals unless prodded or provoked.
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Old 01-22-2008, 12:42 PM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Hokieman

ORIGINAL: Killer_Primate

I’m not trying to be combative, so please don’t take it that way from my text because it isn’t how I’m intending my tone.

I find it hard to believe that hunters would want the animals to have a day of rest. Further, I’m fairly certain that if I were going to pick a day for the animals to rest, it wouldn’t be on one of my only two days off. I have one day a week, to take my four children hunting.

I’m also finding it a little hard to believe that you guys (VHDA) are concerned about giving the private landowners a “break.” Further, to state that you’re going to give a private landowner a break from your hunting style would mean that it weighs on the landowner and is an inconvenience to them. I would agree with that, but don’t think that you or the VHDA would.

I think the reason that the VHDA didn’t support Sunday hunting is, religion and spite.

Religious people and their “day of rest” seems to invoke into everything they do. But… Church and state is supposed to be separate. What they want, shouldn’t impact what I can do. Hunting is the right of very American, not a privilege the other six days a week.

I also believe that the spite is in there, and thick. Dog hunters have numbers; and with numbers comes power. But when power is abused, it usually doesn’t last for long, and the chips are working against you. More people and less land shrink your hunting areas/opportunities with every passing year. Go look at Fairfax county; bow only, well or firearms with a special permit, but who really does that? And… No Dogs.

Let me ask you this; how do you think other hunters would view the VHDA had they supported Sunday hunting the way it was written?

My opinion is; We (other hunters) would have said “wow, the VHDA just helped get Sunday hunting approved, even though they can’t participate. Maybe we should all stick together, and back each other. Why can’t dogs run deer on Sunday? What can I do to help them?”

But instead, the VHDA, along with the anti’s were there to oppose, and now, we have an even further divide.
No seriously there was no spite at work. However we have undertaken some name calling and been attack daily. We are here to support the hunting dog community members and give them a voice in the general assembly. I believe there was already a divide between hunters, landowners and anti dog groups when the hound study came into effect. They all jump on board and helped each other in acusing the hunting dog community of breaking laws and being sorry and not hunters. Who stood up for us. where were you.

Hang on a minute,
You have a choice to make here. Not just on this forum, but in your quest for dog hunting bliss (for lack of a better term).
You mention name calling as if that justifies anything. The choice is, do something to make it better, or do something to make it worse. And it is your choice, not mine. I’m not a dog hunter. I have no reason to justify it.
You can’t answer a question with a question. I’ll answer your question, and then you answer mine.
I was at home, unaware that this bill was even being addressed in Richmond. I have never contacted anyone on the political scene to denounce dog hunting or any other type of hunting. As I stated previously, and multiple times, I hope that dog hunting sticks around, but I’m aware enough to be able to see that it is going to take more than dog hunters trying to convenience the public that they aren’t doing anything to be upset about.

Now if you wouldn’t mind answering my question to you, it would be appreciated.
Killer_Primate is offline  
Old 01-22-2008, 12:50 PM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Hokieman

ORIGINAL: Killer_Primate

ORIGINAL: SouthernDoghunter

Have you stopped to think about why your preferred type of hunting is under attack? I have; and it isn’t because you kill a deer that was pushed from its bed with a dog. It is because people are sick of having hunting dogs on private property. You keep saying “the dog can’t read.” You need to stop saying that because it makes you sound ignorant. That is not a conversation ending statement. If I can’t have my dog outside not on a leash, why can you? Hunting dogs end up on private or public property time and time again. That is a fact, and it keeps happening. Then the hunter says something that doesn’t sit well with the people who are bothered by it; “the dogs can’t read.” Yeah, no crap, and neither can the hunter, is probably what they’re thinking.

My dog is my responsibility, not the landowners on either side of me. My youngest child can’t read either, and he too is my responsibility. You can’t set a dog free on a small piece of property and expect him to stay on it. It is your job to figure out a way to fix the problem, not the people or hunters who don’t participate. If you elect not to, your privilege will most certainly go away. Like it or not, if you don’t get creative and respectful you won’t be doing this much longer. I hope you’re able to see that, and I hope that your privilege doesn’t go away, but that is on you.
Man get real!!!! Im not ignorant!! I know that i am responsable for my dog and i try my best to keep them out of the still hunt clubs and private land,but you people are ignorant and should go to jail for a long time for shooting dogs period!!!!!!
First of all,
You need to learn how to quote someone. I don't want anyone to mix up your words as being mine. Ignorant isn't a bad word, and it doesn't mean stupid. I am ignorant on a lot of subjects, even this one, dog hunting. But your attitude isn’t helping your cause. Because like it or not, people like me (who are also ignorant to dog hunting) will be deciding the fate of dog hunting. So, if you want people to listen, you have to sound like you're willing to have a conversation. Do multiple exclamation points represent yelling?
You're so ready to accuse everyone of generalizing all dog hunters, but you just did the same thing. I've never shot a dog, and don't know anyone who has.

Please answer me this; when two hunting dogs came into my back yard and started fighting with my dog right next to my children, how was the owner being responsible for his dogs?
This post just told us who you were. I doubt the hunting dogs attacked your dog, If truth be known your dog started the rukus. Hunting dogs by nature are gentle animals unless prodded or provoked.

Boy here we go again, you sure are full of yourself. You seem to want to twist things to support your argument.

I never said that my dog was just sitting there minding his own business when these two terrible beasts entered my yard. Nor did I say that my dog went over and started attacking these poor hunting creatures.
The truth of the matter is; I don’t really know why they started fighting. The hunting dogs were running though my back yard, my dog ran up to them barking and then they all started fighting. I didn’t hear any of them insult each other, I guess that is how dogs do it.
Here is the point though since you can’t seem to comprehend where I’m going with this; those dogs had no business in my yard. And I don’t blame the dogs, and I know that they can’t read. But when they get dropped off on the opposite side of the leased property from me, and picked up two properties over (behind me) regularly, it doesn’t take a genius or even a retarded person to figure out that they’re going to be crossing private property each time they drop them off. It isn’t an accident.

I’ll ask again; how was the hunter being responsible for his dogs when they were in my yard fighting?

Killer_Primate is offline  
Old 01-22-2008, 01:19 PM
Fork Horn
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Posts: 217
Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Killer_Primate

ORIGINAL: Hokieman

ORIGINAL: Killer_Primate

ORIGINAL: SouthernDoghunter

Have you stopped to think about why your preferred type of hunting is under attack? I have; and it isn’t because you kill a deer that was pushed from its bed with a dog. It is because people are sick of having hunting dogs on private property. You keep saying “the dog can’t read.” You need to stop saying that because it makes you sound ignorant. That is not a conversation ending statement. If I can’t have my dog outside not on a leash, why can you? Hunting dogs end up on private or public property time and time again. That is a fact, and it keeps happening. Then the hunter says something that doesn’t sit well with the people who are bothered by it; “the dogs can’t read.” Yeah, no crap, and neither can the hunter, is probably what they’re thinking.

My dog is my responsibility, not the landowners on either side of me. My youngest child can’t read either, and he too is my responsibility. You can’t set a dog free on a small piece of property and expect him to stay on it. It is your job to figure out a way to fix the problem, not the people or hunters who don’t participate. If you elect not to, your privilege will most certainly go away. Like it or not, if you don’t get creative and respectful you won’t be doing this much longer. I hope you’re able to see that, and I hope that your privilege doesn’t go away, but that is on you.
Man get real!!!! Im not ignorant!! I know that i am responsable for my dog and i try my best to keep them out of the still hunt clubs and private land,but you people are ignorant and should go to jail for a long time for shooting dogs period!!!!!!
First of all,
You need to learn how to quote someone. I don't want anyone to mix up your words as being mine. Ignorant isn't a bad word, and it doesn't mean stupid. I am ignorant on a lot of subjects, even this one, dog hunting. But your attitude isn’t helping your cause. Because like it or not, people like me (who are also ignorant to dog hunting) will be deciding the fate of dog hunting. So, if you want people to listen, you have to sound like you're willing to have a conversation. Do multiple exclamation points represent yelling?
You're so ready to accuse everyone of generalizing all dog hunters, but you just did the same thing. I've never shot a dog, and don't know anyone who has.

Please answer me this; when two hunting dogs came into my back yard and started fighting with my dog right next to my children, how was the owner being responsible for his dogs?
This post just told us who you were. I doubt the hunting dogs attacked your dog, If truth be known your dog started the rukus. Hunting dogs by nature are gentle animals unless prodded or provoked.

Boy here we go again, you sure are full of yourself. You seem to want to twist things to support your argument.

I never said that my dog was just sitting there minding his own business when these two terrible beasts entered my yard. Nor did I say that my dog went over and started attacking these poor hunting creatures.
The truth of the matter is; I don’t really know why they started fighting. The hunting dogs were running though my back yard, my dog ran up to them barking and then they all started fighting. I didn’t hear any of them insult each other, I guess that is how dogs do it.
Here is the point though since you can’t seem to comprehend where I’m going with this; those dogs had no business in my yard. And I don’t blame the dogs, and I know that they can’t read. But when they get dropped off on the opposite side of the leased property from me, and picked up two properties over (behind me) regularly, it doesn’t take a genius or even a retarded person to figure out that they’re going to be crossing private property each time they drop them off. It isn’t an accident.

I’ll ask again; how was the hunter being responsible for his dogs when they were in my yard fighting?
I am not twisting anything to fit into anything. You didn't see what happen and said the hunting dogs were running thru your property and if left alone with a few minutes would have more than likely clear it since that is what they do is run and not stop and chat and have a cup of tea. You stated your dogs ran up to them barking, by the way what kind of dogs do you have? and while the dogs were running up to them you didn't say were the children were, so please enlight us of these devil hounds from hell some more. get your story straight before you go and make aqusations and lies.
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Old 01-22-2008, 01:28 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance


I know you briefly touched on it but can you give an explanation of how Sunday hunting would not be beneficial to VA Sportsmen (not just dog hunters). If a dog hunter wants his dogs to rest noone is forcing him to hunt them, the deer can restpretty much restM-F. Religious belief is a personal choice and again noone could force you to hunt instead of going to church. I just can't see a reasonthat holds water here. Why not support something that benefits your fellow hunters ordo you guys only support dog hunters? Is it because the proposed Sunday hunting billdoes not include dog hunting that you guys are opposed to it? If yes, is it hurting dog hunting in some way?If no, please explain the opposition.

It just begs the question, How can you come on ahunting site and ask for support thatyou are not willing to give in return unless it fits your agenda?
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Old 01-22-2008, 01:31 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

And you still don’t answer the questions, just more allegations. Everyone is lying except you.
If you want the VHDA to be successful, you should stop typing and cut yourself loose from the org.
I’ve tried to have an open conversation with you hokieman, but it is obvious to me that you’re not up to it. You should go take a course on debating. Then maybe you’ll realize why you can’t seem to get anything accomplished.
Good luck.

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