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Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

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Old 02-11-2008, 03:18 PM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance


My thing is that we hunt a 300 and a 150 acre track for the last 20 years and this guy comes in and rents a 150 track in between us. He knew when he rented that we run dogs there 2 sometimes 3 times a week. Thats the risk he decided to take. We do not turn out on his land but yes the dogs do get by us and run through his land. What the hell did he or any other still hunter expect. The guys I hunt with would not think about the consiq. and shoot the coward who shot a dog and the others would deff. make the guy wish he had never started to hunt to begin with. lol. I rent a 150 acre track just for still hunting but I also know that Va is a dog hunting state. most of your hunters are dog hunters. I know this. Everyone who hunts in VA should know this. If a guy is not turning out on your land than dont be a coward and kill a dog grow up and realize ...hey I hunt in VA, and dogs are going to come through here. simple as that. or it should be anyways to any educated person!
Thanks for yet another oh so classic example of why VDGIF is looking into dog chasing. Typical dog chaser mentality in action. Key word there is "rent the land". That means it's his, not anothers or their dogs. If more people did this type of action to keep the dog chasers in check things might be different out there.
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Old 02-11-2008, 03:23 PM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

wow. Didnt say anything about ME shooting anyone, I would think of the consq.(read post again) before I did something like that. And yes I agree the ONLY thing that should be shot is the LEGAL game you are hunting. Trying to make my point that ONLY A JACKASS COWARD WOULD SHOOT SOMEONE'S DOG. And also to the other guy if a dog running a deer off of my land that I turned out on and runs the deer through or onto the next block and you call that "trespassing" then again I say WOW. What the world is it coming to.
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Old 02-11-2008, 04:28 PM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

rick64, I agree with most of what you said but to me a commen sense solution has very little to do with education. I Trap my own land and its posted but I still find dogs that are noy supposed to be running on private poated land in a trap once in a while.
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Old 02-12-2008, 05:38 AM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

Do what I do. If you are having problems with dog hunters who trespass and don't care, just write the govenors office and bitch like hell!! He hates it, the VDGIF hates it even more, and guess what,,,, now that so many people are sueing neighbors who allow tresspassing that timber companies are no longer allowing dog running on most of their properties! WE ARE WINNING THE BATTLE, DOG HUNTING WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST THROUGH LAWSUITS IF NOT THE LEGISLATURE. Remember there aredifferent branches of government,,, legislative and judicial. If the legislature won't act on decency and morality, the judicial oftern will. Don't get mad, call an attorney, and write, write, write your senator, congressman, and govenor. It does work!!
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Old 02-12-2008, 05:43 AM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

Just areminder, if we wrote the govenor and complained half as much as we do on this message board, WOW what a difference it would make!! Write VDGIF in support of the changes to dog hunting. Write your senator as much as you do here, join forces with a larger group who supports changes to the current laws. In battle, my an enemy often become my friend when we have a common goal,,, possibly a third party or a common objective. I support and contribute to any group who opposes the goals of the VHDA and other selfish, ignorant trespassing fools.
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Old 02-12-2008, 07:59 AM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance


My thing is that we hunt a 300 and a 150 acre track for the last 20 years and this guy comes in and rents a 150 track in between us. He knew when he rented that we run dogs there 2 sometimes 3 times a week. Thats the risk he decided to take. We do not turn out on his land but yes the dogs do get by us and run through his land. What the hell did he or any other still hunter expect....

If a guy is not turning out on your land than dont be a coward and kill a dog grow up and realize ...hey I hunt in VA, and dogs are going to come through here. simple as that. or it should be anyways to any educated person!
Just because you've been running dogs across a piece of property that isn't yours for the last 20 years doesn't mean that you have the right to eminent domain. If this guy has legal lease (rent) on this property it is you that must make accommodation. Yes, that means that you might have to change what you've been doing. If you had leased / rented this 150 acres then you would have right to use it for your dogs without anyone else's permission. When the land came up for lease/rent, you had the opportunity to step up and gain access rights by renting/leasing it... you knew that someone might rent/lease/buy it who wouldn't care that you had been running dogs across it for 20 years when it belonged to someone else, but that was a risk you decided to take! Hey, grow up and realize that it's not your land!

What did you expect - that he'd pay the rent and / or property taxes so that you could continue to use his property without his permission?

Did you approach him and ask permission to run your dogs across his property? Or did you just assume that since you're not turning out on his land that you didn't owe him at least the courtesy of contacting him?

It sounds like you're running dogs two to three times a week between this 150 acre tact and this 300 acre tract... that you let out on one and collect on the other. That may not be the case, but that's how I read your post. If that is the case, then it isn't a case of your dogs occasionally getting by you.

Since this is tract in the middle is not your land, it is your responsibility to contact him about running dogs on or across his property (whether intentionally or simply to address the circumstances when a couple of them get by you). Are you legally required to? No, but it is the decent and courteous thing to do... it's the right thing to do. That would be asking him it it would be okay to run your dogs from one property to the other and crossing his land in between. Tell him that you'd be willing to coordinate with him on the days that you'd be doing it so as not to disturb him when he's using the property (whether he's hunting, doing a nature walk, or having cub scouts camp out there -- it's his land, for crying out loud!). On the days when he's using the land that you're hunting, you'd either not run the dogs or try your best to contain them on your property. If you took those steps rather than saying "we've run dogs here for 20 years, what the hell did you expect?", then I think you would have might have been surprised at how things might have been different. Even if he said "no", then you would still have the right, under current law, to cross onto his land to retrieve your dogs, but at least you would have done the honorable thing by asking.

Now, if this is the guy that you mentioned in your first post that shot your dog, then he's a jerk -- but that doesn't change the circumstance. I don't think it's the same guy because in this post you say that this guy just came in and rented the land (I assume recently) and in the other post you say that you've been watching out for his land for years. Anyway, that doesn't matter because it's never okay to shoot someone's dog unless it is threatening you or your kids.
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Old 02-12-2008, 11:23 AM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

no we do not turn out and run through his piece. we line up the piece we are running and try to cut em off but they do get by us from time to time. Luckly I dont have to worry about that dummy anymore cause the land owner was down for a funeral and I told him what the dummy did and he took the land from him(well in june when the lease is up) hope he learned his lesson. I also know that not all still hunters are like the few crazy oneson this site. The ones around here catch and call us when they have our dogs. Good bunch of guys. My brother in law is a game warden and told me they are really going to tighten up on dog shooters.(its about time) and yea we arnt going to stop hunting land just cause some dumbo next to us doesnet like dogs. (for those of you who dont understand I am talking about our land not his, well used to be his lol) I am respectful of other hunters. I had a tree stand up on the property line and when he put his up 20 feet from mine I stayed away from that stand during b.p. and bow. I just dont get how shooting someones dog gets results? It causes more problems cause you cant just let em get away with it, I let my dogs(8of em) sleep inside when its to hot or cold, I love em to death and so do my kids.but hey what r u gonna do if someone is like that he is not going to change until something bad happens, (like going to jail or worse).
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Old 02-12-2008, 11:42 AM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

one more thing I totally agree(wow) with you guys when it comes to hunters trespassing and turning out on your land, they should have their hunting rights taken away,but just like there are some bad still hunters that shoot and set traps for hunting dogs there are bad doggers also. by the way dog hunting is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from being banned. Dont know where you get your info from but it is growing and geting stronger every year.
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Old 02-12-2008, 03:16 PM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

Some of you guys are crazy! Do youpeople understand what the hell your talking about here? Some are talking about killing and harming dogs...dogs for crying out loud, and others about shooting other hunters, I will be the first to say if someone hurts a dog of mine I will confront him maybe do a little whoopin, but I would never ever shoot him. For the still hunters that get pissed when a dog runs across your land without it being turned out on your land get over it. For the doghunters who do this on purpose, show some respect and dont do it. Hey, its gonna happen but ask the landowner for permission to retrive your dog. And to all of you threatning each other and the dogs, GROW UP
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Old 02-13-2008, 07:29 AM
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Default RE: Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance

ORIGINAL: Vulture6

Just because you've been running dogs across a piece of property that isn't yours for the last 20 years doesn't mean that you have the right to eminent domain. If this guy has legal lease (rent) on this property it is you that must make accommodation. Yes, that means that you might have to change what you've been doing. If you had leased / rented this 150 acres then you would have right to use it for your dogs without anyone else's permission. When the land came up for lease/rent, you had the opportunity to step up and gain access rights by renting/leasing it... you knew that someone might rent/lease/buy it who wouldn't care that you had been running dogs across it for 20 years when it belonged to someone else, but that was a risk you decided to take! Hey, grow up and realize that it's not your land!

What did you expect - that he'd pay the rent and / or property taxes so that you could continue to use his property without his permission?

Did you approach him and ask permission to run your dogs across his property? Or did you just assume that since you're not turning out on his land that you didn't owe him at least the courtesy of contacting him?

It sounds like you're running dogs two to three times a week between this 150 acre tact and this 300 acre tract... that you let out on one and collect on the other. That may not be the case, but that's how I read your post. If that is the case, then it isn't a case of your dogs occasionally getting by you.

Since this is tract in the middle is not your land, it is your responsibility to contact him about running dogs on or across his property (whether intentionally or simply to address the circumstances when a couple of them get by you). Are you legally required to? No, but it is the decent and courteous thing to do... it's the right thing to do. That would be asking him it it would be okay to run your dogs from one property to the other and crossing his land in between. Tell him that you'd be willing to coordinate with him on the days that you'd be doing it so as not to disturb him when he's using the property (whether he's hunting, doing a nature walk, or having cub scouts camp out there -- it's his land, for crying out loud!). On the days when he's using the land that you're hunting, you'd either not run the dogs or try your best to contain them on your property. If you took those steps rather than saying "we've run dogs here for 20 years, what the hell did you expect?", then I think you would have might have been surprised at how things might have been different. Even if he said "no", then you would still have the right, under current law, to cross onto his land to retrieve your dogs, but at least you would have done the honorable thing by asking.

Now, if this is the guy that you mentioned in your first post that shot your dog, then he's a jerk -- but that doesn't change the circumstance. I don't think it's the same guy because in this post you say that this guy just came in and rented the land (I assume recently) and in the other post you say that you've been watching out for his land for years. Anyway, that doesn't matter because it's never okay to shoot someone's dog unless it is threatening you or your kids.
The running on or spilling over of dogs is a common complaint on those next to dog chasers. This is why there is a min size requirement was created in some states to run dogs. Would end this encroachment BS some are forced to deal with daily. Wonder when the dog chasers will figure out not everyone hunts like they do and not everyone is going to tollerate it ? Just more reasons the state will be forced to step in to fix it. They keep thinking it won't happen. Remember how quickly xbows became legal? When they see the need they'll act overnight.
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