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Running Dogs In VA

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Old 01-01-2008, 04:09 PM
Nontypical Buck
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So let me get this straight, you know me?

Now my question to you D head is first I’m sure your much better fisherman then I, and when your hunt with your dogs do they ever cross on to posted property? If they do and I’m sure they do since they can’t read then how is that being respectful of others myson may have been sitting there waiting for that little buck before your dogs chased him away.
Of course you don't know mebut you continue down the same road of ignorance. And when I say ignorant don't take it as I think you are stupid because I don't think that at all. Any person that is a successful hunter and likes taking their kids huntinghas to have something going on upstairs. All I mean isI am not the guy disrespecting your land, I am not the guy that shot towards you and your son, I am not some beer drinking trespasser and it is uninformed of you to approach me as such. You can not be sure of anything since you do not know me, the land I hunt, the acreage, the kind of dogs we use, in short nothing is what you know about me and how I dog hunt. Yet you continue tolump me in with the bad experiences you have had with dog hunters or illegal hunters for that matter.

My whole point to you and anyone else is that there are many dog hunters that are respectful of bordering landowners, other hunters, and everything else hunting related. We may run hounds on our big piece(2500 acres) and we know the bordering clubsbut on the small tracts we usually just push 3 or 4 beagles. Communication and coordination within a club is necessary and trust me I know the bad side of dog hunting as I own 100 acre farm in VA and hunt clubs border us and inthe past we did have some trespassing problems and poaching problems. I'm really not a D head as you put I simply ask not to be painted with the same brush as the bad apples. I'm sure you would agree it is not just dog hunters breaking the laws and trespassing. There are bad apples in every bunch and I truly wish you did not have to deal with them andbeyond thatI think the local warden should be dealing with them all I am saying isthose guys do not represent alldog hunters.

As far as the"Release The Hounds" it is just a little inside joke, nothing serious or insulting just an old phrase I heard on some show abouthorseback hunting and foxes. However, I would say your first post in this thread was far from diplomatic or informative more like insulting and demeaningwhich led to my initial response. Those guys you were poking fun at and insulting their deerare good guys, respectful huntersand my friends so of course I didn't appreciate it and I'm sure you would not have either.

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Old 01-01-2008, 06:02 PM
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Default RE: Running Dogs In VA

Houndies, PLEASE TRY AND KEEP yourdrawers on!! I'm not trying to stop you from hunt'in, just havin a little fun with you houndies, that's all. Ido all kinds of hunting, with/without dogs, I just love the way we all wantto have our cake and eat it too! I've seen dozens of posts where hound hunters complain because they feel they are not allowed to have 70% representation at VDGIF deer/dog decision making sessions. (if that ain't bein a selfish, one way jackasswhat is?).

Fellas,I don't believe I've seen you complain about any of those posts? Maybe you can take a little time and shove your dogs where the sun don't shine. I hate to stoop down to your level, but your asked for it.

As far as my hunting rights go, I'm keeping my duck/rabbit dogs and my ass on my own property, or on leases where I have permission to be there. If you dothe same, you have noreason to worry, everything will keepgoing onit's merryway for you, too.

Oh,..., andby the way, congratulations on the deer. I've seen alot of little ones like that taken with dogs. I guess that really is a good way tohelpsomeone who dosen't know how to hunt take a nice deer. And now the smilies,....[8D][:-][8D][&:]etc.

Happy new year.

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Old 01-01-2008, 08:06 PM
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Default RE: Running Dogs In VA

Ok dude, you don’t like being referred to as D head well I guess the master baiter comment was a little uncalled for since this is a hunting forum not a fishing forum. Now you’re right, I’m not stupid and I do know the definition of the word ignorant. Your problem is you mistake me for dumb hillbilly that’s never hunted with a dog before. I never said that I never hunted with a dog only that I don’t have any use for it. I have hunted with dogs and have known many other people that do. If I grouped you in with the bad dog hunter’s well maybe that’s because of the way you jump in with your release the hounds comment in the middle of what is obviously a heated thread for some. I don’t agree with the guys saying we should lobby to get it changed I don’t think we should give anyone ammo to use towards removing hunting laws. But it could be moved to a later date as I said maybe consider dog hunting season in the month of January. This would allow stand hunters and still hunter to have their hunting time without the disrespectful dog hunters destroying their hunting time. It is so frustrating, us stand hunters who only have one day a week to hunt also to have someone run their dogs by our stands at 8 am just sucks. Then we get to go home and watch TV for the rest of the day or sit in the wood and see nothing anything for a week. It would allow dog hunters to have a whole month to hunt by themselves. It might even bring more people to your dog hunting sport and put more money in the state in license fees. I would not give up any of my time hunting the rut to chase a bunch of hounds around the woods. But I might if it was after the prime hunting time I still think I would rather go coyote hunting after deer season. Just don't see it as much of achallenge.

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Old 01-01-2008, 09:29 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Well I've been in this thread since it was started and I really didn't consider itheated. If you knew me (just as far as these forums go) you would know I post in most every thread that comes up in regards to dog hunting not because I am a die hard dog hunter but because I know there are large groups of guys who do it the right way and IMO that is often overlooked because of bad personal experiences. I guess my reponse on pg. 3 to the other guy seemed heated but I am not for anyone talking of banning any type ofhunting especially on a hunting site and I'm glad to see you are not for that either.

I wasusing a little sarcasm with the master baiter comment(notice the winking smiley).You were bustingmy chops in your first postwhen talking about the pampers and the quality of deer in the pic with the dog, and I think it was a little more than ribbing/sarcasm, so I gave it backto you.I assumed you would have fairly thick skin to post something likethat knowing the probable type of response it would and didget, I guess I was wrong.For the record I have no problem beingreferred to asa d head (I've been called worse a couple of times by people that actually know me)the more important part of that quote and the reason I quoted itwasn't tha you called me a d head it wasthe fact that you don't know me and yet you are confident I was disrespectfuland havemy dogs running all over someone elses property.

Please don't put words in my mouth Inever thought I was dealing with a dumb hillbilly that never hunted with a dog before as you said. You seem to really want to take this personally, you jump in a thread and start bashing without even commenting on the topic,direct commentsabout dog hunters driving around drinking beerwhile shooting out of the window at meand then want me to believe that it was theMerry Christmas and Release the Houndscommentthatwas somehow over the top, a"non-diplomatic" statement that really bothered you (it's called sarcasm, ligthen up). And because of that commentyou chose to lump me in with the illegalslob hunting losers in your area, thanks. I'm notreal sure where you are going with this you don'tlike dog hunting, OK.

You stated you have dog hunted and might again but it's not really your thing and that is fine just like it is fine forthose who love it and are die hard about it and follow the letter of the law. Therein lies the problem, I really don't think most people hate dog hunters, they hate dog season so even if guys are doing it legally and respectfully some people still don't like the dogs stirring up the woods. I understand that but VADGIFmakes the regulations not the dog hunters.

I agree I don't see dog hunting as terribly challenging either,I do see it as fun and exciting though. Let's be realistic is any of it that challenging?Bow, blackpowder, rifle, orshotgun? Deer have a brain the size of a pear and here in VA they are extremely plentiful. We are humans, other than sense of smell we havean extreme advantage, after a certain number of seasonsis it that challenging?Anyway I'm sure you think yourfirst post was completely appropriate and I'm the one with the problem so I'm really not sure why I typed all of this but have a safe end of your seasonanyway.
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Old 01-01-2008, 09:37 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Running Dogs In VA

ORIGINAL: reswire

Houndies, PLEASE TRY AND KEEP yourdrawers on!! I'm not trying to stop you from hunt'in, just havin a little fun with you houndies, that's all. Ido all kinds of hunting, with/without dogs, I just love the way we all wantto have our cake and eat it too! I've seen dozens of posts where hound hunters complain because they feel they are not allowed to have 70% representation at VDGIF deer/dog decision making sessions. (if that ain't bein a selfish, one way jackasswhat is?).

Fellas,I don't believe I've seen you complain about any of those posts? Maybe you can take a little time and shove your dogs where the sun don't shine. I hate to stoop down to your level, but your asked for it.

As far as my hunting rights go, I'm keeping my duck/rabbit dogs and my ass on my own property, or on leases where I have permission to be there. If you dothe same, you have noreason to worry, everything will keepgoing onit's merryway for you, too.

Oh,..., andby the way, congratulations on the deer. I've seen alot of little ones like that taken with dogs. I guess that really is a good way tohelpsomeone who dosen't know how to hunt take a nice deer. And now the smilies,....[8D][:-][8D][&:]etc.

Happy new year.

You are funny. A little comic relief from the guy that dog hunts but wants to ban dog hunting. Don't you have an anti-hunting rally you are supposed to be at? Quit wasting your timefraternizing with the enemy. And when I say wasting "your" time whatI really mean isour time, but I am sure you knew that. Also, I'm not worried. [8D]
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Old 01-01-2008, 10:03 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Running Dogs In VA

By the way I am not a die hard dog hunter I "still" hunt far more often,I have only hunted w/dogs a couple of times the entire 07-08 season I just don't think banning or bashing something is the best route(especially a form of hunting). I do think it will eventually be regulated in VA as it is in other states and I hope that if/when that happensit will help the dog hunters in regards to how others view us. Only time will tell.

"Release The Arrow" jk

My Oct. bow kill:

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Old 01-01-2008, 10:11 PM
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Default RE: Running Dogs In VA

I don’t care what other people do as long as they do it on their property. It don’t matter if they want to run around and throw spears at the deer just wish they would keep their dogs away from where I hunt. You’ve explained yourself I’m not trying to put words in your mouth and I do take it personally to some extend because I’m tired of having my hunting trips ruined because of people running dogs in a county that doesn’t even allow dog hunting I could call the GW, why so they can get there tenth ticket for running dogs and pay the fine it don’t give me my day back. Anyway you seem like a decent guy I hope you can just look at this from another point of view when your dogs run a crossed somebody else’s land. Just think there might have been someone hunting there that just had to pack up and go home because they didn’t have 2500 ac. To hunt they only had fifty.
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Old 01-01-2008, 11:20 PM
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Sometimes it's easy to get tunnel vision and not think about things from anothers perspective, myself included. I'm sorry to hear of the situation in the area you hunt and it definitely gives dog hunters a black eye/bad rep when things like that are going on and so little is being done about it. Over the past few seasons I have started hunting a lot of public land in VA. I have hunted the Appomattox/Buckingham State Forest and some WMA's near that but I haven't been to GW yet. From what you describe I will probably stick to hunting those lands during bow and bp to avoid theproblems.
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Old 01-03-2008, 01:50 PM
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Default RE: Running Dogs In VA

What does it really matter what size deer we take with dogs? Seriously, I know guys in the Florida Bucks Registry who have taken NUMEROUS 110+ bucks with dogs.
It would be anyone's own personal choice on whatsize buck toharvest.

I know just as many stillhunters shoot every buck they see that is Florida legal as doghunters....

Why is this agrument still happening; Both sides will never agree or compromise. Besides, I got some walker hounds with more comprehension skills and a higher IQ than the opposition.... j/k!!!

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Old 01-04-2008, 11:09 AM
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Default RE: Running Dogs In VA

wow, people fired up about this item. I usually hunt in central virginia and we have dog hunters all around us. I used to hate it, but have found it quite eneficial lately. A lot of the dogs run deer off some of the larger tracts onto our smaller tract. I shot an4 x 2 buckin November because the dogs pushed him and some does onto the property we hunt. I wouldnt have gotten a shot at that deer if it werent for those hounds. I figure its a price the hunt clubs should pay if you kill deer pushed by their dogs on your property.
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