Military Surplus Ball Powder
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Glendale Az.
Posts: 8
Military Surplus Ball Powder
I just thought I'd pass this along to anyone who might be intrested. I started loading this stuff a couple years ago, and now it's all I use in my large overbore Magnums. It's avaliable from Jeff Bartlett over at This stuff is slower than Reloader 25 and much more consistant. It's also a Ball Powder which means it flows thru any measure beautifully without all that "crunching" that is associated with loading stick propellants. The best thing is the price! $40.00 for an 8 pound jug. If you buy 6 eight pound jugs, he pays the Haz-Mat fee. I'll never go back to paying upwards of $25.00 a pound for powder, that as far as I'm concerned, isn't as consistant, or clean burning. He provides data to cross reference to when loading. My .338-378 Weatherby Accumark just loves this powder, as do most all my other magnum rifles. Bill T.
Join Date: Dec 2003
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RE: Military Surplus Ball Powder
I use some milsurp powders, and Jeff's company is a good one to deal with. I do have to say, though, IMO, non-canister powders are best left to experienced handloaders. Burning rates can vary quite a bit from lot to lot, and that can get you into trouble pretty quickly. Remember, whenever using non-canister powders, ALWAYS start low and work up. When you run out, and buy more in a different lot, you WILL have to start over.
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Glendale Az.
Posts: 8
RE: Military Surplus Ball Powder
Your correct that burnrates for these powders vary from lot to lot, but the fact that most of these powders require 100% + loading density to be effective, it becomes quite difficult to get into much trouble loading them. I'd be far more worrysome of a neophyte handloader with a pound of Bullseye on his bench, than this stuff. My favorite thing about these powders is how well they meter thru a measure as opposed to long grained stick powders. Bill T.