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what do you want in pa

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Old 12-31-2004, 09:22 PM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

Eliminate youth days...

The number of hunters is declining dramatically throughout the country. Why should we care about introducing kids to the great sport of hunting and giving them an opportunity to experience it outside the confines of the normal season.

We should just continue to push them away, not give them any encouragement or assistance.

Just think how many extra doe would be around if we didn't allow them to hunt. That would probably solve the herd reduction problem all by itself.

This is not to mention all the other youth seasons, just the deer one as I assume you intended?

No Bucks in Archery Season..

So...with a 60% reduction in doe tags..and not allowing Archers to take a buck, the only thing I can assume is that you don't want the number of Archery enthusiasts in the woods. Those that are are going to be there can shoot off all the does and contribute to the herd reduction..sounds like great management to me.

Make everyone follow the same AR restrictions?

I have read over and over in here about people wanting smaller areas managed so that the PGC has better control over the deer and habitat within each of those areas. Guess that only applies to does in those areas and not bucks?

I do have a question though based on what I have been reading. Lets assume that you stop shooting all does for a couple years in the areas that are "deerless". Maintain the current levels in areas that have the carrying capacity. Maintain the AR as they are and let the small little bucks grow up. Would that help anything?
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Old 12-31-2004, 10:09 PM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

No buck hunting for archers? Yeah, I bet everyone would love that.

I say we change over to shot gun only and have an earn a buck program for the two weeks of gun season
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Old 12-31-2004, 11:11 PM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

Earn a buck program sounds more like a job then recreation.I enjoy hunting buck because that just happens to be my cup of tea.It's my recreation and when they turn it into a job scenero they can count me out.That's what I like about huntin g,get's me away from that "must do" work environment.
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Old 01-01-2005, 05:33 AM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

I wanna see deer when I hunt there! Simple.

Here's what I think---

1)Close down Deer hunting for one year at least in WMU's where the deer have all been but eradicated to jumpstart re-growth of the herd.

2)Implement a "one deer per year, any method" law for the next 2 years following that. This will also bring back the numbers that Alt decimated to acceptable levels.

3)Once the population returns to acceptable levels and hunters can enjoy at least SEEING deer in all areas again, THEN implement additional doe tags as necessary after getting input FROM THE HUNTERS THEMSELVES thru survey reports from each WMU.

After the first year hunters being able to only harvest one deer per year any method will quickly bring the numbers back and the state will once again have a "worthwhile" population. Some areas admittedly do not need such drastic action to be taken, and this is also an area where the PGC needs to individualize things a bit instead of throwing everything into one big box. My take on all of this is that most hunters want to see deer when they hunt, period, and the PGC didn't handle that quite the way we were led to believe it would be after sending dreams of big bucks running everywhere into our skulls . As far as AR's go, the big ol smart bucks will be there regardless, just have to find them, just like everywhere else. In the meantime we all would like to see deer while hunting, to me that WAS one of the greatest things about hunting PA. Unfortunately that is gone now in several areas of the state, and IMHO that is what needs alot of focus to restore.

I don't see any need to harvest more than one animal in a given state either unless they are largely overpopulated. Just because we hunt with bow, then muzzleloader, then rifle shouldn't mean we can automatically take 3 deer each year-- I personally feel that is a bit greedy UNLESS there is a population problem as stated above. Might as well add crossbow, spear, rock, and truck too with that type of thinking, lol. If they allow one deer per year either sex, alot of guys will try to wait for bucks but once it gets down to the end they will take a doe instead and thus save a buck. This acts as a natural AR/ balancing element and more bucks live to the next year. This means bigger bucks, without the need for AR's---again, you must choose for yourself what you want, horns or meat. At least it's OUR choice that way.

All of this will never happen tho, I think this retarded decimation was all staged and planned for alterior motives. Unfortunately I don't think the PGC understood what kind of impact it would have by doing so and it got carried away to boot after the first year. Alt was the poster child and scapegoat in the end, but it wasn't all his doing either, he was just a sock puppet for the most part.

I'd love to be able to go back to our camp in North Central PA and see decent numbers of deer again, but I think we'll be going to different states for awhile till the numbers come up again, IF they ever do. In the meantime we will enjoy it for a summer family getaway and "monitoring" place. Good luck! Pinwheel 12
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Old 01-01-2005, 09:58 AM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

AMEN Pinwheel... I live in NY near the PA border. I have limited time to hunt and ample land to hunt in NY. Several years ago, I elected to begin hunting in PA for the following reasons, in order of preference:

1.) Another "Opening Day" opportunity.
2.) Opportunity to hunt with a Rifle within 10 miles of my home.
3.) Opportunity to see several deer in one sitting (Remember, this was several years ago)
4.) Chance to take another deer.

Back then, if I was lucky to get an antlerless permit, I always passed on a small doe because I knew a bigger 1 would show. I still do pass on small antlerless deer, but I know several hunters who will kill the first deer they see because of limited sightings. From one of my previous threads on this message board, what was wrong with the system they had several years ago? A 3-day doe season only and 1 deer per hunter. I don't know of any hunters that wouldn't be happy with 1 deer in the freezer. I would like to shoot a trophy buck, but in the areas I hunt, which is public land, I am thrilled to death to see several deer and get any buck. I've got ridiculed before for stating this, but as they say... You can't eat the horns and I also believe, if you kill a big doe out of a small population, you are destroying the herd. One statement summarizes my wishes... Go back to the old way!
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Old 01-01-2005, 11:08 AM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

i wouldnt mind ppl only getting 1 tag buck or doe
But one thing that bothers me is when i send out for a bonus tag
dont get one but found out an out of stater got one it go to show
all the game commsion wants is money. i sent in on the first day you could to
Dont get me wrong i have nothing agaist out of state hunters .
And personly i only kill 1 maybe 2 because i dont need that much deer
meat 1 will get me threw the winter i only kill 2 when i need more canned meat.
the people that want more than 1 deer will get it one way or another
either poaching or have freinds and family get a tag so i dont thing 1
tag a person would help
To bring up the herd 1 buck 1 doe resident only till the herds are back up
and again nothing against out of state ppl my wife has out of state family that hunts with us but resident only would save alot of deer

Happy hunting
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Old 01-01-2005, 12:08 PM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

Based on the suggestions thus far, the state should:

1. Eliminate youth days and stop the kids from getting special opportunities to learn about hunting.

2. Cut the doe licenses by 60 percent.

3. Eliminate Archery Hunting for Bucks. Allow them to shoot only does.

4. Eliminate non-resident hunting for several years until the deer herd allows every resident to shoot one buck and one doe, then allow them back in.

**Interesting side note that according to a study done, non resident hunters bring approximately $488,500,00 dollars into the revenue stream of the state. I'm sure a state as wealthy as PA wouldn't miss that at all.

Monetary Figures From:
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Old 01-01-2005, 02:03 PM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

#1. Smaller management units.
#2. Better studies on carrying capacity in each WMU.
#3 . Reduce herd reductions statewide with the exception of severly over-populated areas.
#4. Set-up a program to make it more rewarding for guys to hunt the over-populated areas.
#5. 4pt antler restrictions statewide.
#6. Shorten the doe season to 1 week (the last week of rifle season).
#7. Create a better system for harvest reports.
#9. Open more public land to hunting.
#10. Plant more food plots on SGL's.
#11. Any archer who shoots a button buck must use a buck tag!
#12. Listen to hunters imput.
#13. Raise doe tag price to $10 each.
#14. Sunday hunting for over-populated WMU's!
#15. Remove allowing muzzleloaders to shoot a doe and tag it with a buck tag (flintlock).
#16. Have archers and flintlock tags come with a doe tag (raise tag prices an extra $3) and set-up a earn-a-buck program for them.

I am not sure what else, but these are just some random ideas!
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Old 01-01-2005, 03:16 PM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

I'd like to see no buck hunting till March each year. By then they will have dropped the majority of racks and then we would see how many hunters are truly interested in "resource first" and "just doing what is best for the herd".

wannabes, you gotta love 'em.
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Old 01-01-2005, 03:59 PM
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Default RE: what do you want in pa

how much money non residents bring in whoope when their is
only a couple deer here and there non residents will go elsewhere
then what good is the Study thats half of americas problem todays
to many people have to study something . i say bla to your little
non resisents bring so much money no deer no money anyway
find a study for that. and not when all residents kill 1 of each
but when the numbers are up
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