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Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

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Old 08-25-2002, 08:36 PM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

Even though permanant built stands are illegal in WMA, why waste your time arguing over the spot? Do some scouting, and move on! If you know the area well enough you sould be able to catch the deer earlier by moving in the direction they normally come from. I don't mean jumping in front of another guy 50yds. But if your bowhunting, a few hundred yards seems to be acceptable, at least in my book. Lets face it, things are getting tighter and tighter in NJ, we need to have a little more patience. Remember hunting is suppose to be fun!

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Old 08-26-2002, 07:01 AM
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

Too bads the days of respecting a fellow huntter are about gone in NJ. I can remember chaining a wooden ladder stand on a tree, and no one would bother it. Now everyone wants to beat you there in the morning. Shame. I think it has a lot to do with part time hunters and new comers to the sport, honestly. people don't look around, and only have a couple spots they even know how to drive to, and lose all sense of respect. If someone else is always parked in a certain area, and you know they usually hunt that piece of woods behind there, why bother them? I don't agree with building permanent stands either, but if a guy puts up a chain on, or ladder, only a real scumbag would hunt it. Duckmastor, if you liked the spot, you did the right thing, by not using those stands, but setting up nearby, because you hunted there for years. Nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't be surprised when those fellas asked you to move on, no one wants somebody walking around under their stands opening day. I'd even hunt there again if I was you, you hunted there first, but don't be surprised if the other guys aren't as considerate and keeep getting angry. Up until a few years ago, only a real moron would build a stand on public land where they never hunted before, and had no idea if it was some other guy's spot for the past 10 years.

I look at it like this, first come first serve. If I'm parked in a certain area, and there's plenty of other areas to hunt, I'd be mighty pissed if someone came walking in on me at daylight. At the same time, if someone beats me there, I'll hunt somewhere else, it's public land after all. But all hunters should show a little respect, and if you know someone hunts a certain spot, don't crowd them, please. Just a little courtesy.

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Old 08-26-2002, 07:54 AM
Typical Buck
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

Glad I have 200 acres of private land!!!! <img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>
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Old 08-26-2002, 08:22 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

I am glad I have 68 acres but some good acres too boot. I just feel that we all should be a little more considerate of others too but I go along with no permanent stands on WMA's. So I guess I am with you. I also don't like permanent stands on public land do to damage of the trees. On private land no problem but public land no permanent stands for me either.


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Old 08-27-2002, 05:40 AM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

While scouting this summer, I have come across some nice permanent stands on the wildlife area I hunt. I dont believe anyone hunts ths area but a couple people during early bow season, so I picked a couple spots close to them to use my climber. It pisses me off to see them, but if DIv of fish and wildlife will not enforce it, there is not much you can do except tear them down when no one is around, but I dont feel that is right. I know they will be hunted out of during gun season and i will set up someplace else. No biggie....I have a few stand sights picked out. Nowadays you dont know the people your dealin with. People have little regard for human life, they are extremely selfish. You took a big chance setting up around those stands on opening day. Its like you went out there like a Cock Bird with your chest stuck out there to &quot;show them what they did was not right&quot;. Is it worth getting shot over?? Next time your out in the woods, ask yourself that question before you do anything questionable. Life is too short as it is dude.

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Old 08-27-2002, 06:52 AM
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

Cooerpup, if it's the wma we were talking about, and hunting opening day, the stands were built by the state. The regs say you can't hunt out of a portable within 100yds of one if it's occupied. Just wanted you to know before some knucklehead messed up your morning. I have a spot about 75yds from one, and I'm hoping nobody hunts it. Most of the ones I saw are about 50-100yds from good spots anyway.

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Old 08-27-2002, 06:59 AM
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

Permanent stands, meaning those nailed to a tree are illegal on public lands in NJ. I think we can all agree that they have no place on WMA's. But what Duck is also campaigning against is portables stands that are left in the tree. For example, you scout an area throughly, find a good spot near a bedding area and place your stand, planning on coming back to hunt it later, after the area has settled down. That way you can slip into the stand without making too much of a disturbance. Duckmastor, and correct me if I'm wrong here Duck, is petitioning F & W to make that practice illegal. He wants no portable stands set up on public land. At least that is how I interpret this quote from your post.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote<font size=1 face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
For those of you who hunt public Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) and plan on using permanent deer stands (IE: Ladders, hanging, tripods, stands built with wood, etc), I have just one suggestion, don't do it.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' size=2 id=quote>

Sorry Duck, but I think you're out in left field here, and I'll bet most hunters will agree with me. I don't consider hang on stands, ladder stands or tripod stands permanent stands, they are portables. You are confusing the issue when you lump them in with boards nailed to a tree. What you are really complaining about is portable stands placed on public land.

Edited by - NJ_bowhntr on 08/27/2002 08:03:14
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Old 08-27-2002, 07:30 AM
Typical Buck
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

First--permanent stands are forbidden on all WMA's so these guys are obviously clueless. I feel bad that 2 guys barged in on your spot but that is the risks of hunting public land. I pay a hefty price to hunt on private land and I assume others do the same.

If I were you, I would move to another spot and let these guys ruin it for themselves. You are probably better of somewhere else as it already seems way to crowded at the moment.

Sad to say but hunting in Jersey is like goign to the mall on Saturday before Xmas!

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Old 08-27-2002, 09:22 AM
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

To clarify, the wma I mentioned in my last post isn't in NJ.
A quick question, I agree that portable stands can be left up ethically, but do you guys agree that if some guy comes in and beats you there, setting up unknowingly 50yds away, you should hunt somewhere else that day? Or are you still saying that gives you claim to an area? I'm just curious, because if I hang a portable stand, it's not where anybody's gonna see it, and somebody may have seen the same deer, sign, ect, and if they get there earlier than me, I'm not gonna walk in on them.
I'm just asking because I always hear horror stories about people coming in and setting up 50yds from you, knowing you are there(not somethingg I'd tolerate). Do you guys show people that same respect, and hunt somewhere else if someone is in the area?
I plan on hunting a wma in mercer county for the first time on 9/7, and I'm wondering how much headache I'll have. I'll be there extemely early, and in my climber back in the middle of the woods. No permanent stands I can see, btu I don't go beating around the woods the few weeks before the season, so someone may have put a hang-on up. If I'm setup long before daylight, and some guy comes in 1/2hr before light and starts climbing in a hang-on 50yds from me, I'm gonna be pissed, and neither of us are gonna have a hunt that morning. I would like to think I'm not alone in that thinking, but some of the stuff I hear leads me to believe everyone thinks differently. If I'm hunting a certain stand already up, I'm gonna have my climber as backup, or another spot in mind, I'm not going to ruins someone's setup.

&quot;In heaven, even the fish have antlers&quot;
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Old 08-27-2002, 09:59 AM
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Default RE: Permanent Stands on NJ's WMA's

Hey Guys. I posted this in the Bowhunting Forum as well. The discussion got pretty heated there. I dont consider stands &quot;portable&quot; if someone puts one up in August and takes it home in February. Thats just how I feel. It that puts me &quot;out in left field&quot; or makes me &quot;clueless&quot; Fine.

Here are some excerpts (sp) of 2 of my responses in the other Forum. Keep the opinions comming. I like reading them. But I think after you read below, you'll understand that I have nothing else to say about this (this should cover my opinion). Good Luck in the upcomming season.

Posted 8/25:

&quot;I guess its partially my fault you got the wrong idea. Paragraph 5 makes it sound like I walked in to the area 1 week before the season. This wasnt the case. I was in there about 3 weeks, once a week, glassing and looking around before the stands went up. I didnt walk in, see the stands, and say &quot;man this a good spot&quot; and snuck in on opening day. What would you suggest bud? Should I have put an sign in the spot I prepared to hunt on the ground stating &quot;Duckmastor2 plans to hunt this spot if the winds right opening day. Everyone else stay away and dont put up any stands&quot;. I wouldnt even think of such a thing. Thats the whole F'n point man. 1st come 1st served. Just because 2 guys put up stands doesnt claim an area. When they saw my flashlight, they should have respected the fact i was there and went elsewhere. Thats what I do. If someone's there first, god bless them and I hope they get a good one. That is common decency pal. Threatening me and throwing me out was wrong.&quot;

Posted 8/26:

&quot;Probably the same thing that happened to you when you read my &quot;or they may not be there at all&quot;. You automatically assumed I was a thief or condoned that activity. I certainly do not. What I meant was that as more and more people use the public land to hunt, you have a much greater chance of running into fine people &quot;insert sarcasm here&quot; like you did the morning your stand was in the process of being removed. People do take the public land attitude that far. Its not right, but they do. Also, there is a good chance that people will sit in your stand and if they do, you really cant do anything legally about it.

Below is a copy of an email I received in response to a letter I sent to Fish and Game back in early October 2001 on this issue. Its from Paul Tarlowe. The WMAs mentioned have been removed for my safety sake... Kidding

&quot;X and Y WMAs are not among the 12 WMAs where permanent waterfowl blinds or deer stands are prohibited. On areas where they are permitted they could, theoretically, be used by whoever got to them first. I will pass your correspondence along to our Land Management and Law Enforcment offices for review. The best forum to express your views would be to the Director and Fish and Game Council when the proposed Game Code for next year is announced and public comment welcomed.&quot;

Although I dont think its right, &quot;squawter rights&quot; are supported by fish and game.

IMO I think it would just make things so much nicer for everyone if 'carry in and carry out' stands were the only legal type on public land. The only thing you have to worry about is people beating you to the spot you planned to hunt, which I think would be less likely without visable stands in trees. You wouldnt have to worry about your hard earned money (stands) disappearing into the night or being destroyed by people who dont respect others. I may be wrong, but we won't know until we try.

It obvious there are strong feelings on both sides of the issue. Look at what we've done to each other here? We've called each other names and threatened each other. I can only imagine what people in other states think of us.

I will continue to send letters, emails and talk to as many people as I can to change the law.

Right now, the permanent stands are legal. People like me who are against this, must respect it. Leave them be! People who hang them must except the fact that even though its legal to put them up, its 1st come 1st served, anyone can sit in them, people might sit on the ground close to them and you are taking a much bigger risk of them disappearing than you would on private land.

By the way SJ, if that guy shot an arrow at you, I would think 20 years for attempted murder would have been more appropriate.

Good luck to all this season!

Any day spent huntin, is better than any day spent workin,,

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