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Old 06-14-2009, 05:11 PM
Giant Nontypical
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Do you read this stuff?

People pizzed

an article from 5 years ago by 1 disgruntled woman hunter. The main website doesnt even exist today.

Book about pizzed Pennsylvanians

An article By Bob Frye promoting the Deer Wars book which you really ought to read by the way. Dissention is mentioned but nothing coming close to your claim of "lowest satisfaction rating in the nation"

THese dont look too happy either

An ACLU site...... Priceless!!! LMFAO!!!!

More P-oed hunters

An article about Unified Lawsuit LOL
Less than 2000 hunters out of 900,000 I guess they'd all qualify as dissatisfied. Of course they are 2 tenths of one percent of PA hunters so I guess thats overwhelming proof LOL

Writer not happy with deer program, one of many.

Actually, if you'd have read the article, you'd know that the author was supporting a license increaseYou really ought to have someone read this stuff to you!


An article objecting to the use of sharpshooters in a park. The PGC only allows that where hunting not feasible.


LMFAOROTF!!! it's obvious that you didnt read this stuff
Here's a quote from that website....

Whitetail Deer often destroy vegetable gardens, fruit trees and crops. If their numbers become too high, the whitetail deer cause serious problems to forest plants. Deer are often involved in accidents with cars that result in serious injuries and deaths of humans.
if someone posted that here you'd be among the first to scream econut! LOL!

No doubt there is some dissent in PA by a loud and persistentminority but your claims of a majority and the ridiculous claim of a lowest rating in the nation is pure fantasy. The pitiful collection you just cited just serves as more proof that you have no supporting facts to back up your claims.
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Old 06-14-2009, 05:30 PM
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"Do you read this stuff? '


"an article from 5 years ago by 1 disgruntled woman hunter. The main website doesnt even exist today. "

Says FOR WOMEN BY WOMEN.. And she spoke of herself and HUNTING FRIENDS, SOME OF WHICH HAVE QUIT! (guess YOU dont read so well? LOL) But doenst matter, even if it were one, its one of many I provided and many more that I didnt. I could post each of the MANY THOUSANDS of articles and message board posts from the last few years, and it wouldnt matter one bit to you. As for the "main website no longer existing...Seems they didnt have a problem leaving up THAT page...LOL, Or maybe you think they are happier now that we have even fewer deer than we did then 5 years ago? LOL

"An article By Bob Frye promoting the Deer Wars book which you really ought to read by the way. Dissention is mentioned but nothing coming close to your claim of "lowest satisfaction rating in the nation"

Deer wars wasnt titled as such because bb and I were making all the noise. Or because of a few guys like usp. The state is pizzed. LMAO.

"An ACLU site...... Priceless!!! LMFAO!!!! "

Glad you liked it. Id say 100,000+ hunters "matter" and opinions count as much as any other hunters wether YOU agree with their views or not.

"An article about Unified Lawsuit LOL "

Again. Love em or hate em. More Hunters. The links arent only about usp or any other group, though I thought they should be at least included since they share the views of disgust about hr. Wether you or I agree with them about other things is immaterial in regard to this conversation.

"Actually, if you'd have read the article, you'd know that the author was supporting a license increase You really ought to have someone read this stuff to you! "

Yes. But he does so in spite of his distaste for the program.... AND that is the current topic of discussion. If you want to discuss the lack of support for a fee increase without change, that too can be and HAS been shown more than once.

"An article objecting to the use of sharpshooters in a park. The PGC only allows that where hunting not feasible. "

Ummm, sorry pal. Thats not all that was stated.

"LMFAOROTF!!! it's obvious that you didnt read this stuff
Here's a quote from that website.... "

Every word. And your desparate feeble attempts to disregard are humorous at best.

" Whitetail Deer often destroy vegetable gardens, fruit trees and crops. If their numbers become too high, the whitetail deer cause serious problems to forest plants. Deer are often involved in accidents with cars that result in serious injuries and deaths of humans. if someone posted that here you'd be among the first to scream econut! LOL! "

Ummm no i wouldnt. Those things are all undeniable facts. Id screamif those things were unreasonably used as an excuse for extremes in deer pgc often does....But again, the "piece" speaks for itself.

And I wouldnt scream "econut" until mention was made of nonsense like birding, unnatural amounts of trillium, hobblebush, and not being able to see more than 50 yeards in mature forest as the goal

"No doubt there is some dissent in PA "

Ha ha ha. Gee ya think? LMAO!!

"by a loud and persistent minority"

Nope. A helluva lot dont post on computers or write letters to the editor but are just as pissed if not moreso than those that do. I know probably 20 people who arent "politically active" for every one that is, that do not support the deer sham.

"that distrust but your claims of a majority and the ridiculous claim of a lowest rating in the nation is pure fantasy."

There is NO STATE IN THE NATION with a lower satisfaction rating of the deer managemnt. NOT ONE. There is no state even close to having as many p-oed hunters, no state that has anywhere NEAR the level of bad press, message board dissent, or anything else. Not even close. Not even debatable.
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Old 06-14-2009, 05:37 PM
Giant Nontypical
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There is NO STATE IN THE NATION with a lower satisfaction rating of the deer managemnt. NOT ONE. There is no state even close to having as many p-oed hunters, no state that has anywhere NEAR the level of bad press, message board dissent, or anything else. Not even close. Not even debatable.
Smoke and mirrors but nothing anywhere about this mythical "rating" because it doesnt exist.

I'm done asking because we all know that you obviously made that up.
Better luck next time with your fantasies. Have a good night.
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Old 06-14-2009, 05:51 PM
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Smoke & Mirrors??? LOL! Was that kevlar vest Alt had to wear to deer meetings designed to keep out the "smoke" or was he afraid of getting cut on broken glass from one of those mirrors?

Dont run away with tail tucked! LOL. Im just getting warmed up! We have the highest (by FARRRRRR)rate of disgust in the country. And though its a ridiculous notion to think for a solitary second ANY state in the nation has more disgusted hunters and higher level of dis-satisfaction in their deer management, just for conversation purposes (chits and giggles), who do you suggest does?...[:-]

Then you and I can have a little contest to see who can find more hunter dissatisfaction articles etc. Me about Pa or you about the other 50 states combined. LOL, thats what I thought. LMAO! LOL.

Better luck??? I dont need luck when my position is so well supported.

But Im tired from my workout this evening so hitting the hay early tonight... You too have a good'n.
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Old 06-14-2009, 06:25 PM
Typical Buck
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Im really starting to think that you are just plain ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I f in the past 7 years you can not or will not see hunter dissatisfaction getting more and more prominent in the state of Pa if nothing more than this message board alone,,,to hell with doing any other search,,,,this place alone is huge,,,,,then my man,,,you are so mistakingly wrong in your observation that there is no sense in ever reading another one of your posts ever again!
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Old 06-14-2009, 06:56 PM
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ORIGINAL: rem700man

Im really starting to think that you are just plain ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I f in the past 7 years you can not or will not see hunter dissatisfaction getting more and more prominent in the state of Pa if nothing more than this message board alone,,,to hell with doing any other search,,,,this place alone is huge,,,,,then my man,,,you are so mistakingly wrong in your observation that there is no sense in ever reading another one of your posts ever again!
And apparantly you cant read. Corny made a ridiculous claim that he couldn't back up.He claims some fantasy about PA having the worst rating in the nation when no such ratings exist. I didnt say there isnt some dissent butthis site is the last stronghold of a dozen or so of the loudest whiners and complainers that have mostly been banned elsewhere.Some have evenbeen banned here before and came back under new names. With the exception of the USP site, this sitehas the most complainers and they are very few in the big picture.Itis not representative of the majority sentiment in PA. With all due respect, you don't live here and don't see every day how more and more hunters are becoming happier with the quality of the hunting here. In reality, the dissent has trailed off here considerably even though a few of the most loudest mouths continue to babble on. Doesnt it make you wonder why he only found a few web pages that werent several years old? Doesnt it make you wonder that the pickings were so slim that he even used an ACLU website about law enforcement abuses and that has nothing to do with deer management to make his silly little list?

He lives and hunts inone of the best deer areas in the state and claims he gets a big buck every year and doesnt kill does yet he screams that the hunting stinks there. HMMMM. The few guys I know that hunt down that way love the area and do well even on public land. (Hearing that really gets him fired up LOL) You gotta wonder why he's soriled up if he'sreally that successful. Sounds to me like he can't believe anyone can be successful in Greene lately simply because he hasnt been getting his deer there.

BTW, feel free to stop reading my posts. Somehow, I think I'll manage to get over it. LOL

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Old 06-14-2009, 07:00 PM
Typical Buck
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What you have posted is nothing more then a handful of opinions from a VERY small and select group of people. Plus as has already been pointed out even your selection of articles are not all expressing being disgruntled with hunting in Pennsylvania.

Here is an actual survey of over 900 randomly selected Pennsylvania hunters and what they had to say about there level of satisfaction with hunting and wildlife management in Pennsylvania. This survey was done in 2005.

What “You” Think about Hunting PA

YOU MAY HAVE BEEN one of more than 900 hunters to receive a phone call last May as part of a survey conducted for the Game Commission, by Responsive Management, to help us learn about your participation in, motivation for and satisfaction with, hunting here.

Hunters were selected randomly from a list of those who purchased 2000-01 licenses. The survey took 20 minutes and consisted of more than 100 questions such as: What is the main reason you hunt? How likely are you to go hunting? How satisfied are you with your hunting experience? What would encourage you to hunt more? and, How do you rate the Game Commission?

Here's what "you" had to say:

How Much Do You Hunt?

The survey separated respondents into three categories: active hunters, inactive hunters and ex-hunters. Active hunters (88%) were those who had hunted in at least one of the past two seasons (2002-03 or 2003-04) and intend to hunt in the future. Inactive hunters (6%) did not hunt in either of the previous two seasons but intended to hunt in the future, and ex-hunters (less than 3%) did not expect to hunt in this state again.

Of the three percent who do not intend to hunt in the future, the ex-hunters, the main reasons are health and age related (35%). Other factors causing you to give up hunting are: lack of time (23%), the places you used to hunt are gone or developed (8%) and lack of game (8%).

Are You Satisfied?

For the most part, you feel positive about your hunting experiences. Seventy-nine percent of you were very or somewhat satisfied with your Pennsylvania hunting over the past two years. Only 10 percent were dissatisfied.

How's the PGC Doing?

Most of you shared positive opinions of the Commission's ability to manage wildlife and hunting seasons. Seventy-one percent gave good or excellent ratings for providing hunting opportunities, and 62 percent believe the agency is doing a good or excellent job managing and conserving wildlife. Additionally, 69 percent of you gave law enforcement good or excellent performance ratings.

You can find the full report here and associated links:

It seems that you are really in a minority group of about 10% that are not satisfied and that in reality the majority of Pennsylvania hunters are not unsatisfied and actually believe the Game Commission is doing a good job.

R.S. Bodenhorn
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Old 06-14-2009, 07:21 PM
Typical Buck
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ORIGINAL: rem700man

Im really starting to think that you are just plain ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I f in the past 7 years you can not or will not see hunter dissatisfaction getting more and more prominent in the state of Pa if nothing more than this message board alone,,,to hell with doing any other search,,,,this place alone is huge,,,,,then my man,,,you are so mistakingly wrong in your observation that there is no sense in ever reading another one of your posts ever again!

I suspect I was hearing hunter discussions and complaints about no deer and how the Game Commission was mismanaging the deer and killing them all off from long before you were even born.

This handful of loudly disgruntled hunters is certainly nothing new. I was hearing hunters complaining about how the Game Commission had killed all of the deer off since way back in the late 1950s when antler less harvests became an annual event.

I have been hearing that screaming and shouting from hunters every single time the Game Commission has increased the antler less license or harvests over the past fifty years. But, that screaming and shouting it not nearly as strong today as it was fifty years ago, twenty years ago, ten years ago or even five years ago.

I talk to FAR more hunters in a year then probably anyone posting on this web site and the VAST MAJORITY of the hunters are not dissatisfied with the deer hunting they are experiencing. And, I am even in what many consider to be the most deer depressed area of the state.

Yes, most hunters would like to see more deer but most of them also know that seeing more deer isn’t realistic or even possible until they first see the habitat recovering to where it can support more deer.

The majority of the hunters I have contact with, on a daily bases, are not nearly as disgruntled as the loudly vocal minority posting on this site would mislead you into believing.

R.S. Bodenhorn
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Old 06-15-2009, 02:00 AM
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If those unhappy hunters were really such a small minority as you claim, I doubt they would have had the political clout to lobby their state legislators to the point of withholding the license increase thus far. Either that or your 79% supporters who wave the flag are so fat and happy about their hunting they don't notice the PGC is sinking without a license increase, they don't notice the success the opposition has had with the legislators, ....or they just don't really care enough to do anything about it.
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Old 06-15-2009, 03:44 AM
Giant Nontypical
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ORIGINAL: Screamin Steel

If those unhappy hunters were really such a small minority as you claim, I doubt they would have had the political clout to lobby their state legislators to the point of withholding the license increase thus far. Either that or your 79% supporters who wave the flag are so fat and happy about their hunting they don't notice the PGC is sinking without a license increase, they don't notice the success the opposition has had with the legislators, ....or they just don't really care enough to do anything about it.
Steel, you're a reasonable guy so when you say that a vocaland persistent fewcouldn't possibly affect policy I'll simply answer with a glaring recent example..... The crossbow vote
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