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Old 04-05-2009, 06:02 PM
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"I disagree with your take on what those that are supportive if their change really represent. In the real world of polls they are fence sitters that could go either direction if there vote were the deciding one."

I agree some might exist who cannot decide. And those most likely wouldnt vote on this poll, because I dont have a "maybe". And there is no reason to expect someone who didnt care one way or the other to vote any of the three VERY decisive options that I listed.

"I simply don’t think you have the no increase support you think you have. "

I Know we do. I see it on a daily basis. Doesnt really matter to me if there are another 100 votes that come in for, or against. I know the real score, and i honestly believe you do too. But it doesnt bode well for your agency to flaunt the fact a HUUUUGE portion of those who pay pgc bills do not support what is going on.

"I am also sure you, and the other aliases,"

Ihave noother aliases, and Id thank you to stop makingfalse accusations. I voted once on this poll. Ive never given you any reason to doubt my honesty or credibility. You cannot say the same.

"and handful of like minded posters would all like to ignore the other poll on this same message board. In that poll 61% are presently in favor of an increase with only 38% opposed. "

Actually you are lying. more are AGAINST than are FOR it. You forgot the rediculous nondecisive wording and the fact btb himself even admitted the poll was not at all "fairly" worded.

"The facts are very simple and all of the various polls prove it; the majority do support a license increase."

Hmmm. seems to me, the only unbiased one Ive seen with the most votes was thepoll wherehunters didnt even want a fee increase if it meantand added turkey tag thrown in! Ive also posted SEVERAL poll results from MULTIPLE sitesin regards to what people think of pgc. I think we can both agree they were far less than flattering.

"Even on this site, that is heavily weighted by the USP and a few others that have been kicked off of the message boards that require proper posting behavior, people support a license fee increase."

First LOL, last i checked usp guys were "hunters" just as much as pfsc guys? Second, I dont believe you know how "weighted' this board is with usp guys. Can you please list the members here who are?

Also,I dont think people kicked off of hpa for "posting behavior" add up to a hill of beans. ITs those booted for their beliefs that are huge in number, and why any pgc poll is definately gonna swing propgc. The site is well known for its heavy bias. Considering theregular posters are 99% one of 3sectors... Pgc employees past and present. DCNR guys, and conservation group members. Their number one goal is to put on a show for any visitiing legislators. Ive been a member overthere for8 years. I know from which I speak.

"It is all really immaterial though since the only ones that get to vote on the legislation are the Representatives and Senators voted in to make such legislative decisions. I agree it will be a difficult bill to get passed; but mostly because of the financial state of the present economy instead of if the hunters want one or not. We’ll just have to wait and see how the real vote goes. "

Id like to see things straightened out, you may not believe that, but I honestly would. And Im not talking rediculous numbers of deer and redoing everything. Things will NEVER be good between hunters and pgc if all they ever say is no... How about smaller wmus? No. How about trying to allow a few more deer where they can be? No. how about....No.... And Im not an idiot, and know there is not "good" excuses for every no. but I do know there are some very vile ones.[:@]

Things will never be "hunter friendly" with the current trend in commissioner appointment.

"But, you go ahead and keep shouting, pouting, stomping your feet and yelling liar, it helps illustrate just how immature you really are. "

And you arent??? You appear to have 20 years at least on me, yet you lie continually, purposely decieve, even went as far as threatening me via a friend! (LOL) And you wanna throw stones?? I have as mature and pleasant a conversation as the opposing party dictates. No more no less. I also like the text, since its clear you like it about as much as I like others intentionalmistruth.

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Old 04-05-2009, 07:04 PM
Typical Buck
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Ok why don’t we cut the numbers to the chase and through all of the ones that were not just a yes or a no.

If you do that it still comes out 60% in favor of an increase and 40% apposed to an increase. You can’t honestly spin that fact can you?

If you take all of those that said they supported an increase, including that said they would support a modest increase, and just throw out those that are on the fence for any increase you still get 49% in favor, only 24% opposed and 27% on the fence.

To try making it represent anything else is nothing more then nonsense and dishonest.

As for the totality of the support across the state I can’t say anything more then what I see on the boards plus the number of hunters I have personal contact with. I am confident that I talk to more hunters from all across this state in just one month of the hunting season then you do during the entire year. The hunters that I have talked to do overwhelmingly support a license increase. Even though many of them don’t support all of the deer management objectives most of them do support antler restrictions the same most of them also support a license fee increase.

As for me lying, I don’t. I always tell it as I see or I don’t tell it at all. In most cases I also have the facts to support what I say, even my I interject my opinions about the way it appears to me.

You however constantly call people a liar; that is simply immature behavior.

You called a trooper friend of mine a liar the other day and I simply pointed out that you probably wouldn’t do that if you were face to face with him. He is the largest trooper in our barracks and though he really is a heck of a nice guy and pretty easy going I doubt he would take real well to someone calling him a liar.

I am more then willing to debate a person on just the merits of the topic provided they are willing to keep it civil without calling people a liar when all they did was post something you don’t like or agree with.

R.S. Bodenhorn
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Old 04-05-2009, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 67

Lets put it this way? What % of hunters hunt as some of you say you do out there? What % of hunters bagged a deer last year? Lets say 25% a bit high though I say but I will let it there? Now ask 100% of the hunters who thinks the PGC should have a license fee increase. Now what % of the hunters are going to say yes when only 25% bagged a deer last season? Common sense says you are not getting the fee increase from the numbers of dissatisfied hunters. Do you really think with that low of hunter success from last season that the hunters are going to say yea. These are the ones you call weekend hunters and the lazy ones. You really think they are going to say yes to the increase? Oh my,some real idiots on here if they say yes they would support a license increase just so they can go out 2 maybe 3 times a season to hunt the elusive deer that less than 25% of the hunters managed to harvest one last year. You will be in the minority for sure and a true to that idiotic moron..
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Old 04-06-2009, 04:05 AM
Nontypical Buck
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As for me lying, I don’t. I always tell it as I see or I don’t tell it at all. In most cases I also have the facts to support what I say, even my I interject my opinions about the way it appears to me.
You lied about the decrease in breeding rates and I proved it without a doubt based on the number of road killed doe checked . You lied about the history of the herd in the northern tier and I provided the PGC data that proved you were wrong. You constantly twist and manipulate data to support your agenda , even though your actions are so blatant that they are laughable ,like claiming the habitat is reducing the herd in 2G.
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Old 04-06-2009, 05:53 AM
Typical Buck
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ORIGINAL: bluebird2

As for me lying, I don’t. I always tell it as I see or I don’t tell it at all. In most cases I also have the facts to support what I say, even my I interject my opinions about the way it appears to me.
You lied about the decrease in breeding rates and I proved it without a doubt based on the number of road killed doe checked . You lied about the history of the herd in the northern tier and I provided the PGC data that proved you were wrong. You constantly twist and manipulate data to support your agenda , even though your actions are so blatant that they are laughable ,like claiming the habitat is reducing the herd in 2G.

The only thing you have proven is how little you know about the topics you want to be take as an authority on.

All you have ever provided are snippets of out of context data and reports along with your twisted misrepresentations of what the data means.

I posted the facts, as recorded, from both the dead and living deer. If you are calling them a liar in the data they provided then that too just shows how foolish you and your theories really are.

R.S. Bodenhorn
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Old 04-06-2009, 06:01 AM
Nontypical Buck
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I posted the facts, as recorded, from both the dead and living deer. If you are calling them a liar in the data they provided then that too just shows how foolish you and your theories really are.
Once again you are not telling the truth. I posted a statistical example that showed that a change in sample size and location could not produce a 5% decrease and then I showed that, based on PGC data , that the southern tier counties still had much larger sample sizes than the northern tier counties and you dismissed it ,because you couldn't handle the truth.
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Old 04-06-2009, 06:11 AM
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"Ok why don’t we cut the numbers to the chase and through all of the ones that were not just a yes or a no."

I did when I worded my poll. No need to be creative and deceptive RSB, RIght now on this poll.IF a license fee increase depended on thosevoting, it would not pass. 20 are opposed 12 for it. Majority says NO!

"As for the totality of the support across the state I can’t say anything more then what I see on the boards plus the number of hunters I have personal contact with. I am confident that I talk to more hunters from all across this state in just one month of the hunting season then you do during the entire year."

I dont believe thats the case. Nor even close.

"The hunters that I have talked to do overwhelmingly support a license increase."

NOr do I believe thats the case or even close. I dont beleive a wco is going around asking every hunter he sees if hes for afee increase. I also know you'd not be above being less than truthful about those you have, since you are clearly being so with this polland your ridiculous twist on the results! LOL! Not to mention all the other crazy damage control measures you have triedin regards to other topics.

"As for me lying, I don’t. I always tell it as I see or I don’t tell it at all. In most cases I also have the facts to support what I say, even my I interject my opinions about the way it appears to me. "

I like to give benefit of a doubt, but considering some of the things you've said I find that VERY hard to believe. Ive read your posts for years...Enough to believe that you arent a complete dummy....Not exactly in MY league.[:-]...but not a dummy. So in my opinion there is no way you dont know many of the things you say are complete distortions of the truth.

"You however constantly call people a liar; that is simply immature behavior."

Not when its true.

"You called a trooper friend of mine a liar the other day and I simply pointed out that you probably wouldn’t do that if you were face to face with him. He is the largest trooper in our barracks and though he really is a heck of a nice guy and pretty easy going I doubt he would take real well to someone calling him a liar."

Thats hardly exactly what was said! LOL. But Id say this version is much more acceptable.

"I am more then willing to debate a person on just the merits of the topic provided they are willing to keep it civil without calling people a liar when all they did was post something you don’t like or agree with. "

Hows that different from you on every single reply postto anyone you are debating at the time, saying first "you dont have a clue what youare talking about" and often much worse. I dont really care mind you, because I believe honestly that what I post generally speaks for itself, as does others posts. But the majority of time when I say someone is lying....they are. The rest of the time, they are doing something else equally as intentionally deceptive.

There are several things that when postedits clear thatyou absolutely hate because they simply do not look good for pgc. And there isnt a thing you can do or say unless its deceptive in nature to do damage control. If your concern is more with respectful debate than it is "damage control", in those instances, you should either concede the point and try another angle on itor othertopic, ignore it all together or something other than saying something you know not to be accurate, and then expect it notto be pointed out.
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Old 04-06-2009, 06:35 AM
Typical Buck
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Lets put it this way? What % of hunters hunt as some of you say you do out there? What % of hunters bagged a deer last year? Lets say 25% a bit high though I say but I will let it there? Now ask 100% of the hunters who thinks the PGC should have a license fee increase. Now what % of the hunters are going to say yes when only 25% bagged a deer last season? Common sense says you are not getting the fee increase from the numbers of dissatisfied hunters. Do you really think with that low of hunter success from last season that the hunters are going to say yea. These are the ones you call weekend hunters and the lazy ones. You really think they are going to say yes to the increase? Oh my,some real idiots on here if they say yes they would support a license increase just so they can go out 2 maybe 3 times a season to hunt the elusive deer that less than 25% of the hunters managed to harvest one last year. You will be in the minority for sure and a true to that idiotic moron..
Lets put it this way? What % ofmembersreply as sameas youdo on here? What % of membersmade idiotic reply's just as yourself thisyear? Lets say 25% a bit high though but I will let it there? Now ask 100% of the members on this board who should have the right to reply. Now what % of theforum membersare going to sayeverybody when 25%like yourself are total idiots.Common sense says you are not going to get 100% rational answers.. Do you really think the total idiots like yourself are going to say? Like yourself, these are the ones without proper brain function. You really think they are going to say yes to everyone being able to reply? Oh my,some real idiots on here if they say yes. Especially to those that login under 5 to 6 different aliases. You are for sure the minorityof a true idiotic moron....explorer_jack,pedro,moderator and scorp.[/align]
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Old 04-06-2009, 07:07 AM
Typical Buck
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ORIGINAL: Cornelius08

"Ok why don’t we cut the numbers to the chase and through all of the ones that were not just a yes or a no."

I did when I worded my poll. No need to be creative and deceptive RSB, RIght now on this poll.IF a license fee increase depended on thosevoting, it would not pass. 20 are opposed 12 for it. Majority says NO!

No, your poll was seriously biased from the start, you know itand you did it intentionally.

"As for the totality of the support across the state I can’t say anything more then what I see on the boards plus the number of hunters I have personal contact with. I am confident that I talk to more hunters from all across this state in just one month of the hunting season then you do during the entire year."

I dont believe thats the case. Nor even close.

Of course you don’t; you don’t want to believe it because it isn’t want fits your misguided agenda.

"The hunters that I have talked to do overwhelmingly support a license increase."

NOr do I believe thats the case or even close. I dont beleive a wco is going around asking every hunter he sees if hes for afee increase. I also know you'd not be above being less than truthful about those you have, since you are clearly being so with this polland your ridiculous twist on the results! LOL! Not to mention all the other crazy damage control measures you have triedin regards to other topics.

I don’t have run around asking people. Every where I go people are jumping at the opportunity up to talk about everything and anything concerning wildlife and the Game Commission, including the possibility of a license increase.

"As for me lying, I don’t. I always tell it as I see or I don’t tell it at all. In most cases I also have the facts to support what I say, even my I interject my opinions about the way it appears to me. "

I like to give benefit of a doubt, but considering some of the things you've said I find that VERY hard to believe. Ive read your posts for years...Enough to believe that you arent a complete dummy....Not exactly in MY league.[:-]...but not a dummy. So in my opinion there is no way you dont know many of the things you say are complete distortions of the truth.

You sure are stuck on your self aren’t you.
It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself. You have already demonstrated your knowledge levels enough for the rest of us to see where you fit in.

"You however constantly call people a liar; that is simply immature behavior."

Not when its true.

Yet another example of immaturity.

"You called a trooper friend of mine a liar the other day and I simply pointed out that you probably wouldn’t do that if you were face to face with him. He is the largest trooper in our barracks and though he really is a heck of a nice guy and pretty easy going I doubt he would take real well to someone calling him a liar."

Thats hardly exactly what was said! LOL. But Id say this version is much more acceptable.

"I am more then willing to debate a person on just the merits of the topic provided they are willing to keep it civil without calling people a liar when all they did was post something you don’t like or agree with. "

Hows that different from you on every single reply postto anyone you are debating at the time, saying first "you dont have a clue what youare talking about" and often much worse. I dont really care mind you, because I believe honestly that what I post generally speaks for itself, as does others posts. But the majority of time when I say someone is lying....they are. The rest of the time, they are doing something else equally as intentionally deceptive.

There are several things that when postedits clear thatyou absolutely hate because they simply do not look good for pgc. And there isnt a thing you can do or say unless its deceptive in nature to do damage control. If your concern is more with respectful debate than it is "damage control", in those instances, you should either concede the point and try another angle on itor othertopic, ignore it all together or something other than saying something you know not to be accurate, and then expect it notto be pointed out.

All I do is try to get the correct information to those willing and open minded enough to accept it.

I also realize some people are that logical or capable of accepting the facts I present, I can’t make them something they aren’t. But, I can and will point out how wrong they are so those that are capable can develop a better informed opinion they would with only the incorrect information.

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Old 04-06-2009, 07:26 AM
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RSB, Im gonna overlook all the added nonsense and get on with it..

I honest to god have no flippin' idea why you'd think my poll "skewed" in ANY way!

I KNEW what the outcome would be! If i asked 100 kids if they like candy...I KNOW what the outcome will be when its perfectly obvious!
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