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Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

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Old 01-06-2009, 05:18 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

i think they are reintroduceing stupid
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Old 01-06-2009, 06:14 AM
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

ORIGINAL: Screamin Steel


ORIGINAL: Screamin Steel

The fishers are part of the PGC's new FR (flock reduction) program. The turkeys are outcompeting all other bird species, so a 50% reduction is being pushed for by the Audubon and the tree huggers. Top it off with the new spur restictions, and we have a mirror image of the phenomenally successful deer program. Bonus hen tags in the spring and 1 1/4" minimum spur length should quickly and dramatically reduce the flock and provide the privileged few with a chance at a real trophy tom. Apparently fishers are very capable turkey killers, known to prey onadults as well as juvenilles, and are notorious nest raiders as well. Just what the PGC ordered. Should accomplish in quick order what the coyotes have already been doing to the turkeys and what they have done with the deer fawns as well.

Posts like that and this thread in general reflect the fact that a sad day has come for hunters in Pennsylvania.

Since I began hunting in the late 60's hunters have always been able to proudly declare that we were responsible for the recovery of many species over the years,both game and nongame. Threads like this and posts like the last one show that we have some among us that are simply so selfish that they can't be bothered caring about wildlife unless it's something they can shoot.

Make no mistake about it, The future of hunting is in the hands of people who do not hunt. For years, the general nonhunting public has hada positive and generally correct view that hunters care and support all wildlife. Posts like these do nothing more than help the PETA folks who would seek to destroy that positive image and they will benefit by pointing out the selfish hunters among us.
Sure. Let's take your eco warrior stance here. Who will be leading the charge to reintroduce bison, timber wolves, (how about mt lions?), surely someday science will allow cloning dinosaurs and other prehistoric monsters.....where will it end? Do you support, then, the reintroduction of EVERY species that has ever come and gone from our region? Hand in hand with that extremist mantra is the elimination of every non native species that would include the ringnecked pheasant, brown and rainbow trout, and many other popular but transplanted species. When will the PGC stop holding hands with the birdwatcher/ conservation romantics? Fishers are NOT needed in a predatorial role today and neither were coyotes whether you believe their expansion was natural or manipulated. MAN is the number one predator of deer, now. Turkeys already suffer high enough predation rates that coupled with cyclic populations due to fluctuation of nesting successes, and managed seasons keep the birds in check.
If you couldn't see the satire and humor in my previous post, then I point it out to you now. But your post seems to be intended seriously, and I find it more ridicuous than my humorous one. Now that's irony.

That rant speaks for itself and just reinforcedmy first post. If you cant shoot it,it don't matter to you.You're entitled to your opinion but your opinion plays right into PETA's agenda when they try to bring the nonhunting public on board with their warped cause.
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Old 01-06-2009, 03:48 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

Trophy hunters like you provide more propaganda material for PETA and anti-hunters than the average hunter who just wants to see the number of deer that the habitat can support.
The hunters wish for animals with large antlers and large horns, and yet their actions are making that harder to achieve," says Richard Harris, a conservation biologist in Montana. As a hunter, Harris knows that the outcome of this trend will satisfy no one, the Teddy Roosevelts of the next generation least of all.
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Old 01-06-2009, 08:23 PM
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

BTB, you seem to be a self described trophy hunter. The kind that draws more fire from PETA and their cronies than meat or subsistence hunters. Many trophy huntesr including some that I know personally give away the majority of their meat to others, showing their own lust for antlers and bloodsport above all else. Do you accept responsibility for the demise of the fishers in earlier generations, or the extinction of the dinosaurs even before the dawn of man? Yes, hunters have quite proudly been the tool for the reintroduction and prliferation of many species, ....but most HAVE been game species, as that is where their interests lie primarily. Why does that seem so sinful to you? We hunters and the PGC work with a limited amount of resources. We have done much good. Habitat improvements costing millions of dollars and countless volunteer hours, that while primarily itended to improve game hunting have also been very beneficial to a diverse spectrum of wildlife. But I am being realistic. With those limited resources priorities must be carefully assessed. Lets us not forget as well tha the PGC was instituted to manage huntable game, specifically to regulate the deer harvest after years of unchecked market hunting. There is much room for improvementin game mgt( not to mention protecting threatened non game species) that should be addressed before reintroduction of species that have been gone for decades or centuries. This is a clear and frightening example of the current direction of the PGC. It has lost most of its identity as a Game Commission as it becomes further entagled with anti hunting nature protection groups. Your apparent ignorance of these matters reflects your own selfish trophy hunting mentality. As long as you get your next P&Y for the wall, you could care very little else about deer mgt in PA, or anywhere else for that matter. AR's to offset the herd slaughter orchestrated by the birdwatchers. Put a smile on your face, didn't it?
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Old 01-06-2009, 09:34 PM
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

ORIGINAL: Screamin Steel

BTB, you seem to be a self described trophy hunter. The kind that draws more fire from PETA and their cronies than meat or subsistence hunters. Many trophy huntesr including some that I know personally give away the majority of their meat to others, showing their own lust for antlers and bloodsport above all else. Do you accept responsibility for the demise of the fishers in earlier generations, or the extinction of the dinosaurs even before the dawn of man?Yes, hunters have quite proudly been the tool for the reintroduction and prliferation of many species, ....but most HAVE been game species, as that is where their interests lie primarily. Why does that seem so sinful to you? We hunters and the PGC work with a limited amount of resources. We have done much good. Habitat improvements costing millions of dollars and countless volunteer hours, that while primarily itended to improve game hunting have also been very beneficial to a diverse spectrum of wildlife. But I am being realistic. With those limited resources priorities must be carefully assessed. Lets us not forget as well tha the PGC was instituted to manage huntable game, specifically to regulate the deer harvest after years of unchecked market hunting. There is much room for improvementin game mgt( not to mention protecting threatened non game species) that should be addressed before reintroduction of species that have been gone for decades or centuries. This is a clear and frightening example of the current direction of the PGC. It has lost most of its identity as a Game Commission as it becomes further entagled with anti hunting nature protection groups. Your apparent ignorance of these matters reflects your own selfish trophy hunting mentality. As long as you get your next P&Y for the wall, you could care very little else about deer mgt in PA, or anywhere else for that matter. AR's to offset the herd slaughter orchestrated by the birdwatchers. Put a smile on your face, didn't it?
WOW! LOL! I'm not sure where to start! You really are delusional.

I shoot several does each season and wait for a mature buck before I use that one buck tag. Sometimes that means I don't shoot a buck. Yes I have taken some nice bucks. If that makes me a trophy hunter, so be it. Thats not wahat I'd call myself but if it makes you feel better to do it , go right ahead.

You made some generalizations about what kind of hunter you think I am so I'll do the same. You seem like the jealous type who can't abide when others do well or are able to enjoy their sport no matter what the outcome. That's too bad. You'll likely never be happy that way.

Not that your insinuation desrves an answer but we utilze everything I harvest. With the exception of coyotes and crows, we eateverything thatI hunt for and am blessed enough to harvest.

Do you accept responsibility for the demise of the fishers in earlier generations, or the extinction of the dinosaurs even before the dawn of man?

Uh, no.... Do you??? The question is simply ridiculous.

The fact that you still have a problem with a successful reestablishment program of a native animal that ended in the 90's, was paid mostly with outside funds, and has resulted in a population that will soon reach harvestable numbers shows your shortsightedness.

Lets us not forget as well tha the PGC was instituted to manage huntable game, specifically to regulate the deer harvest after years of unchecked market hunting.
Funny, I thought it was to manage all wildlife. Do you have any references to support your claim that the PGC was formed solely for deer? I doubt it. Wasit called the Pa Deer Commision? I don't think so..

We have your buddy Bluebirdusing an anti-hunting article to help further his cause which seems to be the destruction of the PGC and you providing a perfect example for another PETA article where they can claim that hunters like you don't care about the habitat or any animalsyou cant shoot.

It seems all it would take to make you happy is a return the old days of 50-60 little deer running past your stand each day and being able to shoot the first juvenile spike you see. Sorry. Aint gonna happen !

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Old 01-06-2009, 09:42 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

He is dillusional. Yep.
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Old 01-06-2009, 09:56 PM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

ORIGINAL: Screamin Steel

BTB, you seem to be a self described trophy hunter. The kind that draws more fire from PETA and their cronies than meat or subsistence hunters. Many trophy huntesr including some that I know personally give away the majority of their meat to others, showing their own lust for antlers and bloodsport above all else. Do you accept responsibility for the demise of the fishers in earlier generations, or the extinction of the dinosaurs even before the dawn of man? Yes, hunters have quite proudly been the tool for the reintroduction and prliferation of many species, ....but most HAVE been game species, as that is where their interests lie primarily. Why does that seem so sinful to you? We hunters and the PGC work with a limited amount of resources. We have done much good. Habitat improvements costing millions of dollars and countless volunteer hours, that while primarily itended to improve game hunting have also been very beneficial to a diverse spectrum of wildlife. But I am being realistic. With those limited resources priorities must be carefully assessed. Lets us not forget as well tha the PGC was instituted to manage huntable game, specifically to regulate the deer harvest after years of unchecked market hunting. There is much room for improvementin game mgt( not to mention protecting threatened non game species) that should be addressed before reintroduction of species that have been gone for decades or centuries. This is a clear and frightening example of the current direction of the PGC. It has lost most of its identity as a Game Commission as it becomes further entagled with anti hunting nature protection groups. Your apparent ignorance of these matters reflects your own selfish trophy hunting mentality. As long as you get your next P&Y for the wall, you could care very little else about deer mgt in PA, or anywhere else for that matter. AR's to offset the herd slaughter orchestrated by the birdwatchers. Put a smile on your face, didn't it?
That is simply not true.
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Old 01-06-2009, 10:26 PM
Typical Buck
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

Yes, it is....and I bet YOU know that for a fact. The PGC was formed at the turn of the century specifically to protect plummeting deer populations and provide regulation , ending the market of venison and hides. I'll have to get some links, but surely you as a WCO must have learned SOMETHING of PGC history during your training. ........Sadly there isn't much online about PGC history, but there is a terrific book -" History of the Pennsylvania Game Commmision 1895-1995." I've read the book many times, and it clearly outlines the severity of the uncontrolled deer market of the late 1800's (at the PGC's conception the statewide deer pop. was estimated as low as 500 animals), and emphasizes the focus onGAME mgt as the driving force behind the formation of the agency SPECIFICALLLY deer. This is apparent to anyone but an idiot. Granted the agency has grown over the years to encompass mgt of many other non game species, but it's originalmission was most assuredly game mgt, with deer being foremost in their minds at the time.
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Old 01-07-2009, 06:42 AM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

ORIGINAL: Screamin Steel

Yes, it is....and I bet YOU know that for a fact. The PGC was formed at the turn of the century specifically to protect plummeting deer populations and provide regulation , ending the market of venison and hides. I'll have to get some links, but surely you as a WCO must have learned SOMETHING of PGC history during your training. ........Sadly there isn't much online about PGC history, but there is a terrific book -" History of the Pennsylvania Game Commmision 1895-1995." I've read the book many times, and it clearly outlines the severity of the uncontrolled deer market of the late 1800's (at the PGC's conception the statewide deer pop. was estimated as low as 500 animals), and emphasizes the focus onGAME mgt as the driving force behind the formation of the agency SPECIFICALLLY deer. This is apparent to anyone but an idiot. Granted the agency has grown over the years to encompass mgt of many other non game species, but it's originalmission was most assuredly game mgt, with deer being foremost in their minds at the time.

1895 - June 25 - Act creating the Board of Game Commissioners.

1895 - June 25 - Game Commissioners authorized to appoint 10 game protectors.
1896 - April 25 - Congress created Division of Biological Survey in U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
1896 - First Game Commissioners appointed (6); began service November 17.
1896 - November 17 to July 7,1898 -- Dr. B. H. Warren of West Chester (formerly Lewisburg) served as first Secretary of Game Commission.
1896 - Pennsylvania chapter of the Audubon Society was formed.
1897 - First extradition from another state (New Jersey) made for a Game Law violation.
1897 - Night hunting of ruffed grouse banned.
1897 - First appropriation authorized by Legislature for game administration (for postage only) -- $800 for two years.
1897 - Salt licks and hounds are forbidden in deer hunting.
1897 - Sale of game birds killed in Pennsylvania made illegal.
1897 - Spring shooting of wild ducks prohibited.
1898 - July 8, to his death on August 10, 1919, Dr. Joseph Kalbfus of Harrisburg served as the second Secretary of Game Commission.

First three years of the PGC's existance and one law about deer two about birds and one waterfowl.

There is a good source of history by decade here.

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Old 01-07-2009, 08:09 PM
Typical Buck
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Default RE: Why is the PGC reintroducing Fishers?

Read the book. You can buy it on the PGC website store.
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