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Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...

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Old 11-04-2005, 05:48 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...

I know it (baiting)is actually encouraged in parts of Connecticut where the herd needs to be cut drastically.
Absolutely not is allowed by law inonly very limited areas of the state where public access is an issue. In fact it is specifically not allowed on public land in any parts of the state!

The states allows its useonly as a last resort measure in specific cases where the benefits of herd reduction outweigh the risks of its use. In these cases they are essentially allowing baiters to be unpaid snipers in the specific areas that require herd reduction.

In neighboring New York,it isnot only it illegal to bait, itis alsoillegal to feed deer at any time of the year. This is basedon the known biological hazards of both practices...
In New York, it is illegal to feed deer by putting out any material that attracts deer to feed.
There are five exceptions to the rule:

1.Agricultural crops including wildlife food plots.
2.Distribution of food to livestock.
3.Distribution of food to captive deer.
4.Cutting of trees and brush.
5.Scientific research, wildlife damage abatement, and wildlife population
reduction programs, but only under a permit issued by DEC.
Why did DEC place restrictions on deer feeding?

The rule was issued in response to the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) being introduced into New York. The nature of CWD requires prompt and extraordinary actions to address the threat posed by this disease. The purpose of this rule is to prevent the introduction of this disease into New York, to restrict those activities that may increase the risk of the development or spread of CWD in New York and to protect the health of wild white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in New York.
Feeding deer artificially concentrates them in one location for extended periods of time. CWD is most likely transmitted from deer to deer by direct contact between animals, or indirectly through contact with waste food, urine, and feces that build up at feeding sites, although the exact transmittal mechanism is currently unknown. Although CWD has not been found in New York, this measure is a precaution to help prevent the spread of CWD if it already exists in the state, or if it is introduced later. The incubation period for CWD can be three years or longer, and an outbreak among white-tailed deer at feeding sites could spread the disease before clinically-ill individuals are observed. This would greatly hamper efforts to control the disease. Other diseases, such as Bovine Tuberculosis, can also be spread quickly at feeding sites, where animals are in close contact with each other and with waste products every day.
Another risk associated with deer feeding is the possibility that the infectious agent of CWD could be present in commercial feeds. Some commercial livestock feed may be produced using rendered animal parts, which could contain the infectious agent. If the agent is present in these foods it could infect any deer that eats the food. Federal regulations in effect since 1997 require feeds containing mammalian protein to be labeled to prohibit them from being fed to any ruminants, including deer and elk. The DEC regulation mirrors this restriction to call attention to the special risk associated with misuse of feeds not intended for ruminants
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Old 11-04-2005, 08:18 PM
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...

Where you grew up was different than where other people grew up. So if done differently than you do, others should qulaify their deer posting because it's different from you
Since the greater portion of the Deer are taken with a 30-30 or 30-06 people should qulaify their posting if they used say a more powerful cartridge like a 300 win mag because the greater portion do not use that cartridge. Right?

I do not bait. So I'm not being defensive about baiting alone. I am simply saying that because someone does it different (legally) from you, you need to see that posted. Why? doesn't sound to me like you want to see it posted because you want to learn about other hunting methods. Sounds more like you want it posted so you can feel better about your deer and make theirs seem somehow less rewarding
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Old 11-04-2005, 08:34 PM
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...

ORIGINAL: jcchartboy

Too many elitist here judging others.
The only purpose in wanting people to state the animal was taken over bait is so you or others can berate them for using a method that you consider to be unsavory.
Actually it is whining tirads such as the one above that divide the hunting comunity. Not one person here has posted a negative comment about baiting. However there are already numerous posts including the one above berating a group of hunters for their beliefs.

Your post is actually laughable, you specifically state.."Too many elitist here judging others.", then you have the audacity to go on and blindly judge other hunters with the following statement.."The only purpose in wanting people to state the animal was taken over bait is so you or others can berate them for"

Byyour own definition, yourstatement makes youone the "elitist" members here who is already passing "judgements".

Whining tiradeLMAO. What did youexpect form this post? Why would anyone want to place distinctions on baited deer pics? What purpose would it serve? You and I both know if every "baited deer pic" was labled as such whoever posted it will get slammed. To ask for this is akin to be a pot stirring troll IMHO. I may be wrong in your instance but from your reaction probably not.

You state I am berating you for your beliefs. Then what exactly is that belief? That you are entitled to unload on those whos hunting practices are different than yours?

you have the audacity to go on and blindly judge other hunters with the following statement.."The only purpose in wanting people to state the animal was taken over bait is so you or others can berate them for"
OK then tell me what your purpose is of wanting "baited deer" pics labeled as such.

Byyour own definition, yourstatement makes youone the "elitist" members here who is already passing "judgements".
You know what, you are right. I do judge others when they critical of other legal methods of hunting. Like I said above I may be wrong in your case but it doesnt appear that way. I think you are a troll trying to get others to do what yourreluctant to do. You dont like baiting and wish tomake sure all baited harvest wear a "Scarlet Letter" of sorts.Call me elitist if you want if all I want is to know your agenda...........

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Old 11-04-2005, 08:37 PM
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...

ORIGINAL: jcchartboy

I know it (baiting)is actually encouraged in parts of Connecticut where the herd needs to be cut drastically.
Absolutely not is allowed by law inonly very limited areas of the state where public access is an issue. In fact it is specifically not allowed on public land in any parts of the state!

*******, how nitpicky do youto need to get to feel good about yourself? I am sorry I was not specific enough to prevent your anal over explanation of basically the same thing that I had just said. Yes is it allowed in extreem SW CT on private land. Yes it is to try to help reduce the herd in areas that are hard to gain access. Youridiocyin calling my statement a fallacy is amazing. I didn't realize I needed to provide charts and references in addition to the lists of property owners whos lands fall with in the allowable borders...........
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Old 11-04-2005, 08:38 PM
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...


Where you grew up was different than where other people grew up. So if done differently than you do, others should qulaify their deer posting because it's different from you
Since the greater portion of the Deer are taken with a 30-30 or 30-06 people should qulaify their posting if they used say a more powerful cartridge like a 300 win mag because the greater portion do not use that cartridge. Right?

I do not bait. So I'm not being defensive about baiting alone. I am simply saying that because someone does it different (legally) from you, you need to see that posted. Why? doesn't sound to me like you want to see it posted because you want to learn about other hunting methods. Sounds more like you want it posted so you can feel better about your deer and make theirs seem somehow less rewarding
Thank you Danny!!!
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Old 11-05-2005, 07:18 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...


You have no place whatsoever writing the comments you have on these pages!

You believe you can join this website and in your first ten posts start slinging mud everywhere? Who the hell do you think you are?

I have posted over 500 posts here all of which are public record. It is clear that you are a lazy and obnoxious individual who as you stated "are a troll ".

If you had any true interest in this subject or my personal beliefs you would simply have went back and looked at the hundereds of pages of positive contributions I have made to this website.

Of course that would require you to actuallythink and do some research, before writing another mindless post.It would also prove all of statements wrong!!

A troll as you know is a person who posts with specific intentions of starting trouble. That is clearly what each one of your posts on this thread has done to date.

Lets look at your views and see what positive contributions you have made so far?

Whining tiradeLMAO. What did youexpect form this post? What purpose would it serve?
So you start of your comments with the implication that having a discussion of baiting has no place on hunting discussion board, and everyone should expect a negative outcome? Why, because people like you are uncomforatable discussing a difficult subject?

I know the other regular posters here, I was confident at the start of this post that they could handle this subject in a mature manner. Of course outside of your comments, all of the posts to date on this thread have met my expectations.

You state I am berating you for your beliefs. Then what exactly is that belief?
If you actually read my posts, you would now...

In every other form of hunting in the US that allows It is considered standard practice to state whether bait was used when displaying pictures of a harvest. Why should deer hunting be any different?

I have been proud a supporter of BEAR HUNTING, and HOG HUNTING magazine for a number of years. The large majority of the reasearch and articles center around baiting. They are alsotwo of North Americas strongest propents in support of keeping baiting legal foranimals in areas where it is biologically sound.

My finances go to support those causes. It is absolutely clear where I stand..

.."The only purpose in wanting people to state the animal was taken over bait is so you or others can berate them for"
This is your belief...? Seems to me you were specifily expecting a negative outcome from this thread. Why?

All other members of this board have handled this in a positive light..

I want is to know your agenda
I clearly state an open question in my post, and my own personal response. If it didn't want to truely know the answer, why would I have put myself at risk of personal attack from individuals like yourself who would try to paint me in poor light for bringing up the subject.

Go back and read this thread, you will see I haveno hidden agenda. IfI have been asked a question, or for a clarification of my statements I have happily done so each and every time.



I know it (baiting)is actually encouraged in parts of Connecticut where the herd needs to be cut drastically.

JC said..
Absolutely not is allowed by law inonly very limited areas of the state where public access is an issue. In fact it is specifically not allowed on public land in any parts of the state!

Arlow says..
Jesus Christ, how nitpicky do youto need to get to feel good about yourself?
This is probably the best example of your contributions yet. You make a downright false statement, then when it is pointed that youare factually wrong, you actually attempt to deflect the criticism by making a personal attack on another member of this board.

Not one other poster has violated the stated rules this board as you have.

By the way it should also be pointed out that you yourself agree that the state does not encourage it, it is only allowed for one reason, as you stated.."Yes it is to try to help reduce the herd in areas that are hard to gain access." That is exactly MY original statement!

You dont like baiting and wish tomake sure all baited harvest wear a "Scarlet Letter" of sorts.
Once again you show your decidedly negative approach to this subject. Not one person mentions such an idea, except you. Why do think so negatively of baiting?

Your negative intentions have been clear from the first post you made on this thread. You approached this subject with a specific agenda to attack anyone who had beliefs that did not match your own.
You then went on to personally attack me simply because I pointed out you made a false statement.To this date you still have not made one positive contribution to this thread.
It is individuals like yourself that cause problems for message boards in general and hunters specifically. If members of this board can not discuss a subject such as this without individuals like yourself creating trouble, how can we ever expect hunting over bait to be viewed in a positive light by the general public?

I refuse to let you drag this thread down any farther than you already have. I have far too much respect for this board to continue to respond to your divisive posts. I will no longer acknowledge your postsin thisthread unless they pertain to the subject. Please refrain from posting here any further unless you have a positive contribution to the subject matter.

This theadbegan as a positive discussion, despite your numerous attempts to derail it,I intend to keep it that way!!


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Old 11-05-2005, 09:01 AM
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...

Geeeeez - We get the same ole same ole slam dunk topics on baiting every year.This one is gettin ugly fast.

jcc - you opened up a big can of worms with your topic.You should expect some heat.Lets ALL keep it above board.

Can you guys refrain from rabbit punching and hittin below the belt!
If not I'm callin this fight in default and puttin it in the crapper.

Ding Ding - Round 3
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Old 11-05-2005, 02:18 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Posting pictures of deer taken over bait...


jcc - you opened up a big can of worms with your topic.
I was well aware of that fact when I started the post. However the longstanding members of this board have been very responsibly when discussing such controversial topics lately. Simply because a topic is controversial does not mean itcan not be disussed by mature individuals.
Thiscanbe alearning experience for members on both sides of the fence, if the post stays on topic, and the responses remain constructive.

I am still hopeful that the individual that seem bent on derailing this topic don't necessitate the need for this subject getting locked.

That would be unfortunate for other members who have already displayed their ability to handle this topic responsibly.
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