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handgun permit on hold, still - this sucks

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Old 09-12-2007, 07:47 AM
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Default RE: handgun permit on hold, still - this sucks

ORIGINAL: statjunk

What you should take out of this situation is two fold (at least from my view) :

1) When you deal with lawyers and courts make sure you have copies of everything. You have to be at least as organized as they are.


2) If you are willing to do things outside of the law you had better know every consequence to your life for doing those things. That would be inconvenience as in this case. Or monetary in others etc...

I hope they can get this cleared up for you but I doubt they are going to circumvent the system for you or even make any effort what so ever to help you. They likely don't sympathise with you and don't care about you at all or your desire to buy a hand gun.

Good Luck


P.S. You guys who are busting on him should really look at yourselves. How many of you speed and the complain to all you friends that you got a ticket. He's venting and you guys are kicking him in the nuts.
Stat, I have no problems with him venting. And have no issues with him smoking pot before he got into this. That could have easily been me at his age.But the thing that makes you wonder if this kid is even smart enough to be in the woods is his statement that thru all this mess, of serving community service, losing paperwork, embarrassment to his family, trouble he has probably put on his family, and holdup of his handgun work, he would be dumb enought to post he will probably smoke again. Yea, he deserves more than a kick in the nuts. Hisparents (which if I remember right, he said he is still partially mooching off of), should smack him upside the head.

Nobody can answer his question on here. Nobody knows the will of the MD State Police or the prosecuter.
Old 09-12-2007, 08:24 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Yeah I know what you were trying to do. He definetly needs to figure out a few things for himself. The key there is that he needs to to find them for himself. We all do illegal things and even if caught continue to do them. Speeding is just an easy example but there are many others.

You know I actually respect him for saying that he will continue to do it. I don't agree with it but it shows honesty and at least if he gets caught again he'll have no one to blame but himself.

The end all is that he came here to vent and didn't need anyone pushing it back on him.

You don't have to agree with someone to listen.

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Old 09-12-2007, 09:15 AM
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Default RE: handgun permit on hold, still - this sucks

ORIGINAL: statjunk


Yeah I know what you were trying to do. He definetly needs to figure out a few things for himself. The key there is that he needs to to find them for himself. We all do illegal things and even if caught continue to do them. Speeding is just an easy example but there are many others.

You know I actually respect him for saying that he will continue to do it. I don't agree with it but it shows honesty and at least if he gets caught again he'll have no one to blame but himself.

The end all is that he came here to vent and didn't need anyone pushing it back on him.

You don't have to agree with someone to listen.


I hate to pile on but I'm with BC on this one. Also, I want to take exception to your "everyone breaks the law" statement. I just don't like blanket statements. I know some folks that never break any law. I'm not one of them, because I speed like a madman but thats another story.

Anyway, I have a problem with people equating offenses. I hate it when the dopers equate smoking pot to speeding. It just doesn't add up to me. Last time I checked I won't lose my job for speeding to work, even if I get a ticket. But, let me fail a drug test and I'm out.

Now if you wanted to equate smoking pot to a DUI I would agree that they are very similar Offenses. In which case I would say that I have driven drunk in my past. It didn't make me a bad person. I was just a dumb kid. I never got a DUI because I was lucky. And i finally grew up and seen the errors of my ways.

Now there is a difference between someone who gets 1 DUI, and a habitual drunk driver. And as we know the penalities become stiffer with each offense. So my point is, He needs to learn from his mistakes. Much like I finally wised up, and figured out that a night partying wasn't worth messing up my life.

No judgement intended. JMHO
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Old 09-12-2007, 11:15 AM
Nontypical Buck
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I'd be willing to bet that everyone breaks some law wether they know it or not. These folks that you know that never break the law, do they have oral sex? That's illegal in a lot of states. There are even laws about walking a mule down the street at certain times of the day being illegal.

Just about everyone breaks the law and few are caught.

I find that your equating smoking pot to DUI a stretch. DUI endagers the public. Smoking pot makes folks mellow and docile. I don't see it. I would say speeding is more offensive than smoking pot as well for the same reason. The kid is only harming himself not the rest of us.

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Old 09-12-2007, 12:37 PM
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Default RE: handgun permit on hold, still - this sucks

ORIGINAL: statjunk


I'd be willing to bet that everyone breaks some law wether they know it or not. These folks that you know that never break the law, do they have oral sex? That's illegal in a lot of states. There are even laws about walking a mule down the street at certain times of the day being illegal.

Just about everyone breaks the law and few are caught.

I find that your equating smoking pot to DUI a stretch. DUI endagers the public. Smoking pot makes folks mellow and docile. I don't see it. I would say speeding is more offensive than smoking pot as well for the same reason. The kid is only harming himself not the rest of us.

Yea, but only an idiot breaks the law, and gets caught for it, goes thru all this heartache and then will do it again. Even a moderately average person will slow down for a few days after getting a ticket.

Hey, coming from Eastern Ky, the pot capital of the east coast, I have seen the ugly underbelly of the pot trade. Let me assure you stat, that whole arguement that its harmless is total BS.
Old 09-12-2007, 01:06 PM
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MJ is harmless? Tell that to my cousin.... Oh you can't because he's dead. Well, tell it to his dad,and you better duck because a big left hook is coming your way. Let him tell you about a sophmore in HS that already had pro baseball scouts watching. Let him tell you about how he found pot in his son's bedroom, and didn't want to be a hypocrite because he had smoked in the 60's. Then ask him what happens when your 17 year old smokes some PCP laced pot...... Yeah you'll have a nice chat. Tell him that his son's smoking only affected one person. Ask about his wife that has never really recovered..... I'm not talking hypotheticals here buddy, I'm talking real life. what I saw was a family devestated because of pot notsome mellow dude with the munchies.

I think that anyone who claims that its harmless is nieve. Listen I don't want to get into another argument about pot. I'm really sorry that I said anything. But, I'm even more disgusted with some of the attitudes about it.

I'm done.
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Old 09-12-2007, 01:37 PM
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Default RE: handgun permit on hold, still - this sucks

Sorry guys, it's not harmless.
Several years ago a friend of mine was convicted of having pot on him when he got pulled over. Had only a few joints. No big deal right?
He lost his high paying job. Didn't find another one making near as much. Put a hugh financial stress on the family. Lost his home, and recently lost his wife. Wife moved several states away. He doesn't get to see his kids too often, see his son play football, or his daughter run track.

It may not be a big deal. Until you get caught. Then it just might become an enormous deal. not quite harmless.
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Old 09-12-2007, 02:42 PM
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Sounds to me like he has a lot of maturing to do before possessing a handgun. Personally, I wouldn't trust him with a spud gun.
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Old 09-12-2007, 04:08 PM
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Default RE: handgun permit on hold, still - this sucks

1st off let me say that now looking back on my post, i do sort of realize that there is no real answers that can be given. i guess i was strictly venting, which SHOULD be alright, but now i see theres no answers to give b/c noone here is the prosecutor or court in question.

statjunk - i agree. i learned my lesson about court papers and it is my fault it wasnt filed, even if i did give it to him. I should have backed myself up and made copies.

bigcountry - i dont know where to start bud lol. 1st, what do my parents have to do with it. how am i a mooch and how does it matter? im an only child, i pay for my own car, my 4 wheeler, cell phone,work every day, try to volunteer at the food bank when I have some extra time, give money to people who need it when I can afford it (and sometimes when I cant afford it), help alot around the house. i am by no means a mooche. what because i go to a university and still live at my parents home at 21 years of age? how many 21 year olds are on their own? if they are thats great, but i know the majority arent and i KNOW im not a mooche. You, as you have before, are trying to make it sound like I am 30 years old, sitting at home with no job, writing my name on the milk carton so my mom doesn’t touch it, lol, that isnt the case bud. i dont know how you got that in your head? also, my parents are extremely proud of me, which they should be. like i have said, i am a good person and i dont need anyone to tell me that. my parents have raised me correctly and brought me up as a decent human being, thats not my opinion, its a fact that anyone knows me is aware of.

I am not a liar, im not going to sit here and say ill never do it again, b/c i probably will. like i have said i havent smoked it since then, i have no urge to and i probaby wont for another 6 months to a year, even if I do. atleast im man enough to admit im not perfect and realize that i can be a good person and still smoke once or twice a year. I dont drive around in a car smoking, because that would be risking someone elses life, just like driving drunk.

shato - you say you have driven is that less dangerous than driving and smoking marijuana - which I DONT DO in the first place. lol. when i did smoke it, the few times i have, i have in the confines of a safe place, not driving down the street drunk smoking a joint. i have never driven drunk and beleive me i have had many chances to. i have walked a few miles drunk before and left my truck at the bar, and i have called a cab to take me home. As soon as I drink 1 beer, I know im done for the night and will be riding home with a sober person, walking home or calling a cab. IMO, driving drunk makes you more guilty of "sin" (if you want to call it that) than me. that is putting someone elses life, a family with children whoever, at risk and i seriously disagree with that choice, but again im not juding you or calling you SCUM because i cant distinguish that from one little fact.

I agree with stat about harming others. for the most part, i feel like when you endanger someone elses life, by whatever means, you have seriously crossed the moral line. but me smoking a joint on my back porch once in a blue moon (and i do mean BLUEEE MOON) i have not harmed anyone but myself. thats a very big difference in my book.

bigcountry - again, when did i say i was going to smoke tomarrow or the day after i went to court, lol? you say only an idiot gets a speeding ticket and then speeds as soon as the officer leaves, but when did i say i will smoke again ANYTIME in the near future? I havent smoked since then and dont plan to for a while. and i know you arent trying to say that when you get a ticket, you NEVERRR SPEED again, b/c thats not true. it seems like you are saying i said "yea and as soon as i got home from court i sparked up another joint,those cops can never stop me…. hahaha" . like im irresponsible or something...i never said anything even close to that. i said sometime in the far future i MAYYYY, and i emphasize MAY, smoke a little once in a blue moon. i am byno means a pothead and it seems like your are trying to put words in my mouth and then critize me for saying something i didnt say.

and guys, I never said MJ is harmless, ever. I never even came close to suggesting that. I said that, when used in extreme moderation, when you arent driving, shooting a firearm, or endangering someone elses life, it is not the devil drug. I didnt say it doesnt cause some health problems and i didnt say that it can never be harmful no matter what the situation. i neverrrrrrr even began to say that.

SHato - im sorry about your cousin, truly. and you said he smoked pot laced with PCP, that is COMPLETELYYY different than smoking a regular joint. PCP is no joke just like most other serious drugs. like i said, i didnt say it was harmless, but i did say that if usedin a"correct" and safe setting,and by watching your surroundings and people around you, it can be fun to do once in a blue moon. that is what i said. i never said that it hasnever caused the death of aperson driving a car - b/c im sure it has. but that is the key - they weredriving and smoking, which, just likealcohol,endangers others lifes, which is wrong IMO. Im not trying to get into a convo about marijuana either, which is why I NEVERRR mentioned it in my original posting here. it was brought up by someone that wanted to critizice someone for something that has nothing to do with my topic (we know who that is)

again danny, i never said it was harmless, whatsoever.

longrifle -i have owned long guns now for a long time. never one incident has know why? because i know when its time to be safeand follow the rules and when it is time for fun. anytime a firearm is around, whatsoever, i wouldnt even think about smoking or drinking. some of you guys seem like you are trying to make me out like a person who poaches deer at night with a 40 ounce in one hand, blunt in his mouth and 12 gauge in his other hand screaming “the hell with the cops”. lol thats not the case by any means. i know i am responsible enough to own a handgun and dont need anyone to tell me otherwise. i have never put my self or anyone in a situation where there could be a firearm/hunting accident. i am too smart for that. I follow firearm safety strictly by the rules b/c I have seen what it physically does to deer and what it emotionally has done to families, and I would never put anyone at risk.

and by the way, the prosecutor called me today and said the case was dismissed b/c i finished my comm. service. i asked him if he meant it was put on STET, and he said no it was completely dismissed - so now im pretty happy . i just have to wait for the state police to lift the hold and my S$W 9mm will finally be mine. i cant wait to go to the range.

I just wish people could ask questions without getting hammered. We all have different opinions on different topics. If you don’t smoke, drink, speed, Jwalk or cuss and ya never will, that is GREAT, seriously. I think you are great for that. But why try to critize me for having a little fun in a safe environment when no harm can be done to anyone but my little ol lungs. I don’t even know how this post turned into a convo about marijuana, I didn’t even mention it. O yea, I know how it came up, b/c bigcountry likes to twist peoples words and then try to make them look like the devil. Thanks a lot for the comments guys, im just glad to be getting my gun in a week or so.

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Old 09-12-2007, 04:10 PM
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Default RE: handgun permit on hold, still - this sucks

sorry for the long post, but i needed to clear some of that up before i have hate letters being emailed to me claiming in a pot smuggler who shoots guns and tries to get around the law.

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