why is there no cross bow season?!!!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: SW Pennsylvania
Posts: 26
Many states hvae seen the light & adopted crossbows during archery season...and those numbers grow each year! Many times the elitest vertical bow organizations fight the changes. Here in Pennsylvania our so called United (??) Bowhunters of Pa spread lies about 100,000 NEW hunters in the woods, the herd will be decimated....well guess what ...none of their lies came to be! Their other lies about shortening season we will have to wait on BUT not one state that has instituted ANY type of crossbow inclusion has seen any season shortened one second! A FACT that is lost on these anti hunter organizations! If you want crossbows in Utah get to work with your Game Commission and your legislators. Just last year Texas, Michigan and Pennsylvania all institutes some degree of crossbow inclusion so your state can work from facts NOT the lies the anti crossbow bring to the table!!! Good luck & lets see Utah in the Crossbow Inclusion ranks in 2010!!!
Last edited by Tim50; 02-21-2010 at 03:40 PM.
i don't know about other states laws/reg. here in ohio, bow season(vertical and horizontal) is from the end of sept. to the end of the first week in feb. i think it's great that they don't show preference and we have equal chances, so there is less complaing/fighting, even though alot of vert. bow hunters will never accept us horizontal bow hunters.