RE: Hotburn76
I glad you made this post in public! It truely demonstrates your level of maturity! I really like it how you do it after your PM you sent about keeping stuff in PM's! I was just sticking up for my good excal friends, spacifically Dan, since your post was made at him, but hey you deleated it after my post showed how it made you look after that personaljab you took at dan,so I hope I made you feel better. I don't know if your having alot of bad days at home lately but your coming undone real easily lately!
RE: Hotburn76
Well Ican't say I'm sorry to have missed this one!! Seems like everybody including myself is having a great day. Doc says I needto get my back opened up again but it still seems I am having a better day than some of you. At least I am not spending anytime in the old barrel. If there is anything I can do for you guys let me know unless it is financial as I have to buy a new water heater and I had another stand stolen. This time they needed bolt cutters, but they still got it. Hell, it a loggy cheap seat at $45 bucks which I figure to be the price of the bolt cutters they used. I am gonna put a stand near my stand and hunt them. >>>>>>>Whack!