New Phrase?
New Phrase?
So I was reading an article in the most recent "Bowhunting World" magazine and I came across a phrase I had never heard. The author was talking about different calls to use during the rut and he mentioned the term "Buck Clicking." What is it? Has anyone else ever heard this phrase or am I the only ignorant one?
RE: New Phrase?
Borrowed from the Bowsite:
This sound is just now being classified by biologists. It's made by buck's during the `delight phase' of courtship when the doe has stopped running, but still won't breed. It's a non-aggressive call that signals a bucks frustration with the situation.
This sound is just now being classified by biologists. It's made by buck's during the `delight phase' of courtship when the doe has stopped running, but still won't breed. It's a non-aggressive call that signals a bucks frustration with the situation.