Buck pic
Buck pic
I saw this night 8 point last night while driving around my area, i think his buddy there was a high 6 point and I got pics of a 12 point but they didn't turn out that good cause he was a good 200 yards back
RE: Buck pic
you should see the mess of sh*t that he lives in. its like a jungle of vines,scrub brush and tunnels. Could possibly have permission to the property that borders it because my dad use to hunt there for pheasant way back in the days when there were pheasant in PA. the other 12 point i saw about two miles down the road is on a property where a friend knows the owner of the property. possibly of hunting there a little better. i got a lot of bucks on film last night. all in all, i saw 54 deer between 7:30-9 and 24 of them were buck with about 4 decent shooters including this one.