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To gut or not to gut?

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Old 05-03-2004, 01:06 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

You and your friend don't sound like hunters to me.
ORIGINAL: Fieldmouse

That is probably why people beg me to come and kill the deer.
You sound more like killers. I know the type. Hunters hunt and if they get something that is a bonus. We respect that animal and make use of as much of it as we can. I even send in the hide to be tanned and then get jackets made whenever I get enough tanned hides. They make great gifts for family.

If you and your friend would just spend a little more time on each deer you would be able to feed the entire family on less deer leaving more for the future (or other hunters)? If meat is what you hunt for then you would take as much as you can get? Killing seems to be what you hunt for. Kill, take a litte and then kill again.

IMO you are no different then poachers. They do the same thing. Kill for the kill.

North Carolina you can tag a deer before you get out of your tree stand. It's call 1-800-I got one. You call and get your tag number over the phone and write it on your license. All states should do this.
I like the idea of calling in your harvest. I live and hunt in WI and we have to tag the deer and then register it before we can do any processing. Also in WI, as stated above, it is illegal to waste meat. Maybe all states should do that as well.

I prefer not to shoot them I will shoot bambi first everytime.
What is up with that? If you hunt for meat (because you feed your family all year with it) wouldn't you want to kill bigger deer? If you think the younger ones are more tender (which I know is the reason you shoot them) then why not use ALL the meat?? Why waste this young tender meat?

I think you can see from the messages above that you do not understand hunting and maybe you should figure that out before you post here again. Maybe a better site for you would be I will now know what kind of person you are in future posts. Guess I can just ignore what you say as I am not interested in the views of a killer. I am more concerned with the views of fellow hunters.
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Old 05-03-2004, 02:00 PM
Typical Buck
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

I spend at least 1 hour boneing a deer!
I pick out every little scrap I possibly can find. Here in MN, you can only shoot one maybe two deer if you buy and all season tag then you can shoot a doe and a buck!
My family loves deer sausage, we go through it like crazy I take the loins out and a maybe a roast other than that every thing else goes into sausage except the heart of course, that goes on the grille that night!

What's the big deal on time you only do the job once or twice a year anyway! But of course up here it's usually pretty cold unless you shoot one real early!

To me throwing anything away is a huge waste[&o]
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Old 05-03-2004, 02:23 PM
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

If you shoot a 200lb deer - 1/2 mile from the truck - and don't gut it and drag it out......................LOL

Your a stronger man than me
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Old 05-03-2004, 04:40 PM
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

ORIGINAL: silentassassin


All that I can do is laugh. Because if you were close enough I would invite you to put your money where your mouth is. But you and I both know you wouldn't accept the challenge so there's no point arguing.

I would accept that challenge any day Silent.........ANY day. I can't believe you expect people to believe someone can hang, skin, and debone a deer AND clean up in less then 15 minutes

It is a physical impossibility.

Your saying that this guy will hang a deer, skin it (without ripping it to shreds), debone the hind quarters, shoulders, neck, backstraps and ribs, take out the tenderloins and have a nice clean pile of meat, with no hair, no fat, and then clean up all the blood, hair, fat and bones in 15 minutes??

Cmon dude.

I'm sure he is fast...........but be realistic. 1/2 hour would be smoking fast for one guy to do a nice clean job.
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Old 05-03-2004, 04:57 PM
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

ORIGINAL: Fieldmouse

LIKE I STATED: Hind qtrs deboned while the deer is hanging and back straps out. Not butchered. This guy knows what he doing. It's a perfect job.
Hanging where?? said killed, deboned and back to the truck in 15. That reads like he is doing it in the field. It would take one guy 15 minutes to hang, cut off legs, skin and clean off fat and hair if he was flying!!

He feeds his family all year long on deer meat.
So do I (and my bros and dad).........have been for many years now. Haven't bought red meat outside an Outback in probably a decade.

As far as shoulders there's not much meat but there is a lot of tendons and crap.
You don't know a deer very well...........big surprise

If it was a bigger deer like an older Doe or buck yes the shoulder do offer some meat and I will harvest it from time to time.
Nice to know you go out your way from "time to time" honored those deer must feel.

I will shoot bambi first everytime.
I have no problem with anyone shooting a legal deer..........they are tender as hell and I have eaten more then a few myself.

For them, not worth the effort. Feed the critters. If you want more meat shoot another deer.
Now we get to the real reason you don't do's not worth YOUR effort. I myself choose to do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure the deer I kill are handled in a respectful manner after the kill and EVERY ounce of meat goes in the freezer. To you it is extra effort.........pretty sad.

If the main reason you hunt deer is for the meat and you don't fill all of your available tags, find another place to hunt. There are countless areas were the deer are out of control and you should have no problem filling your tags (even areas where they allow 45 deer/season).
So......instead of using all the meat on 2 deer you kill, just go somewhere else where you can kill 4 of them and do a half assed job taking meat with much less work.............same amount of meat with a lot less effort right??

Your logic is mind numbing.

For those of you who have quote "more respect for your kill", do you eat the mice out of you mouse traps or just discard them? Do they taste like chicken?
I don't hunt mice.............and they are disease ridden rodents not suitable for human consumption. I'll eat a crock pot full of tree rats any day though

In over populated deer areas, they are better known as pest and disease threats. That is probably why people beg me to come and kill the deer.
Deer spread no diseases to humans.........unless you get a tick off them I guess but that isn't even the deer. Just because something is a pest doesn't give you a license to waste it like it is meaningless. Give the damn thing to Hunters Feeding the Hungry if you can't be bothered. Use your head a little man.

When something is perfectly good for human consumption and you knowingly waste it you are a fool.........sure deer are pests and they do need to be removed from certain areas but that doesn't mean they should be wasted.

North Carolina you can tag a deer before you get out of your tree stand. It's call 1-800-I got one. You call and get your tag number over the phone and write it on your license. All states should do this.

So you don't have to leave the woods with proof of sex?? can just come out with a bag of meat?? Sounds like an open invitaion for poaching to me.
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Old 05-03-2004, 06:03 PM
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

Sorry to disappoint you atlas but I don't hunt for deer meat per say. I only trophy hunt most of the time and don't care to waste too much time on average deer. I am after a huge one. I have shot some large deer in the past but none that I could call huge and would waste money mounting. I will pop a few end of the season for jerky and steak to be given away to friends and clients. I have also been known to donate to Hunters for the Hungry.

Deer not a threat to humans. Tell that to two relatives that got Lymes disease. One spent over a week in intensive care and almost had to have a pace maker installed at age 54. I also suppose the are throwing away deer in dumpsters because they feel like it, not that chronic wasting disease maybe transferred to those who would eat a sick deer.

Yes my friend will pop the deer load it in the truck and take it to his garage. Once there he will hang harvest hind qtrs and back straps and get the carcus back in the truck with in 15 mins. Why gut the darn thing? I know the tender loins are good but they are the only piece besides the ribs you need to gut the deer for. They are also not very big if the deer isn't big.

When you are done picking the last of the meat out of the deer cheek bones do you go after the bone marrow? What about the carcus do you boil it to get all the meat? After that do you prefer to to build a platform of wood and burn it or do you bury it with prayers and tombstone?
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Old 05-03-2004, 06:13 PM
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

I always gut them where they drop[8D]
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Old 05-03-2004, 08:10 PM
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

ORIGINAL: Fieldmouse

Sorry to disappoint you atlas but I don't hunt for deer meat per say. I only trophy hunt most of the time and don't care to waste too much time on average deer.
Poacher with a license??

I am after a huge one.
Funny...........I thought you said you were out to shoot bambi.

I have shot some large deer in the past but none that I could call huge and would waste money mounting.
You won't waste your money or your effort on a deer...........Why even bother hunting at all??

I will pop a few end of the season for jerky and steak to be given away to friends and clients. I have also been known to donate to Hunters for the Hungry.
Yea.....OK.........if that were true you would have said it a long time ago. Nice try

Deer not a threat to humans. Tell that to two relatives that got Lymes disease. One spent over a week in intensive care and almost had to have a pace maker installed at age 54.
Already touched on that one dude..........they didn't get it from the deer..........they got it from the tick. If they get hit by a car do you blame the road??

I also suppose the are throwing away deer in dumpsters because they feel like it, not that chronic wasting disease maybe transferred to those who would eat a sick deer.
Show me a documented case of CWD passed from deer to humans..........then we'll talk.

Yes my friend will pop the deer load it in the truck and take it to his garage. Once there he will hang harvest hind qtrs and back straps and get the carcus back in the truck with in 15 mins. Why gut the darn thing? I know the tender loins are good but they are the only piece besides the ribs you need to gut the deer for. They are also not very big if the deer isn't big.
You are a joke............why not just bring a chainsaw with you and hack him up on the ground to save even more time??

When you are done picking the last of the meat out of the deer cheek bones do you go after the bone marrow? What about the carcus do you boil it to get all the meat? After that do you prefer to to build a platform of wood and burn it or do you bury it with prayers and tombstone?

Let me get this are trying to make fun of me for using all the meat a deer has to offer?? LOL

You truely are a tool if you think that someone who uses the front shoulders and neck is being too picky.

You are so clueless I don't even know where to start..........not that you would listen anyways.

Have fun poaching.
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Old 05-03-2004, 08:18 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

I would accept that challenge any day Silent.........ANY day. I can't believe you expect people to believe someone can hang, skin, and debone a deer AND clean up in less then 15 minutes

It is a physical impossibility.

Your saying that this guy will hang a deer, skin it (without ripping it to shreds), debone the hind quarters, shoulders, neck, backstraps and ribs, take out the tenderloins and have a nice clean pile of meat, with no hair, no fat, and then clean up all the blood, hair, fat and bones in 15 minutes??

Cmon dude.

I'm sure he is fast...........but be realistic. 1/2 hour would be smoking fast for one guy to do a nice clean job
It's called reading comprehension, you should try it some

I don't recall saying anything about boning out the meat. I said he cuts it up (quarters the meat).

Assuming will make an a$$ out of you
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Old 05-03-2004, 08:41 PM
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Default RE: To gut or not to gut?

You need to relax on getting personal but then I guess you know everything. As I said his is not a hack job I've witnessed it. It is smooth excellent cutting.

Secondly you have failed to explain why in areas where chronic wasting disease is active why do they just throw the whole deer away? I guess you would still eat the animal since it poses no threat correct?

Third, If you have read some of my past post you would know that I have donated deer to Hunters for the Hungry. After all the person I hunt with is a vegitarian. Besides you do get a tax deduction for it.

To end it, I'm not making fun of you for picking what you feel is worth it but I am pointing out that even you have a stopping point. Unless your picking cheeks, lower legs, eating bone marrow and making buttons and/or tools with the bones, I can say your wasting usable deer parts. Futhermore I'm on record that never is any of the deer wasted because other critters survive on the left overs. There comes a time when it just isn't worth anymore effort.
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