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Am I a bowhunter?

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Old 02-10-2004, 08:56 AM
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To many critics, everyone wants to dish others on equiptment, set up, and amount of time shooting, and they have no idea if you are a good hunter or not but it differs from there opinion and they are quick to jump on you and i think those people know who they are. Pabowhunter you are right on though, to many personal advice and the fun for many seems to be going out the window
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Old 02-10-2004, 09:20 AM
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Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like its only the trads who are doing the slamming on this board. I don't recall anybody slamming trad shooters for what they use but everytime someone posts a question about a rest or some other equip, I already know some trad shooter is going to post and knock it. What is aggravating is they always say something like its trash, or junk, or something about the people who use them aren't very smart and then try to hide it with a smiley or a wink. I would like to shoot trad if I had more time and money. I don't. I have a family and 3 kids so I'm limited on what equip I can get and how much. Is it harder to shoot trad than compound and be as accurate? My guess is most would agree it is. I choose compound. Alot of us have jobs and families and can get more profecient with compounds and various equip than with trad gear. I have a bodoodle rest but I can assure you I will be getting a whisker biscuit. I have read enough from the people who actually own them to make my decision. The ones slamming on this board have become pretty predictable and to some degree I just pass by their posts anymore. They would have more cred if they could just post their opinions on equip based on their experience with and not just because they don't like advancement.... And without the little snide remarks. I look at all bow hunters as a family and it doesn't matter what each shoots. Hopefully, there will always be trads as well as people trying to improve and advance equip. Where should equip advancement have stopped? With flint heads and cedar arrows? Equip has always been improved and nobody has a right to pick a certain point in time to say THAT is the right method and these others aren't. I love shooting my compound. I don't blame my equip but I'd be a fool not to check it, adjust it, improve it. Does that bother me? Not the slightest. Will my equip make me a better hunter? It may help but I also understand practice is the main ingredient no matter what you shoot. Do I consider myself a hunter? Yes. Does someone else think less of me because I don't jump on prey's back with a club while wearing a loin cloth? I'd could care less.
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Old 02-10-2004, 09:31 AM
Boone & Crockett
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On the other hand, Frank, some of us are not saying anything about irresponsibility. My focus is on trying to keep some semblance of simplicity in archery. I also want to see some real enjoyment left in archery. From what I've seen over the past decade, as the simplicity goes, so goes the enjoyment.
Look at techies with their mechanical doodads and high dollah sights. They're pissed with an apple size group! Same group size, only one bunch has a pleasant day of shooting, the other bunch goes home all pissed off, with steam rolling out their ears.
Sorry I missed you the first time Arthur. I must have been typing as you replied. I want to comment on both of the statements that I quoted above.

First, I totally agree about keeping the enjoyment in archery. I want to as well. Case in point, a few years ago I got "really into" 3D. I had the foot long stabilizer, the microadjustable scoped sight, etc.. My scores were fantastic but after a time I became frustrated as I never seemed to be able to shoot as well as I wanted to.

Eventually I ditched the "high tech" target gear and just took my hunting bow back out into the course. My scores never got that high but I found out that I had much more fun and was still very consistant from week to week. Perfect practice for the season and one heck of a confidence builder.

However, at this point, I don't look down at those folks who continue to want to use the high tech target gear on the 3D course. That is there choice. About the only way that their choice of equipment impacts me is that I have to wait a bit longer to shoot each target as they are constantly fiddling with the microadjustments, etc....

Now I know you have run into some really bad apples when it comes to some of the folks in your area that shoot 3D. The problem arises though in that you now group anyone who uses "high tech" gear as being part of the same crowd that you run into at some of the 3D shoots. I don't consider myself part of that crowd though I love playing with all the new gadgets and gizmos to see what works for me and what doesn't.

Another good case in point would be ICS carbons. I have read all the threads on the tech. forum that refer to their poor straightness tolerances, ability to degrade over time, spine issues, etc.... and yet I still have no problem using them from year to year with very good levels of accuracy and durability. Why do you think that is if they are inferior pieces of equipment?

From my point of view, archery and bowhunting today has gone insane
In one sense I totally agree with you. I pulled out my Cabelas archery catalog from '99 and looked at some of the accessories that were available then. My heavens...the difference in prices!!! A good hunting sight went for $39.99 and with the light kit it went up to a whopping $59.99!! A far cry from the $125 "hunting sights" that I see advertised in there today. The industry is pricing many folks right out of the sport.[:'(]

Its one thing to try and ensure an accurate shot for a clean kill, its another to rack your brain, lose sleep, get an ulcer and spend thousands of dollars just to gain another 1/4" accuracy to shoot a deer. Just the way I look at it.

Well said. Technology is not a bad thing provided we don't come to rely on it totally for both self satisfaction and a successful hunt.

To many critics, everyone wants to dish others on equiptment, set up, and amount of time shooting, and they have no idea if you are a good hunter or not but it differs from there opinion and they are quick to jump on you and i think those people know who they are. Pabowhunter you are right on though, to many personal advice and the fun for many seems to be going out the window
Good point but the pendulum does swing both ways. For some gears and gadgets will never take the place of good instinct and a passion for the hunt. On the other hand some folks find enjoyment in the gadgets themselves and separate that from the enjoyment that they receive from the hunt itself. Is either side right or wrong? No, not in my opinion. Just different.
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Old 02-10-2004, 09:39 AM
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I really have some thing to say ,but need to hold my tongue.
Its the so called archer that walks up into Walmart to get his permits week before season,has not shot his equipment in a year that irresponsebility.
And not every body that are members of IBO shoot high priced equipment ,There are TRAD shooters that Are members that shoot archery competitively.and there not complaining about compoundes with sufficticated equipment.
I believe in the three SSS's short,sweet,and simple.
I make it my responsability to be suffishent with my equipment .I shoot competitively ,and it keeps me with my bow in hand more often than some .Il ike my arrows holding an apple size group at 40 yrds ,50 cent piece at 20.
I use the same bow to hunt with as i do to shoot IBO tournaments with.Other than changing arrows ,and takeing off a sight extension.
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Old 02-10-2004, 09:41 AM
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Alot of us have jobs and families and can get more profecient with compounds and various equip than with trad gear.
You reckon nobody had families or jobs and such before the compound came along?? Nobody had a life outside of archery until carbon arrows were invented and then we all had to get married and get a job?

The honest truth is, we bowhunters didn't sit on our arses and watch TV nearly as much back then. And since our families were involved in archery, our practice time did not interfere with family time. ARCHERY TIME WAS FAMILY TIME!

Anybody that calls themselves an archer and a bowhunter but doesn't get his family involved... That man is a selfish clod and is certainly not making provision for the future of the sport.

Just my opinion as an old time archer with traditional values.
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Old 02-10-2004, 10:02 AM
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Default RE: Am I a bowhunter?

i agree pa iam just a hunter and if i get apple size groups my face is like this after i shoot i have bought a new bow for every year for the last five year iam just waiting on to find the perfect bow.. there is alot of guy that been useing a bow for the last 12 year and they wouldnt trade them for the world then a guy looks at them that has a "golden bow setup"" and think there rig is the only why and the guy with a 12 year old bow shoot as many deer as the guy with the super doper bow setup.
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Old 02-10-2004, 10:24 AM
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As long as it is legal for bow hunting in the area in which the hunter uses the equipment who am I to say any different. I for one bowhunt for personal reasons and only measure up to my own standards not someone elses. I have hunted with both traditional and compounds both take dedication and practice to be proficient. You'll never see me dis another fellow sportsman when they put forth the effort with there choice or methods of hunting game. I go into to 3d with my hunting setup to make me more proficient and have some fun with other archers, of course I want to do well but the competition for a prize is never a movitator for me and yet others thrive on it...hey cool as long as your pleasing yourself then go hard!!!! My beef is with those who use certain enhancements as a crutch(sort to speak) to make up for the lack of time they put into being proficient. It doesn't just pertain to archery either. I believe no matter what the piece of equipment is one must practice as much as possible, this will build confidence as well as set up expactations and limitation which are required in the heat of the moment while hunting.

The meat is; it is a personal sport, one must be doing it for there own pleasure and goals not others, if you buy certain pieces of equipment to gain approval of others than in my view you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. I also certainly don't buy into I am doing it this way "thus I am more of an archer than you". The competition should begin & end with one self not others, even hardcore competitive archers battle themselves when on course not the other competitor's, it is about what you/they can do!! If your worried about the jones than you should do some re-evaluation IMHO.
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Old 02-10-2004, 11:01 AM
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I for one have never shot in a turnament, And i also have ever shot on a 3-D course. But i have been strickly bowhunting for more than tweeny years. When i walk into a pro shop i notice a lot of technical archery equipment that i know i would not ever put on my hunting bow! But i do understand why maby a 3-D shooter may want it. Sence he shoots at all distance`s, and has to have his bow fine tuned shooting for points against another archer. But for a hunter like my self! I practice like i hunt which is mainly out of a tree shooting maby no more than tweenty to thirty yrds. In my opinion i think the more technical you make your hunting bow the more complicated it becomes and is subject to more failure`s while hunting! A hunting bow should remain simple as possible, sight`s, arrowrest, ect, should be tough, Arrows and broadheads should be sharp and fine tuned. After all an animale is not just a target! but creature God put on this earth for a reason, It`s food for some and a way of life for others. are both! it is also a tridition where i come from, My job is my living, But my "family and hunting and the outdoors" is my life!
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Old 02-10-2004, 11:35 AM
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Default RE: Am I a bowhunter?

Arthur P:
Anybody that calls themselves an archer and a bowhunter but doesn't get his family involved... That man is a selfish clod and is certainly not making provision for the future of the sport
Easy now. You weren't doing too badly till you jumped off the deep end.

The rest of this post is directed at no one in particular, its just how I feel.

Archery, hunting, fishing...all have one thing in common.If you're having fun, you're pretty much doing it right.

If you want to be a techie, be one. Enjoy it.
If you want to be a minimalist, be one. Enjoy it that way.
If you want criticize everyone around you because they don't do it your way, open your mind and shut your mouth.

For example, in my book, if you are a fisherman and you like fishing with a bobber and worm from a lawn chair, you are okay with me.

If you prefer instead to get yourself a $35000 bass boat and $5000 worth of other tackle, you're still okay with me.

Nature puts us all on the same playing field regardless of what gadgets we choose or choose to ignore.

All men are brothers when they belly up to the stream to catch a trout.
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Old 02-10-2004, 11:39 AM
Boone & Crockett
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Default RE: Am I a bowhunter?

Anybody that calls themselves an archer and a bowhunter but doesn't get his family involved... That man is a selfish clod and is certainly not making provision for the future of the sport
Well, I bought the wife a bow, full setup and a nice 3D quiver to shoot 3D with me a few years back.

Then she made me sell it after we got married....[:'(]

But, my son loves to "help me" work on my bows when I pull the tools out. That usually involves him grabbing the allen wrench set and plugging different size wrenches into the riser cutouts on any given bow...

...and we play Cabelas Deer Hunt 2004 season together...does that count?
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