Hunting causes heart attack?
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 204
RE: Hunting causes heart attack?
It is definately an issue that should be considered by everyone. I am 32 and at times I feel like I am 50. But some times I feel like I am 20 and could drag a deer a hundred miles or more but I know that is not the case. You have to know your limitations. If you know that you will be doing something in the future that will exceed those limitations you better consider upping the limitations that you have. Staying in shape by just walking through the woods once or twice a week would do wonders for a person. I don't think that you have to do a full aerobic workout everyday just to be able to drag a deer or to deal with strain put on your body when a good buck walks out. But just consider first what kind of work out it is for you heart when that big boy does walk out. Pure excitement.
Good Hunting.
Good Hunting.