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local news station shows lab shot w/ arrow

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Old 11-13-2003, 02:18 PM
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This is definitely a hot topic. This actually occurs more than most people think. I treat 3-4 dogs a year that come into my hospital with an arrow wound or arrow still sticking out of them. I see 2-3 times that many gunshots injuries. It is really quite a shame.

I can certainly understand both sides of the coin, but here' s something for everyone to think about. In just about every state in the US it is ILLEGAL to shoot a dog, feral or otherwise, unless that dog is an immediate threat to person or property (property meaning pets or livestock - deer don' t count unless you are a licensed breeder). If you get caught, it is considered cruelty to animals (a felony) and can mean up to three years of jail time, up to $10,000 in fines and possible loss of hunting privledges, depending on the state. Now granted, a person is unlikely to get jail time by just simply shooting a dog, but I do know of a recent case here in WV where the hunter lost his hunting rights for 3 years, had $2000 in fines, and had to pay the vet bill (which was over $1500 to me). That is an expensive mistake.

People there are legal avenues that are already set up to deal with such situations. Every county in the nation should have a humane officer/dog catcher/dog warden/etc. If not, you can simply go to the local police.

If you see a dog, don' t shoot it. See who owns it by asking around. If the neigbor is uncooperatived, then seek offical help. If you can' t ascertain an owner, seek official help from the humane officer to remove the animal to a local shelter or get official permission to dispose of the animal. In other words, CYA.

If you take the law into your own hands, you deserve everything you get. You have to realize that even the best kenneled animals can get out of the yard.
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Old 11-13-2003, 05:20 PM
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i got one question ...has anyone ever whitnessed a dog run a deer down and kill it?
i got a big dog that chases the hell out of deer ...he has yet to catch one.

i have hunted for years and never ran across a deer carcass that gave any indication that a dog killed it. i' ve seen yotes chasing deer but have never seen a kill. some of these posts make it seem like the deer gives up after you run it for a couple hundred yards ...that' s BS. in fact a guy i know saw his dog chasing deer and the damn deer stopped running after 100 yds and kicked the dog in the head, it knocked the dog out and he eventually had to be put down from continued complications.

in my opinion anyone who would shoot someone' s dog for trespassing is a total a$$hole and i' m not buying into they eat deer. i think your right that owners should watch their dogs to make sure it doesn' t happen but one time or another the dogs gonna get loose. i' d punch the owner in the mouth before i' d hurt is dog.

as far as runing you hunt, all the deer ain' t gonna vacate the area just because a dog ran through.

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Old 11-13-2003, 06:59 PM
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Default RE: local news station shows lab shot w/ arrow

good point jroot. there is no way a dog is going to catch a deer. you' d think that in this day and age after hunters have been labled ignorant, redneck, drunks out shooting animals without regard for anything but the saftey of thier trucks, lynard skynard albums and jack danials bottle, hunters would wise up and STOP living up to thier reputation, excersise some common sense and realize that hunting is a SPORT! its like saying if i was out fishing and someones lab came swiming by me, id bash it in the head with an oar and drown the thing cuase it scared away all the bass and catfish that me and my toothless wife wanted to eat for dinner. i know someone is going to say, " well it was on my land" or as the typical brainless redneck would say, " my property" . so what if its on your land, if its a domestic dog, call the thing over, im sure it would love to get a good belly scratch from you, and walk it over to the owners house and ask them to keep the dog leashed or youll be forced to call the animal control, if it happenes again, call the dog over, scratch its belly, walk it to your house and call animal control. the neighbor will get tired of paying 70 dollars a pop to get his dog out of jail.
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Old 11-13-2003, 07:12 PM
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My dog doesnt chase deer, well, on occasion he has barked a deer out of the back 40. I think its disgusting that someone would intentionally shoot a tame dog. Its not the dogs fault, its the A*#hole owner who doesnt' keep a hold of his pet. Why punish the dog? I agree, take the dog to the owner and press charges or punch him in the nose.

I can tell you one thing though. If someone ever shoots my dog, the person just earned an express ticket to the hospital with an arrow sticking out of his rear.
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Old 11-13-2003, 07:57 PM
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Thier are two types of Dog owners in this world. The first type buys a puppy, trains it, feeds it and eventually learns to love it as a member of the family.

The second type buys a puppy throws it on a chain in the backyard where it is expected to bark when strangers come around for its food.

The first type would never shoot someones pet.

I had a little terrier when I was 9 years old that ran off one night (It was Thanksgiving Night 1978 to be exact).Looked everywhere for weeks, never found him. As silly as it sounds, I still think about " Tito" (Toto was already taken )Today at 38. I would hate to think that some self righteous Bowhunter shot my little friend
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Old 11-13-2003, 10:49 PM
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There is a big difference between someones pet or a pack of wild dog' s.A pack of dogs could definetly take a deer.Two years ago at work a guy told me a story that went like this" An old lady sent her husband to go to town to get a new refigarator.He got home went in the house and instantly died of a heart attack.The old lady freaked out and went insane.He didn' t know if they took her away or she still lived at the house.But she had a couple of dogs who over the years had inbreed and now there was a huge pack of them." He gave me the directions and told me to go check it out.A couple days later me and a friend where cruising around and I told him the story.We both laughed and decided to go see for ourselves.We got to the house it was on a big hill and all around was open farming area except for the house.There where a few big trees around and you really couldn' t see the house.The gate was locked so we drove up to the gate and sat there for a few minutes.One thing I noticed right away was the truck, with a now rotted box with the refigarator inside.All the sudden we see these forms moving in the tree' s.Here comes a short little white dog running down the driveway towards my truck then another and another.And more and more until there were and I' m not kidding 30 or more of these beasts.They all looked like a deformed spuds mackenzies!! They all had the same body shape but had different coloring marks all white except for a spot of black here and there.As these creatures ran up to my truck and started yelping and barking and jumping on my truck , I noticed they were all cross-eyed!! Me and my friend sat there in total astonishment as these things had totally encircled my truck.I dared him to get out and see if they wre friendly." No f*&$*@ way" he told me.We stayed there for a couple of minutes Than drove slowly down the road with these mongoloids in hot pursuit.
Well thats the end of the story all true I was there saw it with my own eyes.I' ll tell you what if I saw a herd of those monsters coming through the woods I would hopefully have an AK-47 and a couple of those drum clips!!
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Old 11-14-2003, 02:20 AM
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Dogs, no. Although I would be tempted if they were wild dogs, but that' s just not the case where I hunt. Cats, on the other hand.........not yet
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Old 11-14-2003, 06:22 AM
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I think we should get together sometime and please bring your damn dog with ya[>:]
BITE ME!Yeah I' ll call the dog over and scratch it' s belly--speaking of brainless red-neck!
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Old 11-16-2003, 07:08 AM
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I don' t care how many times you saw my beagle running " deer" on your property(I think many people think they' re running deer when they are after rabbits). If you make the decision to shoot her, you better have one hell of a set of legs to out run me, because I' ll be giving you the beating of your life.

I was in Illinois this week and had three dogs chasing a rabbit right underneath me. The last thing on my mind was revenge. I saw 15 deer the rest of the night, including a 135-class 8 point.

Don' t be an a$$hole.

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Old 12-03-2003, 09:29 PM
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I know im not making freinds by saying this but i dot gove a rats ass!!
I have never and will never shoot at or kill a dog when i am out hunting UNLESS by dg you man coyote(which i can get money of off) but a normal dog you'e ave to be pushing insane to do that. i have to agree with those of you who sayhat it is stupid to kill a dog, i mean afetr ll isnt that whet they are breed to do???? persue game??? i know thats what i bought my pheasnt lab for..... and if anybody shot him i'de be so pissed i wouldn't know what do do. my point is it might be a pet even if it looks wild. But if you have no heart at all then by all mean go out and have a dog killing masacar.
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