Fork Horn
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 158
I am beyond frustrated, and looking for help. Over the past 4 weeks, EVERY deer that has come within 40 yards of me has IMMEDIATELY looked up and located me in my tree stand, and acted skittish. They aren't smelling me, aren't hearing me, and I'm literally not moving an inch once I see them. What in the heck is going on?? Any ideas?
Fork Horn
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 277
I hate to be Captian Obvious here, but if they know where your stand is and are looking up, then just move the stand. You can move it 20 yds in a different direction. But make sure that you have cover/floiage around you and make sure that you are in a big enough tree so they don't see your profile.
Depends on your stand location and where the deer are traveling in relation to you. Any details? Sitting on a hillside? How far up are you? How wide is the tree? Where is the sun when this is happening? Needs more info to help you out...
Fork Horn
Thread Starter
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 158
I have been sitting in multiple tree stands. They range from 17-23 ft in the air, the terrain ranges, as does the size of the tree and position in comparison to the setting sun. I have even had one other guy sit in a couple of the stands, and has seen deer WITHOUT them being alerted. Could it be something I'm wearing? I know the scent killing detergent I use doesn't contain UV brighteners so that's not it...
Are you sitting right on top of a deer trail? Like are the deer facing directly towards you when they walk by?
I always like to be 15-20 yds off a deer trail, so they aren't looking at me when they walk by.
I always like to be 15-20 yds off a deer trail, so they aren't looking at me when they walk by.
If I where you I would first hang a new stand in a new tree just to see if those deer are on to you. At the same time I would where some different clothes (maybe even see if you can borrow you buddies back up camo). You never know, there could be something in your washing machine that is either making you stink or leaving uv deposits on your camo. That could be built up detergent or grease. Best of luck to ya that sounds like a very frustrating situation.
Dominant Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: land of the Lilliputians, In the state of insanity
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Do you have good back ground cover? My favorit stand is in plain site. I set in the wide open. My cover is all back ground. Nothing below or in front of me. If you do not have back ground cover, you will be casting a big silhouette agianst the sky.
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Bradley IL
Posts: 93
they are obviously smelling/hearing/seeing you somehow. i had a spike sunday evening walk from my left directly under my stand and never knew i was there, i was only 10 foot up the tree, wind was in my face blowing to the east, the deer was walking south to north. they are either sniffin ya out or you are skylining yourself making it easy to see ya imho