What are some good bow hunting magazines
What are some good bow hunting magazines
Hi everyone, I recently shot my first deer with my dads mathews mq1 this past fall and now I'm pretty much hooked on bowhunting. I think I like it better than gun hunting. I was thinking of buying some bowhunting magazines so I can expand my knowlege on bowhunting, so my question is what are some good bowhunting magazines for a beginner like me. I'm saving up for a new bow too so I'd like a magazine that gives review but also focuses alot on the deer too.
I've shelled out some cash for the expensive Whitetail Stratagies Mag, and I found it more useful then any mag I've ever bought.
I dont buy alot of Mags, I just dont see a use in them unless there is something in them I find very useful. With so much info on the internet I dont see a use for a Field and Stream.
Your probably right KC. The thing Is I've been looking at these bowhunting mags for 30 some years and to me they aren't even close to what they once were. For Instance the magazine Bowhunter was untouchable for knowledge up until advertising got a hold of It. I quit getting It now.