Live weight of Buck?
Live weight of Buck?
I shot this buck on October 20th. I guessed his live weight at 250-260 let me know what you all think. I just got the meat back today and received 140 pounds of meat.
Typical Buck
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 564
It has been my experience that no more then 50% of the DRESSED weight is the return on packaged meat. So from my experience, if you got 140lbs then that deer field dressed 280 with the live weight being clsoe to an additional 20%. Not saying that there aren't deer that size, I just did not see a deer that size in any of the pictures.
Curious, did you actually weigh the meat or count out the packages??? The reason I ask is that all of my tickets I have gotten show a weight on it. That is not the weight of the meat, but the weight of the dressed animal. Like I said just my experiences.
I asked the processor how much weight I got out of him. He is an older amish guy and he told me 140 pounds. I think I will reweigh it in the morning myself and let you know what I come up with. I thought it was alot myself. I looked at some charts and they said 139 pounds of meat would be a 280 pound deer. I don't believe he was quite that big so I am going to weigh the meat. I will let you all know what I come up with.