3 blade vs. 4 blade Fixed BH (Update)
3 blade vs. 4 blade Fixed BH (Update)
Looking at Muzzy but still have an open mind. What do you prefer?What are themajor advantages and disadvantages of fixedblade 4blade vs 3 blade? Thanks
After doing some research at my bowshopandmaking some calls I think I have decided on theG5 striker. Thanks for everyone's help.
After doing some research at my bowshopandmaking some calls I think I have decided on theG5 striker. Thanks for everyone's help.
RE: 3 blade vs. 4 blade Fixed BH
Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I personally like ST better as I think their design is tougher than Muzzy, and I've yet to have a ST with a ferrule that wasn't straight, while Muzzy's have ferrule straightness issues. I like the 4-blade cutting and have the energy behind it to get that BH and arrow through some tough tissues, including a spine this past year. If I were shooting a lower energy set-up, that extra blade could potentially be an issue, but you add 33% more cut when having equal cutting diameter BH's. Flight characteristic wise, if the arrow BH set spins true, I've not notice any MAJOR issues either way.
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 86
RE: 3 blade vs. 4 blade Fixed BH
I shoot and prefer G5 Strikers. If I wasn't able to get the Strikers I would probably get the Slick Tricks. I have had no problem tracking animals with the Strikers, they are tougher than nails, and the customer service is next to none. I had a blade snap on a head so I called G5 and they sent a new package of Strikers. Excellent people to deal with. With that being said the ST's are just as strong, just as lethal, and Gary at Slick Trick will take great care of you. It's hard to make a bad choice when it comes to fixed blades to be real honest with you. I wouldn't look past the Magnus Stingers either.
RE: 3 blade vs. 4 blade Fixed BH
This is all great info. However, the subject is 3 head vs 4 head BH. I realize that 3 head will get easier pass throughs and 4 heads will cut more. But I am having trouble deciding for my set-up. Do I have enough KE for a 4 head or would a three head be better?
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 86
RE: 3 blade vs. 4 blade Fixed BH
You have enough KE for a 4 blade, should be no problem. If you are worried about penetration get something with a cut-on-contact head. Magnus heads are very very popular for this, their Stinger Buzzcut is one of the best out there. The Lifetime warranty doesn't hurt either. Last year I was using a Bear Instinct at 59# 29" DL at 260 mph. I shot a buck quartering away at 28 yards with a 100 gr. G5 Striker. Arrow entereda little further back than I would like but it exited by blowing through the opposite shoulder. He went about 15 yards and piled up with blood everywhere. My KE was lower than yours and I had no problem taking out a shoulder.