I was just curious as to how many of youaresupersititious and believe in signs? The other day Igot off of work early and headed outfor an evening hunt. With a south wind, I thought I would drivedownthe lane that runs through thenorth woods and thenwalkdown a fence row about 300 yards down to mystand tucked in a corner next to a bedding area, appleorchard and picked corn field.Perfect right! Well, about halfway down the lane my pathwas blocked by a hugeoak that hadbeen uprooted and blown over blocking the lane andadding another 1/4 mile to my walk.Being supersticious, Isat there and thought about what move to make next. Just as I was about to park right there and walk the rest of the way, twodoes jumped up and took off from under the fallen tree. That was all the sign I needed to pull on out and enter from somewhere else, only to later jump three more deer on my way in. Although I have many routines and lucky items I take into the woods with me, I still get flustered as to what move to makewhen Ijump deer as I approach mychosen standfor a particular hunt. Sometimes Ithrow myhands up and move to a different stand, and other times I tell myself "well, I'mwasn't counting on deer coming from that direction anyway" and then end up just staying with my original plan. My question to all of you is how many of you abandonedor stickto your planonce you kick up one or moredeer upon walking to your chosen stand.