ever use unsented spray deorderant as a body spray?
ever use unsented spray deorderant as a body spray?
so i sent my grilfriend to the store the other day (got to start training them early) to get me some unsented deorderant. I've used the HS sentaway but i don't think it works at all. she comes back with some arisoal antiperstrent spray. i gave it a trail run and there was no ordor, from the spray or from me. so i got to thinking, I wonder how this stuff would work as a body spray as well. ya know how popular AXE body spray is to make you "smell good", well i was thinking that you could use the unsented antiperstrent spray as a body spray for all those sweaty places (crotch, feet, arms, back etc). anybody ever done this before?
RE: ever use unsented spray deorderant as a body spray?
I have actually heard of some people using the aerosol spray for those sweaty places, and i was actually considering trying it too. So i would say go for it.
RE: ever use unsented spray deorderant as a body spray?
The key is anti-perspirant. One is anti-sweat and one is cover-up (Deoderant).
If you have an aresol that is unscented anti-perspirant it should work all over the body
to stop moisture which is the cause of the scent.
If you have an aresol that is unscented anti-perspirant it should work all over the body
to stop moisture which is the cause of the scent.