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Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

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Old 03-17-2007, 10:30 AM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

I find them by far to be the MINORITY of carbon clothing users. Its easy to come on the internet and make claims you don't have to substantiate. I could say I owned a Ferrari, pull up some on the internet and try to act like I own one. I can post pics of my suit and, probably still have the reciept, and can tell you every inch of it, not "that pic you posted, yeah, that's what mine looks like". Plus I see alot of people make the claim they own a jacket, or a bib, or a bandana, or whatever - NOT A COMPLETE SUIT. Boy, they sure have given it a really good try. Use one piece of clothing and expect it to mask your entire body. Makes ABSOLUTELY NOT one difference to me that a small group says it doesn't work. I know of no product that has 100% satisfaction. Once again, a 20 year run and still going strong tells me a good deal others have been having the same type of positive experiences with the product. We don't feel we have to "prove" anything to people like you. We could care less what you think. The ONLY reason we waste our type with these posts is there are others out there who would like to try it and want opinions on it, just as other gear. People like you come on here and post the same old tired info, or some TV station's "expose", or technical data that DOES NOT SUBSTANTIATE THAT SOME PERCENTAGE OF REGENERATION CAN OR CANNOT OCCUR AT LOWER TEMPS. Riiigggghhht..... a woman newsanchor in a scent suit. Wow. I'd be hanging my argument on that, too. I admire Chuck Adams, just as many do, but I could care less that even he endorses it and claims to have tried it on multiple deer with great results. I would still continue to use it based on MY experiences with it, as a legitimate owner/user. By the way, I also have several aquaintances who also use it and as a group, we all are 100% satisfied with our purchases and plan to re-purchase. You should try it. I know you like veal but theres more meat on a mature deer.
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Old 03-17-2007, 12:53 PM
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I am with Hawaitha and what he said a couple of weeks ago; "If I end up in jail and have only one call, I'm calling Atlas." I will be walking out of that cell in minutes with him arguing my case. You guys have to admit that Atlas is right on with his case and I don't feel that the opening post I made on this forum is out of line or an unrealistic suggestion for the carbon companies. I just wish they would get on these forums and address our questions.
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Old 03-17-2007, 01:18 PM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

Right on with his case????? Its the same crap that's been posted on here for 3 years. Nothing new. Ridicule anybody that says they like it or have had good experiences with it. T.R. Michels, Michael Corrigan, a few technical data sheets for industrial use and standards, a TV news segment. Wow. Compelling. NOTHING AND NOBODY TO DEFINITIVELY PROVE THAT THE PRODUCT IS NOT CAPABLE OF SOME REGENERATION WITH LOWER TEMPS. ALL DATA PROVIDED HAS BEEN FOR INDUSTRIAL USE AND FAR MORE CLEANSING OF THE CARBON THAN IS NECESSARY FOR USE IN THE CLOTHING. You guys got a woody for carbon clothing and can't sleep at night thinking of all the happy carbon clothing users. That's what is really strange. You want to spend your money on $600 camo, that's your right. Frankly, IMO, there's no camo worth that but hey, that's your choice and I could care less. On the other hand, carbon clothing sells like hot cakes because people use it and THE GREAT MAJORITY love it.
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Old 03-17-2007, 01:26 PM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

ORIGINAL: aeroslinger

I find them by far to be the MINORITY of carbon clothing users.
10 out of 24 responders (owners) in Buckeye's thread.....that's 41%

Its easy to come on the internet and make claims you don't have to substantiate.
You don't seem to mind when the carbon companies do it though.

I could say I owned a Ferrari, pull up some on the internet and try to act like I own one. I can post pics of my suit and, probably still have the reciept, and can tell you every inch of it, not "that pic you posted, yeah, that's what mine looks like".
Are you saying that all the people who report owning the suit with negative comments are lying?

Makes ABSOLUTELY NOT one difference to me that a small group says it doesn't work. I know of no product that has 100% satisfaction.
So you don't care about THEIR anecdotal evidence...........just yours. How convenient

People like you come on here and post the same old tired info, or some TV station's "expose"..... a woman newsanchor in a scent suit. Wow. I'd be hanging my argument on that, too.
Once again you bristle at anecdotal evidence only when it DOESN'T support your "faith"...........but earlier you said

ORIGINAL: aeroslinger

"Anecdotal evidence" and testimonials are pretty good assets to have.

Can't have it both ways aero.

I will ask you again how the suit eliminates your scent at a significant level (forget the regeneration stuff for this discussion) considering the photo that I showed you with no more then 30% of the surface area of the fabric containing carbon particles..........also considering that physics dictates that airflow (and other forms of matter) will ALWAYS follow the path of least resistance which in any non air tight garment would be the neck, arm, waist, and leg openings. Even assuming ALL the air from inside the suit got somehow forced through the garment (which everyone knows doesn't happen) 70% of it will never even touch the carbon.

Please explain.
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Old 03-17-2007, 01:47 PM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

atlas, By far, the people who've posted on this site and others WHO'VE ACTUALLY WORN IT have had positive experiences with it. MOST of those people gave up giving their opinions on here long ago. Its pointless arguing with someone who talks in circles. And, yes, I find it humorouse that some of the posters claiming to own carbon clothing have never mentioned that previously. When most people ask for others opinions about gear, they generally want to hear from those who've actually used it. Go back and read the posts. People saying they own a "jacket"? Or one piece of carbon? Are you serioiusly taking their "anecdotal" statement that the product didn't work? Yes, you would. You'll grab at anything you can to make yourself look right. I don't work for the carbon clothing industry and profit not one bit from their quite substantial sales (although I wish I did). Until you actually try it yourself, you'll have to keep resorting to the same articles you've been pulling up for years. Why don't you call Chuck Adams and ask him about his testing? Or ask him why he would lie about that. Maybe you could show him all of your findings and get him reconsider if he really had positive experiences with the clothing or if he just didn't know what he was doing.
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Old 03-17-2007, 01:59 PM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

ORIGINAL: aeroslinger

Nothing new.
Exactly........the laws of science and chemistry don't change based on convenience.

Ridicule anybody that says they like it or have had good experiences with it.
I haven't ridiculed anyone..........your mocking of people who have negative experiences with the suit (saying they don't know how to use it or are lying about owning one) is unfortunate though.

a few technical data sheets for industrial use and standards, a TV news segment.
I gave you a link to a peer reviewed published convenient that you left that one out

Wow. Compelling.
I'm sorry..........what evidence have you provided besides a story about how one time you saw a deer down wind and he didn't run away?

Your asking for proof of a funny (especially because I know you have seen reams of data showing you otherwise). If all that doesn't do it for ya then take a basic chem class at your local Univ.

The fallacy of appealing to lack of proof of the negative is a logical fallicy of the following form:
"X is true because there is no proof that X is false." This is a fallacy whereby the normal burden of proof is reversed. It is asserted that aproposition is true, only because it has not been proven false. Formally, the burden of proof should be on the proposed idea, not the challenger of the idea.
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:05 PM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

ALL I WANT TO KNOW IS CAN CARBON BE REACTIVATED/ REGENERATED IN A HOMEOWNERS DRYER? Science data should be easily available for the companies to produce this answer to me.
Here is the scientific data that was easily available from one of the companies that produced the answer for you. It even says a scientific test which you requested. I have a feeling that the info you requested has been produced you won't believe it and want to keep this thread going. The info listed below came from a websight from Scent Lok, which is what HCH wanted, the company to provided answers.

We ran a scientific test to verify the ability of Scent-Lok fabrics to be regenerated and continue to adsorb odor that is subject to them without significant degradation to the amount adsorbed.

Pristine Material:
This is material that is in perfect condition. Greater amounts of scent is exposed to the fabric to the point where it is virtually saturated.

Regenerated Material:
This is the same material as in the pristine material test only it has been regenerated in a drying cycle at 160° F. for 45 minutes. Then after regeneration exposed to greater amounts of scent until virtually saturated.

Since most household dryers heat to 160 degrees this should be sufficient.

I have stated this before, I will tell all my friends and promote the hell out of carbon clothing if I can be assured that the stuff can be reactivated/regenerated in a homeowners dryer.
By the way what brand will you be getting.
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:06 PM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

In atlas form:

History of scent-control…the early years

Hunting the wind:

This concept of hunting the wind has always and will always be an integral part of any serious hunters game plan when hunting for prey that rely on their sense of smell for survival. The more hunting pressure along with the age or maturity of the game animal, the more that animal relies on the wind to sense human intrusion and danger. A whitetail deer can smell human odor a quarter mile away with the right wind, and can smell human odor on brush or weeds a hunter passes through for several hours after he has passed by. Scent-control use to consist of keeping all hunting clothing outside when not in use, which would take some of the human odor out of the equation. The next advances were in technology. Scent eliminator sprays, which are used to spray an invisible barrier over clothing to stop human odor from passing through. Scent-free detergents, shampoo, body wash, and anti-perspirants were also created to aid in the fight to stay as odor free as possible.
Relying on cover scents:
Hunters have been using Racoon, and Fox urine, Skunk, Pine, Apple, Acorn, and Earth scent as cover scents to mask their own human odor for years. While these scents can and do work depending on the situation, they can also work against you if used improperly. An example of improper use would be using a scent that does not naturally exist in the area it is being used. When pursuing mature trophy animals, cover scents could potentially alter the thought process of a game animal as it is routinely passing through your ambush sight. It is preferred to be scent-free or have the wind in your favor.

[align=right]back to top[/align] Understanding Human Odor What causes human odor?
Our bodies are constantly producing scent molecules in a gaseous, solid, and liquid state. Perspiration (liquid) is the main source of odor because it is a breeding ground for bacteria. Overheating and anxiety (both of which are common in hunting situations) accelerate perspiration and body odor. There are also areas of the human body such as underarms, crotch, neck, feet, and hair follicles that are ideal for bacteria to multiply at a very rapid rate. These areas therefore are major sources of extreme body odor. A hunter's diet also has a great deal to do with body odor. Onions or garlic can cause your body to take on their odors. Our breath is yet another source of human odor, and what we have recently eaten will definitely affect the severity of our breath odor. When hunting animals with an acute sense of smell, the human odors we expel greatly affect our capability of getting up close and personal.
Why can’t we just eliminate it?
The reason human odor can’t be eliminated is simple, you can’t stop your body from constantly releasing the elements necessary for creating human odor. We can shower and shampoo with non scent soap, use non-scent anti-perspirant prior to going hunting, but these are simply temporary, short term fixes. [align=right]
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[/align] Odor dispersal Air Flow
The often erratic nature of wind:
Wind currents are at times a hunter's worst enemy in an attempt to get close to game that relies on their sense of smell. The down side is that air currents can change from moment to moment depending on the lay of the land.
It is common knowledge that heat rises. Thermals, or the warming and cooling of air alters air currents in hilly or mountainous terrain even without the presence of wind. When hunting hilly terrain the air currents will be going uphill or rising as the day warms up, generally from daybreak until late afternoon. As the evening air starts to cool down, the air currents change and go downhill or fall. When these thermal changes are not paid attention to they can, unknowingly to the hunter, alter sightings of potential game animals.
How terrain alters the flow:
Field edges, ridges, hills, and openings in woods are all terrain changes that can drastically alter wind currents. A steady directional air current will be altered dramatically by any of these terrain features. Air currents hitting solid objects change their direction, similar to a fan blowing air against a wall. The wall will change the direction of the airflow. When foliage is still on the trees, the trees will act in a similar fashion as a wall. Even though they are not solid they will still deflect and re-route the wind. The changing of wind direction causes major problems in a attempt to hunt the wind.
The direction change in most cases causes the wind to swirl, in many if not every direction, making it impossible to attempt to hunt the wind. Prior to the use of Scent-Lok® it wasn"t recommended to hunt some exceptionally good locations due to the unreliable wind currents in those locations. In pressured areas you generally only get one opportunity, and it can't be squandered on an unreliable wind giving away your position.
[align=right] back to top[/align] The Technology behind Scent-Lok Why carbon?
Activated carbon is the most effective odor-eliminating substance known to man. The American College Dictionary uses charcoal in their definition of the word adsorb: “to gather on a surface in a condensed layer, as when charcoal adsorbs gases (suck in)”. Militaries around the world use carbon in chemical warfare suits to protect soldiers. While these military suits are designed very different from a Scent-Lok hunting suit, their basic applications are the same. Carbon is also used in multitudes of filtration systems for filtering not only air but liquids as well. It should also be noted that Scent-Lok branded clothing use 100% coconut carbon, which is more porous and therefore more adsorbtive than charcoal.
The bonding process
In the Scent-Lok products the odor adsorbing linings are designed so that the human odors, gases, and moisture pass through the fabrics, make contact with the activated carbon, and are then expelled as “filtered” air. Once through the suit the air no longer contains human odor. The scientific name for this molecular attraction to carbon is called the Van der Waal’s bond.
How much carbon is enough?
A very thin layer of activated carbon is all that is needed to adsorb the odors released on several hunts. Too much carbon is overkill and cuts down on the permeability and overall comfort of the garment. The ideal scenario is to have enough carbon for the suit to function as designed, but not so much that the suit is uncomfortable to wear during warm weather due to lack of airflow through the suit.
Scent-Lok Technologies spends a lot of time and money on research and development to assure that their odor adsorbing technology, along with comfort in the field, is the best in the industry.
How are odors released?
It is common knowledge that heat makes molecules move more rapidly. Regeneration is only obtained by using a clothes dryer. Regeneration is achieved by placing the suit in a dryer for twenty to thirty minutes on a medium to high heat setting or according to the label instructions. The heat from the clothes dryer creates what is scientifically known as Brownian molecular motion, which causes the scent molecules to move rapidly. This movement breaks the molecules free from the surfaces of the activated carbon particles and interior pores of the carbon, and allow them to eventually exit out of the dryer vent.
When and how to wash: During warm weather when only a T-shirt is being worn as an undergarment and heavy perspiration is occurring, it is advised to wash your suit periodically. During cool weather when heavier undergarments or layers are worn, there is no need to wash the suit. Washing does not have anything to do with reactivation, but does get rid of unwanted body oils (caused by perspiration), blood, and dirt. Washing a Scent-Lok suit can be done 1-4 times per season without fear of losing carbon from the suit. The permanent ClimaFlex treatment, that is on all Scent-Lok branded suits made during and after 2001, aids in the extraction of unwanted body oils in high perspiration areas when washed. Use only non-scent liquid clothes wash or preferably carbon wash. Once a garment is washed per label instructions it should be put in the dryer on a no heat setting until dry. Once the garment is dry, follow the reactivation instructions. ClimaFlex treatment is also wicking agent, which adds to the overall comfort of the suit during warm weather.
Scent-Lok Testing
Our fabrics undergo thorough and extensive lab testing before ever entering the field. We continuously research existing products from the entire spectrum of scent-control options using state-of-the-art procedures. We have established concrete standards that we know will guarantee success when used properly. Throughout our traditional field testing, we have found the minimum threshold needed to keep deer and other big game from detecting human scent. We’ve taken this minimum standard and engineered our fabrics to perform well above this standard in order to give hunters the most effective system. Our product testing ensures the most effective system for scent-eliminating performance for the life of the garment.
Customers are making a big financial investment in Scent-Lok. They are also investing their own time and effort to follow through on proper use and care of Scent-Lok. We want you to make sure that when they finally choose our product, they know that they will have no regrets and will experience consistently better success in the field.
[align=right] back to top[/align] Scent-Lok Care Storage:
Storage and care of activated carbon garments is critical to its success. Immediately after any garment is taken out of the dryer, it is to go in a carbon lined bag, heavy plastic bag, or in an airtight plastic tub. Do not use scent wafers or any type of scent in the container with the suit. The idea is to be totally scent free. It is very important that the garments stay in the airtight container until used in the field, and be returned to the container as soon as they are out of the woods before getting into your vehicle. Do not wear the suit while driving, getting gas, at home, in a restaurant, or anyplace where it can pick up foreign odors. It is OK to use scent eliminator sprays prior to going afield, but it is definitely not needed.
It is also advised to always wear scent-free rubber boots at all times when bowhunting. Any boot that breathes, leaves odors on the ground.

We ran a scientific test to verify the ability of Scent-Lok fabrics to be regenerated and continue to adsorb odor that is subject to them without significant degradation to the amount adsorbed.
Pristine Material:
This is material that is in perfect condition. Greater amounts of scent is exposed to the fabric to the point where it is virtually saturated.

Regenerated Material:
This is the same material as in the pristine material test only it has been regenerated in a drying cycle at 160° F. for 45 minutes. Then after regeneration exposed to greater amounts of scent until virtually saturated.

As the test data shows, after a regeneration cycle the regenerated performs equally as well as the new pristine material. This confirms that like a sponge, scent can be virtually wrung out to give our fabrics the capacity to adsorb odors time and time again.

[align=right] back to top[/align] Alternative "Scent Control " Products We ran a scientific test to figure out how effective various “scent-elimination” fabrics are. The graph shows five different fabrics (the bottom one is a control with no product tested) subjected to the various major odor producing compounds that the human body emits, and measured how much “scent” is present after passing through the tested fabric. The higher the spike the more scent is present after passing through the fabric.

No Product Test:
this is the control that you can compare the results of a tested fabric to. There is no product to adsorb any of the odors.

Polyester & Poly-Cotton:
these fabrics are used in non-scent-eliminating clothing and are represented here to show you how a standard fabric performs when subjected to scent. Only trace amounts of odor is adsorbed in these fabrics.

anti-microbial fabrics deter the growth of bacteria, which is one of the causes of human odor. However it does nothing for actual scent coming off the body. It’s results are comparable to the Polyester and Poly-cotton tests with only trace amounts being adsorbed.

a relative newcomer to the scent-eliminating market, this fabric works well for certain compounds, but lets other pass through uneffected leaving you exposed to a scent-sensitive game animal.

Activated Carbon:
Scent-Lok odor-eliminating technology is the only fabric that significantly adsorbs all major odors emitted from the human body. After being subjected to the various compounds, the activated carbon test reduced the present scent to virtually nothing. [align=right] [/align]
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:07 PM
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Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

Do Carbon Suits Really Work? ABSOLUTELY! By:

Sometimes an idea or an invention comes along and radically changes things that have always been considered unchangeable. Such was the case almost twelve years ago when a somewhat frustrated bowhunter had the vision to create a hunting suit using activated carbon to filter human odor. Since that time the idea has morphed into an entire multi-million dollar industry that is dedicated to products that big game hunters are successfully using around the world.

History also shows that these revolutionary ideas are often challenged by “nay-sayers” who claim that such radical change is just not possible. Fortunately due to the scent control products available to hunters today, most of the doubting Thomas’s from the past are now wearing their very own scent elimination suits, because yes, they certainly do work.

I was a “nay-sayer” myself years ago when I walked into a small local sporting goods store in early fall and saw a cluster of deer hunters talking to some guy about a “charcoal” suit that allowed you to get away with whitetails downwind. I looked at the stuff, grinned and walked on and thought to myself, “What a bunch of baloney.” I had been busted hundreds of times and knew as well as anybody that it was nearly impossible to have deer get downwind and not snort their way out of the county.

No, we all had this window of opportunity in front of our tree stand into the prevailing wind that was the only direction any deer was ever going to come. That area behind me, well, you might as well never look behind you, downwind because nothing and I mean nothing was ever going to approach my stand from downwind except another hunter.

Well, the guy with the carbon suit just happened to be Greg Sesselmann, inventor of the activated carbon technology. Greg was born and raised in Muskegon, Michigan which has a tremendous amount of whitetail deer and whitetail deer hunters. Greg was a five year graduate of Michigan Tech University where he earned a B.S. degree in metallurgy and material science. Greg was a good student with a degree in science and at the same time was a dreamer. The time that was spent in the tree stand like many of us, was the best time to let the mind wander, unwind and probe the creative sides of our brain. Who hasn’t solved the world’s problems, at least in our own minds while sitting in a tree stand or hunting blind.

Greg’s archery skills were limited at best; not knowing then how to tune a bow, didn’t use a trigger release and still shot right handed (he is left eye dominant) all stacked up to a 20-22 yard confidence range. It was and still is all about getting close. The closer you get, the better your chance of eliminating error potentials for a clean and successful kill.

Greg tried all of the powders, soaps, sprays, and cover scents. He would douse himself with baking soda and cover his head with a hood that was sprayed and powdered as well. He had a bit of success and occasionally had deer pass by without being spooked. But he was paying a high price and spent far too much time and money on preparation. That preparation time could mean more time in the stand and less time in the bathroom getting “de-scented”.

As fate would have it, Greg’s career in the automotive product research field had him studying the effects of activated carbon on various filter applications. He learned that activated carbon was being used in many, many industries to filter everything from airborne odors, chemical and environmental cleanup programs and even in the dry cleaning business to filter fluids. As a scientist, Greg dove deep into the molecular level of activated carbon. It was an amazing scientific process that he studied called adsorption. At the molecular level Greg saw that activated carbon was like a sponge that could perform miraculously, even to the point of being given orally to patients who had swallowed poison so that toxins were adsorbed into the carbon and pass safely through the body.

One night as hunting season was upon him, Greg was busy preparing his scent-free concoctions for the following days hunt. He thought if only I could cover my body in some sort of human odor filter……HOLY COW! Greg’s mind raced and his face lit up as he theorized that maybe, just maybe he could incorporate a carbon lining into his hunting suit. As an entrepreneur he envisioned every deer hunter in America as a potential customer for this idea.

At first he realized that as a scientist, he had to prove his theory in the lab before he went too far. A good scientist seeks data that can be challenged and tested. He needs to tests be able to be repeated time after time, correlating results and measuring and testing all aspects of the theory. Lab data of this nature is analytical data. It’s the black and white facts that are the result of repetitious testing and measuring of scientific results.

In addition, field data and personal observations are also necessary especially when developing a product targeted at the general consumer. This type of data is called empirical data. Then the analytical lab results needed to be correlated to copious amounts of field (empirical) results. Finally a minimum adsorption standard could be developed to ensure all products developed would meet or exceed the minimum throughout its life – guaranteeing happy customers.

Odor can be readily adsorbed within the microscopic pore structure of activated carbon. Greg studied human odor and found that the human body produces over 300 components that make up human odor. He consulted with the perfume industry to learn more about how human scent reacts and can be modified while creating fragrances. He studied test methods for as a good scientist; you must be able to measure results with the right kind of equipment. He learned about the use of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry which can be used to measure in parts per billion, the presence and type of molecular compounds in controlled situations and test methods.

He also learned that activated carbon has a capacity, like a sponge that when heated at various temperatures could dispel previously adsorbed molecules and open up capacity to adsorb again, and again.

Activated carbon is produced when various types of wood or shells are burned at high temperature. Greg’s theory that a household dryer could be used to take fabrics that were saturated with odors and open enough capacity for continuous adsorption. His testing data showed that carbon did not need to be heated at the extreme high temperature range for adsorbing more odors. The only need to reach the highest temperature ranges approaching 900 degrees was to desorb to 100%, meaning that every last molecule of anything was expelled from the carbon. However this is not necessary for desorbing human odor in hunting suits.

In lay terms, the process of desorbing activated carbon can be illustrated by a sponge. If a sponge is in a saturated state it drips out the bottom the same amount of water that is being dripped into it. The same amount coming in as the same amount going out.

Now take that sponge and squeeze it with your hand. All of a sudden, the capacity to absorb water is very high. You can easily use the wet sponge to pick up a puddle of water, until it can no longer hold more water saturating again. The sponge needs to be squeezed in order to open more capacity to soak up the spill again.

That’s the same type of action that occurs when the household dryer “squeezes” out a little more capacity for adsorbing odor. The household dryer temperature of 150 degrees is similar to the sponge example. After the carbon fabric has been squeezed to 150 degrees it can now adsorb more human odor.

Now, back to the sponge. Lets say that you now want to squeeze more water than before from the sponge. You could run it through a wringer and get even more water out of it. But even after a mechanical squeeze, the sponge would still be damp. But despite that, it still would do a fine job picking up more water on the floor. And the sponge would again be ready to soak up more spills. The wringer is an example of heating it to say 400 degrees, but if you tried that with activated carbon garments, the fabric, buttons and zippers would be destroyed.

And to truly totally 100% de-sorb activated carbon it would have to be heated to a temperature of nearly 900 degrees. But guess what? It’s not necessary to de-sorb scent-control fabrics to such high temperatures. Greg’s theory was that the household dryer temperature should have enough desorbing energy to allow human odor compounds to be adsorbed time after time.

Now was the time to collect field data. Greg at the time chose some of the more knowledgeable and experienced hunters he could find to find out how deer would react when downwind in the field. And how would deer react after the suits had become fully saturated with human odor. And finally, how would they react after test garments were sent through a home dryer process.

Well, needless to say, the test garments did work. As a matter of fact they worked so good that many times, deer were literally within arms reach downwind of the stealthiest hunters. But even with the breakthrough in technology the story was just beginning. It took Greg and his partner, George Schrink years of hard work and dedication to expose the scent elimination technology to the legions of hunters, one at a time, face to face, always with an assurance that their product would allow hunters to get closer than ever, undetected if they would carefully follow the basic steps.

And as they say, the rest is history. As for me, I ended up joining the company and ever since I started properly using Scent-Lok, I have never been busted by a whitetail or any other big game animals. It simply does what it says. It works.

Scent-Adsorption Background Data

This graph shows the general effect of both time and temperature on reactivation or de-sorption of activated carbon. The vertical axis measures the temperature of the activation process and the horizontal axis shows the amount of time that carbon is exposed to the corresponding temperature. As you can see for each temperature range, only so much reactivation occurs. The higher the temperature the greater the amount of contaminants desorbed. Likewise, the lower the temperature, the longer it takes to reach the level or percentage of desorption. You can speed desorption by increasing temperature. However, the percentage of desorption can only be increased by increasing temperature.

Our Claims

We have never claimed to totally desorb our products because we know that it cannot happen. What we do claim is that with the temperature range of a household dryer, enough desorption, or reactivation occurs to allow human odor to be attracted again into the porous molecular level of the carbon. Our products have been engineered to allow hunters to go undetected and that human odor capacity is available for approximately 40 hours of field use. We also know that the life expectancy of these products will give hunters excellent results for several years, depending on frequency of use and various other factors.

We have never claimed to adsorb 100% of human odor. (Even your eyeballs have some odor to them.) What we do know is that amount of odor that is not adsorbed is acceptable to a level of 3 to four times what a whitetail will tolerate before spooking. Our years of data collection and correlation on scent adsorption clearly shows the threshold necessary to overcome the smell receptors of whitetails and other big game animals and thus our products are engineered and tested in the lab to adsorb at this high level even after 20 wash and dry cycles and substantially more before the end of the life of the garment.

Field Results

Our products have enormous field experience. Our suits have been challenged by virtually every experience level of hunter from beginner to professional status career hunters. They have been tested on virtually every continent on every type of big game or scent-wary critter. We have such an enormous amount of empirical data that it simply cannot be denied.

We have been duly challenged by engineers, chemists and others similarly and see that once they first do some research and secondly analyze the data –both analytical and empirical and finally field test the products themselves, they become our best supporters and pro-ponents.

Marketing a Scientific Product

We make no apologies for aggressively marketing our products, our brand and our commitment to being the best hunting company in the world. We have a small number of writers and industry professionals that we compensate financially for being part of our product review and development team only. We receive requests and testimonies from hundreds of other dedicated hunters, writers, outfitters and industry leaders who support our products because they have experienced firsthand, the ability to avoid detection not because of any compensation. Many publishers prefer to tone down claims and product mentions to avoid commercializing featured articles, but most if not all have chosen to promote the scent-elimination industry because its has been tested, verified and continues to provide value to hunters who choose to wear and use it properly.

Our Dealers

We are proud of the growth and distribution that we have throughout the country with our dealer network. We are proud that organizations such as Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, Gander Mountain Stores, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Scheels and thousands of independent dealers and consumers across the continent. Virtually every TV crew in the business demands that their valuable camera time include scent-elimination garments for every member of their crew. We have even been challenged by dog owners and deer farm operators who have been skeptical and tested our technology themselves all to their satisfaction.

This technology would have been destroyed long ago by the people and organizations who keep our industry at the highest level of integrity. We estimate that hunter’s will purchase thousands and thousands of activated carbon products per year and expect more and more hunters to experience the wonderful results of big game hunting with scent-eliminating garments.
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:12 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: NY
Posts: 4,668
Default RE: Why do the two carbon clothing manufacturers...

ORIGINAL: aeroslinger

atlas, By far, the people who've posted on this site and others WHO'VE ACTUALLY WORN IT have had positive experiences with it.
41% in Buckeye's thread right now disagree with you.

And, yes, I find it humorouse that some of the posters claiming to own carbon clothing have never mentioned that previously.
So you think they are lying?

When most people ask for others opinions about gear, they generally want to hear from those who've actually used it.
That is fine for performance issues........that doesn't apply here because you can't prove it does anything.......anything you claim to accomplish wearing one of these suits is done 50 times a day by other members here without one. Remember all the posts about people killing deer and thanking their cardeer necklaces??..........same thing.

Why don't you call Chuck Adams and ask him about his testing? Or ask him why he would lie about that. Maybe you could show him all of your findings and get him reconsider if he really had positive experiences with the clothing or if he just didn't know what he was doing.
I find it hillarious how much you abhor anecdotal evidence..........unless it supports your "faith".
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