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Old 11-27-2006, 08:36 PM
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!

I will NOT apologize to anybody for shooting that 6 point.
AMEN! Horns dont' taste very good anyway!!

Little bucks grow up to be big bucks...Nobody is getting in that coffin with you...measure the experience andnot the whatever it takes to feed your family...we were not created equal...Get out and hunt-stop worrying about what others think.
AMEN to that too!! I've just this year started the "transition" from meat hunter to "trophy" hunter. I put quotations around trophy because each and every deer I shoot w/ archery tackle is a true trophy to me. Hunting big bucks isn't easy, believe me I KNOW!! It gets frustrating, aggravating, and just downright depressing at times.

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Old 11-27-2006, 09:12 PM
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!

I bet u even bottle that milk on there lips to feed your family.If we all shot every baby deer that comes by none of us would get to see a mature Deer.If your just geting started hunting takeing a few immature deer i have no problem with.If you guy's hold out for a mature deer i think you will get alot more out of Hunting i know i have.
ORIGINAL: iamyourhuckleberry

do whatever it takes to feed your family..

A few of my thoughts
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Old 11-27-2006, 10:26 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!


ORIGINAL: gzg38b

People who hunt prime areas like Iowa and Illinois have NO CLUE what it's like to hunt hard every day of the season and only have 2 or 3 DEER come into bow range for the season.
Are you kidding me, man?? Do you think that I hunted all 40 of my seasons in prime Ill. land? I hunted the first 22 years on public land. Then the more I learned the smarter I got. I did take 3 mature bucks there though. The first rule I learned was that if you want to take bigger bucks, you have to hunt where they live. Well, I worked my butt off and still do, to try and maintain and acquire permission to hunt land where they live. Do you really think that I have no clue?

The people that have no clue are the wannabes that don't make the effort to find ways to improve their hunting. The ones that want it to fall into their laps without working for it. The worst ones are the ones that don't even try, then bash the ones who made their own sucess. I get out of hunting what I put into it.

Dude, if you hunt every day of the whole season and only have 2-3 deer come into shooting range, who's fault is that?I think that I'd start looking someplace else or take up something a little more fun than that. But if you stay hunting there... wow! that's only seeing a deer every 30 days. If you think that it is easy to consistantly get big bucks anywhere you hunt, you're mistaken. Big bucks are tough to get reguardless of where you hunt. If it were easy, everybody would be doing it.
Greg, I never said that YOU have no clue. I made a generalization. You are obviouslyone of the best hunters on this forum. You work your butt off and it pays off for you. I have nothing but respect for that. But not everybody has the time, money, vacation days, energy, or access to great habitat that you do.

I hunted about 12 days this year in Michigan. I would hunt more but I work 60 hours a week, I'm getting my masters degree from Purdue, and I have kids ages 1,2, and 3. Of course I'd like to spend as much time as you do knocking on doors, doing work for landowners, scouting, and hunting but I'm a little busy with life right now.

When I'm done with school and the job slows down and the kids grow up a little, then I will probably have more time to knock on doors, do work for farmers, drive hours to hunt, scout, and dedicate myself to hunting big bucks the way you do. But in the meantime I have to hunt when I have time, and where I have permission. That means I'm simply not going to see alot of deer, I amgoing to see alot of hunters, and I'mprobably not going to kill big bucks. I'm not complaining about that - I've accepted it and I'm fine with it. I have managed to kill 4 deer in the last two years on this property so I'm not doing that bad. I just have to shoot every deer that offers a shot and make every opportunity count.

The reason for the post is to make people understand why I choose to shoot the deer that I shoot. It seems like alot of people are on rack kicks and think that's all that matters. They cannot possibly understand how Icould shoot that 1 1/2 year old six point or the yearling doe and be proud. They assume I'm just lazy or a slob hunter. I just wanted to shed some light on the fact that everybody's situation is different.

I understand it's never easy to consistently take big buck regardless of where you hunt - but I willstandby my statement that the deerI hunted in Illinois were much easier to hunt than the onesathome.They were much more relaxed, generally responded to calls, and didn'tlook up into the trees as they walked past.That's why I'm just as happy with my Michigan 6 point as I was with my mature Illinois buck.
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Old 11-28-2006, 12:31 AM
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!

[quote]ORIGINAL: SRBowman

Man it sure does seem like your trying to get an argument out somebody today with all the these statements. Why don't you relax and we all have shot little deer and the main goal here is to have fun and enjoy the sport of hunting, and to make great new friends. I hunt my butt off and haven't taken a giant yet But the bucks I have taken have all gotten a little bigger each time. So I guess what I'm saying is everyone has what they call a trophy and thats that!

Ok Man, you win. With statements like that, I'm gonna relax and that's that!

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Old 11-28-2006, 12:39 PM
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!

I'm pretty sure I've read where GregH has said "take whatever makes you happy" on a number of occasions, and I'm pretty sure he has continued with "just don't complain about not seeing big ones" (GregH feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). You guys seem to be taking offense to these comments, but I don't understand why. What is so hard about understanding that if you shoot little bucks, they don't grow up?

That said - we've all shot little bucks. We just don't need to continue to shoot them if we are looking to go after some big ones. Shoot the does and you have your meat. Either wait on the big antlers, or go find them. I enjoy watching a little buck walk away, and wonder if he'll make it. It is a pretty cool feeling you get from deciding to pass on an animal to better the herd. And yes, I realize that there are no guaranties, and that someone else may shoot him, butif we all felt that way, there would certainly not be any big ones, or small ones around for that matter.

If you don't agree, next time you rest you pin or sight on a small buck, ask yourself how many people have let this animal live to create a better future for the deer and the hunters and then decide whether to shoot it or not. It is your choice and the choices you make do make a difference. If you need it, take it. That is what it is there for. If you don't need it, but you want to shoot it, and don't care about big mature bucks - shot it. If you want to hunt challenging mature bucks, with big racks, why would you shoot this little guy anyway? He wasn't one of the menu selections for you, on that hunt, on that day, during that season.

I hear all the time, be proud of what you shoot, I say, be proud of what you don't shoot!
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Old 11-28-2006, 01:10 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!

It sounds like you need to sit down with the other guys that hunt that property and work out some kind of management for the land.5 years ago I was in the same postion with my property. We would see minimal bucks every year all small and maybe 1 good buck. After I started managing the property we started seeing more deer and the little ones that we would shoot we let walk by For the first 2 years all we took off of it was does. Now since we weren't shooting at the little ones they are grown up now and they aren't as spooky as they once were and we see a lot more deer. I was only skunked once this season for not seeing a deer. Most of the time I see between 3 to 10 deer a sit and most of the people that hunt with me see about the same.

If you really want to shoot bucks in MI like you did in IL you have to come up with some kind of plan and have a couple of buckless years. Or you are going to have pretty much the same kind of season every year.I'am sure there are bigger bucks than the one you shot on that property you just have to learn how to work it better.
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Old 11-28-2006, 01:32 PM
Fork Horn
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!

I don't get where you guys are coming from with the "I get out what I put in stuff".

This year it's still up in the air on if I'll get to go. This year I havn't had the time or money to go to the family place and scout or hang stands.
But if I can at all get the gas money to get out there, I will. I've hunted that property all my life, quite literally. I know the places that hold deer year after year.

Regardless, I can say this, I get infinitely more out of spending just 30 minutes out there than I could ever put in. I didn't have a bow or rifle to hunt with last year, but I still took my wife out there and sat on a stand. Just to go.

There is nothing wrong with putting forth tons of effort for your hunting. It's a self-respect, pride-in-your-work kinda thing. But don't lord over those of us who have not the finances nor the free time to drive 8+ hours to camp and days scouting and hanging stands.

Bottom line, we all have different priorities and reasons for hunting. I just wish people would stop belittleing those of us who do not ascribe to the "Trophy Hunter" creed.
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Old 11-28-2006, 02:17 PM
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!

Well I am in MI also, but I do not have the same issues as you. I think 5 guys on 80 acers is way to many, we all no there are 3 maybe 4 good areas to hunt. All 5 of you are jammed in there. It is tough I know I grew up hunting public land in Northen MI.

Now we have 285 Acres with 5 guys and 4 hunt the same area year after year. I just bowhunt, but the other 4 gun hunt with two of them bowhunt also. I used to b|tch about them hunting the same area every year and shooting same type bucks every year. I was pretty succesfull, but thought I could do better.

I met Joe Brooks about 5 years ago and we started talking, he introduce me to low profile hunting. Iput away calls and scents. Istarted hunting bedding areas during the rut, and staying out of deer's homearea until the rut. I stop hunting all my best spots until the rut. I place my other stands away from the other guys onhow I thought the deer would travel. I placed one called the cherry tree they laughedat when I first put it up 5 years ago. I have shot 10 deer out of that tree last 5 years, including the 16 I shot this year. I have shot 4 P & Y buckslast 4 years, I have never had a run like this. Onekey thing I do is take a boat to many of my stands. This allows me to leave 0 scentgoing to and from my stand, and I spook far less deer. I have spooked 2 deer in 5 years using this tatic.

Two great Books "Year around Whitetails" by Joe brooks, and "Bowhunting High Pressure Whitetails" by John Eberhart. Both guys hunt in MI, both are very good.

It can be done in high pressured states, but it take time and commintment. I know all of us do not have it, I am cool with that. Hunt what you want, but if you want to hunt mature bucks in MI it can be done.

Here are my key's to hunting MI for Mature deer

1. Have to get to and from your stand undetected(scent control)
2. No callling or scents
3. In Feb, March fo find a Primary Scrape area(Used by mature deer) then find a bedding area near there. This isa great Rut spot for hunting.
4. Hunt hard those last two weeks of Nov
5. During the Rut be in your stand 2 hrs before hunting time(I do this all year)
6. Hunt to atleast 11:00AM early season. I hunt until 1:00PM late season then move to late stand.

There are more, but I practice these 6 hard. If you do not want to do this then fine. I really do not care, shoot what you want. This is just what I do.

Please note the word Mature, I knowmature deer in Sothern MI is way Bigger then one in Northen MI. They both have mature deer
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Old 11-28-2006, 02:25 PM
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Default RE: It's ALL RELATIVE!


I don't get where you guys are coming from with the "I get out what I put in stuff".

This year it's still up in the air on if I'll get to go. This year I havn't had the time or money to go to the family place and scout or hang stands.
But if I can at all get the gas money to get out there, I will. I've hunted that property all my life, quite literally. I know the places that hold deer year after year.

Regardless, I can say this, I get infinitely more out of spending just 30 minutes out there than I could ever put in. I didn't have a bow or rifle to hunt with last year, but I still took my wife out there and sat on a stand. Just to go.

There is nothing wrong with putting forth tons of effort for your hunting. It's a self-respect, pride-in-your-work kinda thing. But don't lord over those of us who have not the finances nor the free time to drive 8+ hours to camp and days scouting and hanging stands.

Bottom line, we all have different priorities and reasons for hunting. I just wish people would stop belittleing those of us who do not ascribe to the "Trophy Hunter" creed.
Davoh, your a nice guy, but you're going to have to read the posts again. Nobody is lording over or belittleing anyone. Show me where. My bottom line is, and always has been this.


I also feel that in most cases, not all, where time, money,hunting spots or lack of thereof, is used as an excuse for hunting experiences which are less desirable than your expectations..... it is just that, an excuse. You have to be willing to do what it takes to satisfy yourself. If you want something bad enough, do something about it. Take a partime job, mow some lawns, plan ahead and save some money. If you are not willing to do this, then you must not complain and make excuses. Accept the fact that you have made the choice for your hunting experiences and don't begrudge the guy for getting his trophy.

Everybody should be congradulatory towards each others hunting experiences. There should be no ridicule or bashing.

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