Bittersweet Buck
Bittersweet Buck
I found a good funnel using two outside fence corners connecting two blocks of woods. Heavy buck sign through the funnel. I shot this deer Wednesday evening the first time in the stand. He came in just like I suspected. I ended up hitting a little low and forward but got 7" of arrow into the chest cavity. I left him lay for the night, but I felt confident. The deer bedded within 100 yards of my stand and survived the night due to a 1 lung hit. He was hurt bad but still alive. Amazing critters these whitetails. I ended up getting an unwanted assist from another hunter in the process as the gentleman ended up putting two arrows into the buck to finish him off. Anyhow, here he is. A buck this size, while not a monster is about the best I can expect for my area.
RE: Bittersweet Buck
I hope this works...
13 scoreable points. Field dressed at 155 pounds.
13 scoreable points. Field dressed at 155 pounds.