Whats the deal with Gold Tips?
Whats the deal with Gold Tips?
I thought I read on someone's post (Rick James perhaps?) that Gold Tip is a little short. Whats up with that? I've been trying to find some XT's. I want some now but don't want to switch arrows cause of the luck I've had with them.
RE: Whats the deal with Gold Tips?
Lancasters has 7595's and 3555's. Thats where I got mine from through the shop. I heard Mountain Archery Supply has them also and it appears they are selling them on ebay.
RE: Whats the deal with Gold Tips?
short on supply?? that kinddddddda makes sense....huntersfriend sells packages and the arrows that came with almost all of them were gold tips. the package i ordered originally came with gold tips, and they switched it to easton epics. there just may be a shortaged and thats why hunters friend had to switch