Shooting Through Ameristep Doghouse Mesh
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: des moines ia USA
Posts: 102
Shooting Through Ameristep Doghouse Mesh
I am sure this question has been brought up a million times but I was wondering if anyone owns this blind and whether or not they shot their broadheads through the camo mesh that velcros over the windows of the blind. I was told that it has little if any effect on your arrow flight when shooting through this see through mesh. Can anyone back up this claim or deny this claim?
RE: Shooting Through Ameristep Doghouse Mesh
I can tell you that it works and I have done it. I was field testing a double bull blind at the time. We set it up in the yard and tried it first and were very convinced that the arrows flew the same, so we took it to the field. It was amazing having turkies that close to you and them not knowing that you are there. When you set up try to close the windows behind you. If you dont the animals can still see the movement if you have too much light behind you. Good luck.
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Mid-Coast Maine
Posts: 61
RE: Shooting Through Ameristep Doghouse Mesh
I purchased a Brickhouse later in the season this year. Didn't get any opportunities with it, but wondered the same thing. Good to know you can shoot thru the mesh without problems. I can see some mechanicals having issures, but they say that in the directions.
RE: Shooting Through Ameristep Doghouse Mesh
I have shot 100 grain Muzzys through the shoot through netting on my Doghouse without any significant effects on accuracy out to the 20 to 25 yard range that we were shooting at. Beyond that I cannot comment.