Max draw weight for a beginner
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 202
Max draw weight for a beginner
As I'm trying out bows for the first time I realized I need to decide if I want something with a max draw weight of 60 or 70lbs. At the local Gander Mountain the choices in bows with a max of 60 were far greater than a max of 70, and cheaper too. Should I be worried about "limiting" myself with a max draw weight of 60lbs?
RE: Max draw weight for a beginner
I don't believe you're "limiting"yourself at 60#. In some states 35# is the minimum for a compound bow. IMHO, bowhuntingshould not be a macho thing to see whocandraw the most weight (I'm pulling about 58# last time I checked).It is about the ability to draw down on a deerfrom a stand 20' in the air, wearing as many clothes as you can because the temperature is 20° and getting a good, clean shot. Accuracy will give you better results than force ever did. Try out lots of bows with different draw weights and then decide, but keep in mind you want to be able to get a shot off in the worst possible conditions.