Magnus Stinger Buzzcuts
Magnus Stinger Buzzcuts
Wow... Check these things out!! I just got these in the mail today. I ordered some Magnus Stinger Buzzcut's in 100 grain.
These things are absolutely EVIL!!! [8D]
Dangerously sharp... I mean holy crap are they sharp!!!
I just tried one (middle one in photo) along with a field tipped arrow, and the Magnus Stinger Buzzcuts flew exact with the field tip at 20 yards. Side by side in the bullseye with a 3/4" group.
Man, I can't wait to try these out this coming season on huge buck!
These things are absolutely EVIL!!! [8D]
Dangerously sharp... I mean holy crap are they sharp!!!
I just tried one (middle one in photo) along with a field tipped arrow, and the Magnus Stinger Buzzcuts flew exact with the field tip at 20 yards. Side by side in the bullseye with a 3/4" group.
Man, I can't wait to try these out this coming season on huge buck!