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Another raise in ammo cost..

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Old 03-27-2008, 06:45 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

I think it's probably a little of both. I do agree 100% that we should be drilling in the huge reserves we have right now. With todays technology, we could very likely drill with very little environmental impact.
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Old 03-28-2008, 01:49 AM
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

Someday we will be swimming in oil and ammo will be cheap!!!!

Then happydays will be here again!!!!

Excerpts from an Advertisement for an Oil Shale Report


The U.S. Govt's
Secret Colorado
Oil Discovery

Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains
lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world — more than
2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush
mandated its extraction. Three companies have been chosen
to lead the way. Test drilling has already begun...

Northwestern Colorado. August 2005.

The U.S. Energy Department announces the results of a land survey...

It was conducted to determine the official amount of oil a thousand feet deep in the Rocky Mountains...

They reported this stunning news:

We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.

Here are the official estimates:

• 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
• 18-times as much oil as Iraq
• 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
• 22-times as much oil as Iran
• 500-times as much oil as Yemen

...And it's all right here in the Western United States.

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says, "We've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East."

More than 2 TRILLION barrels. Untapped.

"That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today," reports The Denver Post.

When asked about America's least-publicized oil supply, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch said:

"The amounts of oil are staggering. Who would have guessed that in just Colorado and Utah, there is more recoverable oil than in the Middle East?"

Here's the kicker...

The U.S. government already owns the land. It's been right there under our noses the whole time.

In fact, the government's appointed a small group of companies to lead the way to the oil.

Test drilling has already begun.

And the profit forecasts are ridiculous. According to the RAND Corporation (a public-policy think tank for the government), this small region could produce:

Three million barrels of oil per day... That translates into more than $20 BILLION a year.

These are the conservative estimates. The U.S. Energy Dept. estimates an eventual output of 10 million barrels of oil per day. At that rate, the money flow would be even greater.

I've written this letter to tell you everything I've learned about this rarely publicized oil reserve... who's drilling it... and how to get a piece of the world's biggest, untapped oil supply — before it's too late.

Here's the full story...

The Next American Oil Boom

While you almost never hear anything about it in the mainstream press, I've been researching the details of America's biggest oil deposit for the past 18 months, for my monthly investment research advisory, called The S&A Oil Report.

The facts I uncovered during my investigation are nothing short of amazing...

Today, this resource sits idle — untapped — inside more than 16,000 square miles of rock and sand.

Geologists call what lies in this region, oil shale.

What is oil shale?

At first glance, oil shale looks like an ordinary black rock.

It feels grainy to the touch and... greasy. You see, what's inside oil shale has huge governments, Big Oil, venture capitalists, and even everyday investors scrambling to stake a claim.

Oil shale — when heated — oozes bubbling crude.

This precious resource is rare — found only in a few select countries. Places like China, Brazil, Estonia, Morocco, and Australia.

But the real story is how much untapped oil shale lies beneath U.S. soil. As the chart to the right indicates, there's 4-times more oil shale in the U.S. than in all other countries combined.

Over the past 125 years, oil shale has been the secret oil source for a handful of nations. Specifically, those fortunate enough to have it...

• China's been using oil shale since 1929. Today, China is the largest producer of oil from oil shale. It plans to double the daily rate of production soon.
• Estonia is an oil shale dependent economy. Over 90% of the country's electricity is fueled by shale oil. In fact, electricity run on oil shale is a chief export.
• In 1991, Brazil built the world's largest oil shale facility. They've already produced more than 1.5 MILLION tons of oil to make high quality transportation fuels.
• Jordan, Morocco, and Australia have recently announced plans to utilize their oil shale resources. All 3 governments are currently working to build oil shale facilities.

But all these countries' oil shale resources pale in comparison to the U.S. supply. As you can see from the table to the right, the United States dominates the oil shale market — with over 72% of the world's oil shale resources.

Our gargantuan supply of oil lies beneath an area called the Green River Formation — a barren stretch of land covering portions of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

World-renowned geologist Walter Youngquist calls the oil beneath the Green River Formation, "a national treasure."

Congress calls this area simply, "the next Saudi Arabia."

It's easy to see why...

This region holds the largest known oil reserve on the planet...

Colorado's Oil Lands —
Restricted for 76 Years,
Now Open for Drilling

There are over 16,000 square miles of oil shale in the Green River formation...

The most abundant areas hold up to 2 million barrels of oil per acre — it's the most concentrated energy source on earth, according to the Energy Department.

The federal government owns 80% of this oil-rich land.

In fact, the government placed protective legislation on this land in 1930, forbidding anyone to touch it.

You see, the government always knew this land was saturated with oil — but getting it out has always been expensive.

Buying oil from foreign countries was always the cheaper bet. It has been for the past 80 years.

Wisely, the government kept the land around for a "rainy day," protecting it with 1930s legislation.

I'm sure you're aware of today's situation at the gas pump. Buying oil from foreign countries has gotten out of hand. The price of oil is sky-high. It's way too expensive to keep buying foreign oil.

In other words, the "rainy day" has finally arrived.

The timing couldn't be more perfect. Oil shale technologies have begun to advance – drastically.

Companies are coming up with ways to extract oil from the Green River Formation very cheaply.

For example, one Utah-based company says it can extract the oil for as little as $10 a barrel. In fact, dozens of companies have stepped forward with similar claims. With oil prices starting to skyrocket again – these are pretty significant breakthroughs.

That's all the government needed to hear. On August 8, 2005, President Bush signed into law a new energy mandate.

This mandate is called The Energy Policy Act of 2005. It calls for the opening phases of oil extraction in the Green River Formation – the world's most concentrated energy source.

We're finally ready to tap the largest oil reserve on the planet...

"The United States Could become ‘The New Middle East'"

~ U.S. Energy Department Survey

If you want to get in on the American oil shale boom, here's what you need to know...

The New Middle East

It can be difficult to imagine such massive amounts of oil. Below, I've included a page of the Energy Department's classified report. It puts into perspective how much recoverable oil we have — and the kind of money that will be made...

There's so much oil in this region the Energy Dept. thinks we could become the world's leading oil producer.

This reserve is so big it's projected to last for 500 years, according to some estimates.

You could even add together all the oil in the Middle East—and our reserves would still come out on top — 3-TIMES LARGER.

That's a lot of oil.

Of the 2 trillion barrels of proven oil in the Green River Formation — between 800 billion and 1.2 trillion barrels are recoverable.

That's the amount of oil we can actually get out and use.

Extracting this much domestic oil is very attractive to the government, especially in today's politically unstable global environment.

It's estimated that tapping U.S. oil shale would decrease domestic oil prices by as much as five percent a year.

That may not sound like much, but consider that a 5% drop in oil prices would save Americans $15 - $20 BILLION a year at the gas pumps.

That's why on August 8, 2005, President Bush signed into law The Energy Policy Act of 2005.

This historic legislation officially opens up the Green River Formation to a handful of drilling companies.

Already, the government has awarded three companies 160 acres of land apiece, to test their oil shale drilling methods for commercial production.

According to the Bureau of Land Management (the department responsible for allocating the land):

"The initial term of the leases is 10 years with the option of extending the leases up to five
years with proof of diligent pursuit of commercial production levels. The leases also contain a preferential right to convert the acreage plus adjacent acreage up to 4,960 acres to a 20-year commercial lease once commercial production
levels have been achieved and all requirements
have been met."

In other words, any company showing they can get the oil out cheaply and safely, could get a 20-year commercial lease on the 2 trillion barrel oil field.

From the three companies chosen, I think only one company's drilling technology will meet the government's strict shale development standards – and go on to develop oil shale on a commercial level.

This company would be responsible for launching America's first commercial oil shale operation and production "...Leading the way to more than two trillion barrels of oil shale deposits in the Green River Formation," writes the U.S. Federal News Service.

I'll not only tell you who I think this company will be... I've found several more ways you can make money from this situation.

How much can you expect to make?

You might be stunned when you see the numbers...

U.S. Oil Shale Could
Make You $551,900 in
the Next Few Years

You may be aware of a similar situation going on, right now in the oil business, in an area called the Alberta Oil Sands.

This region in Northern Canada holds billions of barrels of oil – which also happen to be locked inside large amounts of sand and rock.

Why am I telling you this?

Because in their recent analysis of the Green River Formation, the Energy Department wrote that the opportunity to make money in U.S. oil shale is "Comparable to Alberta, Canada Oil Sands."

If you know anything about Canadian oil sands, you know for the past 5 years they've been moneymaking machines.

Here are a few examples:

• A Canadian oil sands company called Western Oil Sands has gone up as high as 1,564% in the last 5 years.
• Another Canadian oil sands company called Suncor Energy has taken off 2,390% since the late 1990s.
• Canadian Oil Sands Trust has returned a solid 1,605% since 1998.

A $10,000 investment in each of these leading oil sands companies in the late 1990s would now be worth more than $551,900.

Incredibly, even more money stands to be made with U.S. oil shale — at least 3-times more, by my calculations.

How do I know?

Just look at the numbers:

Fact #1 – U.S. oil shale is 2-times as dense as Canadian oil sands: It takes 2 tons of Canadian oil sand to produce one barrel of oil. It takes only half as much oil shale to generate a barrel of oil. There's simply more oil in oil shale.

Fact #2 – The U.S. has larger oil resources: There's 11-times more oil in the U.S. than there is in Alberta, Canada. See for yourself in the chart below.

Remember, U.S. oil shale is still untapped. A bigger supply of oil means longer lasting resources – and potentially, longer lasting opportunities to make money.

It's important to know that the easy money has already been made in Canadian oil sands.

Oil shale is still a ground floor opportunity.

The RAND corporation (a government research think tank) says the oil shale industry could be a $20 billion a year industry in the U.S.............

The Arctic Oil Secret

As you now know, big oil has pulled out of the Rocky Mountain region and is exploring thousands of feet deep into the waters of places like Angola... the Caspian Sea... and off the coast of Brazil... where there's an abundance of massive oil fields.

Just in the past decade, explorers have discovered close to 100 deep-water oil fields.

But what most people don't know, however... is there's a deep-water hotspot that holds roughly one-quarter of the oil remaining in the world - according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

I'm talking about the Arctic Circle - a region of the world unclaimed by most countries.

Until recently, thick ice covered this region, making drilling impossible. But with advancements in drilling technology, oil companies can now unlock its riches.

One Arctic country in particular has rights to a province that could hold as much as 109 billion barrels, according to the USGS.

That's about 50% more oil than is thought to lie in the Gulf of Mexico!.....
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Old 03-28-2008, 02:15 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

I spent some time at the reloading shop on Thursday. The owner told me that Alliant Powder had a hefty price increase. He told me primer's are very difficult to get, and have increased. He also told me his supplier said ammo is going to go up an additional 17% in about 6 weeks. Doom and Gloom?? Tom.
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Old 03-28-2008, 05:38 AM
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

a couple years back there was a show on the discovery channel talking about all the oil shale the u.s. has. the show said something about until the cost of a barrel hits 60$ it wasnt economic. well isint it time?
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:56 AM
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

"i think it has more to do with the demand of china and other third world countriesfor metals b/c they are growing at such a rate the demand for the metals, grains, fuels, fertilizers, all commodities is huge, thus driving up the price. The weak dollar has a part. Fuel price going up has some but not all of the increase explained "

Ditto, I've read the same. USNews or something, maybe National Review.
China is buying alot of the worlds surplus steel, copper, etc. And requesting more.
Supply and demand economics.
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:16 AM
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

I just got some 9mm ammo today at walmart win. 115gr fmj, $10. I use to buy better stuff from the a few years ago. paid $13 for pmc bronze at a gun shop

going to start reloading that soon.
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Old 04-01-2008, 01:03 PM
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

One more thread that went political in a hurry. I'll keep my opinion to myself this time as not to ruffle any feathers.
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Old 04-01-2008, 01:29 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Another raise in ammo cost..

Hell... as much lead as China sends ove rhere in their products you think it would be cheap!!

I been stocking up like a packrat for a couple of years on this stuff myself. I should be alright for many years if I didnt buy anything else...but I have been ransacking a sporting goods place that closed the doors a little at a I think I have enough 270 ammo to equip a full frontal assault at battallion level..lmao.
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