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Old 05-24-2006, 12:49 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

Sorry, but your wrong about Roger Patterson. He was a washed up rodeo cowboy. Never worked on the planet of the apes movies.

You crack me up with your so called facts about RP.

Did you know, that so far, three people came foward claiming they were the one wearing the gorilla suit in Patterson's movie.

Read a little about it. You might find it interesting.

Try this site.

There is also some information about John Chambers, he's the guy that made the Planet of the Apes. He says he had nothing to do with the Patterson footage, But if he did, he'd certainly take credit for it.

And you come on here claiming Patterson worked in Hollywod and made the Planet of the Apes movies.

Read all about it here.
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Old 05-26-2006, 01:12 PM
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

Sorry, but you didn't read my post carefully.

My post says that Patterson worked "on a Planet of the Apes-type project". That comes from a Discover TV program I watched about Patterson and his famous film. I'm passing on what they said, which was that a number of apeman film projects were in the works in those days. Patterson was a cameraman on one of these little projects. Apparently, the movie rose out of these projects.
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Old 05-28-2006, 03:42 PM
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

If you see those large hairy creatures walking around within gun range, wack one in the head and go ground check it. If it's a Bigfoot, your famous, if it's a guy walking around in a Bigfoot costume, he deserves it!
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Old 05-28-2006, 10:39 PM
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

Exactly....why hasn't a hunter wacked one, they are in the woods more than anyone else....thousands of hunters in good 'foot (feet?, foots? any suggestions?) ground every year for years and years any no one has plugged one? Its not illegal, its your key to the mint or maybe they would just give it a latin name after you. Nobody has shot one, the footage and stories rairly come from hunters (who know what they are talking about more tham any other group) so there are none. Simple as that.
You would make a cool mount in my living room...might have to raise the roof a couple of feet though to make room for my 'foot.

sorry that was a bad pun.[&:]
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Old 05-29-2006, 02:54 AM
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

I know if I would happen to see such a creature, although I do not believe they exist, I wouldn't hessitate to shoot it with whatever weapon I may be hunting with at the time. I wonder why these people who hunt for this creature haven't tried using trained Bloodhounds, especially since Bigfoot is supposed to smell so bad? I don't think he could get away from a good trailing dog's nose!
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Old 05-30-2006, 12:22 PM
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

Before I shot one, I'd call out to it something like, "OK dude, I'm about to be famous and you're about to be dead. You better start peeling off the monkey suit or else!" If it just stares at you blankly that's when you really start shaking.

I was wondering if an expert on hunting them like Mr. 121553 (as if that's your real name) could help me out with some hunting techniques for Bigfoot. For stand hunting, what types of food sources does it prefer? How is its sense of smell? Would scent stations, baited with used tampons, really draw them in?If it stinks so bad wouldn't it find its own smell offensive? Finally, and I really think I'm on to something here, I've got a tactic that I wonder if anyone else has ever tried. You all know about spot and stalk hunting, but Bigfoot lives in some pretty thick stuff, so that might not work. But, how about SNIFF and stalk? Would that work?
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Old 05-30-2006, 02:15 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

I know you guys don't take this as serious as I do, but I'll pass on some things I've learned over the years.

I have a big interest in this Sasquatch stuff and I like to read as much as I can.

Bigfoot sightings have been reported for hundreds of years. Almost every Native American Indian Tribe has stories, names, or legends of the big hairy man of the forest.

Sightings are reported from all over the world, of large hairy man like creatures.

Here in America, sightings are reported from every state, except Hawai.

Most sightings go unreported, since people don't want to be branded and a Looney. Yes, there are alot of nuts out there that make up or hoax things just for the hell of it. Its funny, because of a few sightings that are hoaxed, most people believe they all are.

Where are the dead bodies? Who knows? I've never found a dead bear or bobcat in the woods, but I know they exist. Cryptozoologists are baffled by this also. Some believe they bury their dead. Who knows?

What do they eat? Many reports say they eat a variety of things. Leaves, plants, fish and deer liver.

There have been many reports of them chasing deer, carring dead deer on there backs. There are also many, many reports of people finding dead deer stacked in piles in the woods. These piles of deer all have one thing in common. they all have one leg twisted and twisted with bones out of socket and broken. They other thing is, they are partially gutted with guts hanging out and liver missing.

Despite what a few have said on here, lots of reports are from hunters like you and I. Most were skeptics until their own sighting.

There are lots of sightings from upstanding people, including sherrif's deputies, park rangers, police officers, church pastors, sunday school teachers, Army and Marine personel (while on manuevers).

There are many signs that Big Foot hunters look for while in search of the creature.

Limb Twists; Limbs 3 to 5 inches in diameter, twisted around and around about 8 to 10 feet off of the ground. These are found way back in the woods. They are found all over the US near areas of Big Foot activity. Why would a person do that?

Arches; Tall slender saplings around 20ft tall, that are arched over and weaved together and left like that. Same as before, they are found in areas of Big Foot activity all over the United States.

X's; Piles of sticks criss crossed on the ground or propped against trees.

Teepee formations; sticks left in teepee formations left out in the woods then taken down a few days later.

Wood Knocking; The sounds of a large stick smacked against a tree in a rythmic set of knocks. Usually heard and taken as some kind of warning.

Foot stomps; A loud thud heard. People say it sounds like a large rock being thrown hard to the ground. Taken as a sort of warning also.

Big Foot Buffs aren't sure what all these mean but they find these signs along with tracks.

I know all this sounds far fetched to most people , but what can I say? I'm sure you guys are thinking of how to use all of thisto get a good laugh. Something like the arches being a Big Foot McDonalds or something.

Seriously though,there's alot of interesting things that go on in thisthat most people don't even know about.

It is interesting. Even if you think it is all a hoax, it makes some interesting reading. Read a few stories. If anything, you can see just how looney some people are to report such things.

By the way, this site tries to insure that these sightings are legit. If they feel it is not legit, they won't put it on their site.

Check a few out
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Old 05-31-2006, 02:32 PM
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

I'm going to come off like a wet blanket, probably already have. But I do take this seriously. I've read probably every book written on Sasquatch, at least pre-1990. I am truly fascinated by the myth, and one of the fascinations is with how apparently rational people believe in this stuff.

You're a hunter, posing with a heck of a bull moose in your picture there. This implies you're at least some kind of an outdoorsman. So, how can you take "foot stomps" as a serious sign of Sasquatch? How many critters stamp on the ground in alarm? How much stuff falls out of trees in the woods?

I have heard the tree knocking many times. It has even spooked me a time or two. Then it occurred to me to track one down just to be sure, and yup, it was the breeze knocking two widowmakers together.

It doesn't matter whether you or I have found a dead bear, they shoot hundreds each year and we have skulls, complete skeletons, hides, etc. from bears. We know they exist.

I don't buy the Oh don't say anything you'll sound like a looney. Any one paying even a modicum of attention knows that in this media age, people will do about anything for their fifteen minutes of fame.

The interpretation that "most Indian tribes have legends of big hairy men" is a little doubtful on further examination. Some of the legends speak of something swimming in Puget Sound, yet bigfoot people want us to think that's Bigfoot. (Why not the Loch Ness Monster if its swimming.) Another legend gives him these 3-foot long spurs to poke people with.

ALLOW ME TO RECOMMEND A BOOK. It's written by Kenneth Byrne, an anthropologist (I believe) who took an interest in the bigfoot thing. I can never get the title straight, it's out of print now I imagine, but you could find it through interlibrary loan. I'll find the title, I know some one who has the book. I think it's Bigfoot: Myth or Reality. It's a truly even-handed look at bigfoot, addresses all the issues on Windwalker's post and more. It's probably one of my top-20 books of all-time on any topic.

Again, to Windwalker, I know I'm yanking your chain. Please don't hurt me. I really dig this myth too. Sometimes I lay in my tent out there in the woods and imagine, what if ...
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Old 06-01-2006, 07:01 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

I guess we'll just have to disagree. Maybe one day, one of us will be proven right.

I remember whenI was young, My grandmother had a neighbor that saw a Big Foot. The kid was my age or a year or two older. He really got made fun of, but never waivered from his story. He saw it while fishing. He loved to fish that river. After he saw it he quit fishing all together.

I also had an unexplained incident, while hunting, that I can't figure out. And like most people, I'd rather keep it to myself.

The wood knocking in your case was two dead trees. But that doesn't account for all wood knockings.

At least you have an interest and we can agree it is an interesting subject.
By the way, I did find one dead bear in the woods. It was the one I got in Pennsylvania a few years ago.

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Old 06-03-2006, 10:03 PM
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Default RE: Bigfoot???

Really don't know what to make of the stories and would think that if it was true someone would've found one either dead or alive. I was hunting deer in Northeast Minnesota about 8 years ago and heard something while on stand that scared the living cr@p out of me. I've heard plenty of moose as I grew up in the area and have hunted/harvested a bull in MN but have never heard anything like this. It sounded like a cross between a schreek and a moan and it was sharp and really loud. I swear it almost sounded like an ape that you'd hear in a zoo but much deeper. It sounded off twice and that was it. Sounded like it was about 100 yards away but the woods was thick. I was scanning the woods but saw nothing. I don't know what the heck it could've been but the hair was standing up on the back of my neck. I mentioned it to my brother and never said another word about it. I consider myself a sensible person but still wonder what it was.
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